658 research outputs found

    Some Observations about the Suicide of the Adulteress in the Modern Novel

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    Babis Dermitzakis posits in his article Some Observations about the Suicide of the Adulteress in the Modern Novel that in three major male-authored European novels -- Madame Bovary, Anna Karenina, and Thérèse Raquin -- the protagonists are wives who commit adultery ending in suicide. In contrast, texts by women authors of the period show no similar description and perception of adultery by women. Dermitzakis suspects that the male writers did not simply fictionalize a specific social behavior or condition; rather, they likely imported their own prejudices about women\u27s adultery -- and more generally about women\u27s sexuality -- into their writing. Biographical evidence of the three authors appears to support such a hypothesis


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    Latar Belakang : Sectio caesarea adalah suatu tindakan pembedahan yang dilakukan untuk mengeluarkan janin tanpa melalui vagina melainkan melalui insisi pada dinding abdomen dan uterus (Mochtar,1998).Berdasarkan data rekam medik RSUD Prof.Dr.W.ZJohanes Kupang, jumlah persalinan tahun 2015 ialah 2048 orang. Jumlah ibu bersalin dengan perpanjangan fase laten adalah 344 orang, jumlah ibu bersalin dengan bekas sc adalah 414 orang, jumlah persalinan perpanjangan fase laten yang di akhiri dengan sc adalah 11 orang. Yang diakhiri dengan induksi adalah 111 orang. Tujuan: Mahasiswa mampu melaksanakan asuhan kebidanan pada ibu nifas post sc atas indikasi perperpanjangan fase laten dengan menggunakan pendekatan manajemen 7 langkah Varney. Metode Penelitian : Metode penelitian deskriptif. Populasi : Populasi pada studi kasus ini semua ibu nifas yang dirawat di ruang Flamboyan RSUD Prof. Dr. W.Z. Johannes Kupang. Sampel : Sampel pada studi kasus ini adalah sampelt unggal yaitu Ny.F.H. P2A0AH2, Post Sc atas Indikasi Perpanjangan Fase Laten. Pembahasan :asuhan yang diberikan yang dimulai dengan pengumpulan data yaitu data subjektif dan objektif, menginterprestasikan data, menentukan masalah potensial yang terjadi, menentukan tindakan segera yang dilakukan untuk mencegah terjadinya masalah potensial, membuat perencanaan berdasarkan kebutuhan yaitu Ny. F.H masuk ruang Flamboyan dengan diagnose post sc atas indikasi perpanjangan fase laten. Simpulan : Asuhan kebidanan yang diberikan pada Ny. F.H mulai dari hari pertama sampai hari terakhir tidak ditemukan masalah potensial yang membutuhkan tindakan segera, hal ini karena tidak ada tanda-tanda infeksi pada luka bekas operasi

    Sensitivity of one-dimensional hydrologic model simulations: A model study of Lemes Canyon, New Mexico

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    Stream channel restoration can increase flow storage and energy dissipation of passing flood waves (Sholtes and Doyle, 2011). Reestablishment of floodplain hydraulic function and increasing floodplain connectivity are increasingly goals of restoration programs, yet the magnitude of possible change to a range of variables remains poorly quantified Bernhardt and Palmer, 2011; Sholtes and Doyle, 2011). This study utilizes HEC-RAS to route floods under steady state, subcritical conditions in field-based impaired reach scale models. The study integrates collected channel data from Lemes Canyon, an ungaged ephemeral channel located near Monticello, NM as well as USGS topographic data (7.5 minute; 1:24,000) to construct a model at the reach scale. Peak discharge values were estimated using the USGS Generalized Least Squares Regression for Ungaged Streams. This study performed sensitivity analyses of one-dimensional hydrologic model simulations to quantify the magnitude of change with respect to two response variables, average total velocity and hydraulic depth, respectively. In this study synthetic ineffective flow areas were used as a proxy for engineered log jams to test the hypothesis of equal population means against the alternative that not all population means are equal for the two response variables among ten geometric plans. A One Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) of means among populations was performed to test the hypothesis for both response variables. At the .05 level, no statistically significant results were found. The results SENSITIVITY OF ONE-DIMENSIONAL HYDROLOGIC MODEL SIMULATIONS 6 from this study indicate there are no statistically significant differences in mean values with respect to the two response variables among all ten populations considered. These results suggest there is no statistical evidence that ineffective flow areas as a proxy for log jams are effective at decreasing the average velocity or increasing the hydraulic depth at the reach scale. The statistical results identify the relative importance of hydrologic design elements used in channel reconfiguration projects among ephemeral and intermittent channels in arid and semi-arid climates

    Social Media in Greek K-12 education: A research model that explores teachers’ behavioral intention

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    During the last decade we have witnessed a rapid growth of Web 2.0 technologies and especially the so-called online social media. Many people, from every age group but especially teenagers, participate in online communities, making new friends and exhibiting themselves and their interests in a huge international audience. It is extremely important for educational practitioners and researchers to successfully incorporate the dynamics of web 2.0 and social media in their practices. This is especially true for the teachers of K-12 education. The main aim of this study is to examine the factors that may affect teachers’ behavioral intention to use social media in their classes. Very little is known from teachers’ perspective and empirical work isvery limited, especially from Southern European countries. This research was setup inorder to develop and test a seven-factor model to explain the Greek teachers’behavioral intention to use social media in their classes. Findings reveal thatExperience, Perceived Usefulness and Trialability have a significant impact whileSubjective Norms and Perceived Ease of Use have a more weak impact on teacher’s behavioral intention.During the last decade we have witnessed a rapid growth of Web 2.0 technologies and especially the so-called online social media. Many people, from every age group but especially teenagers, participate in online communities, making new friends and exhibiting themselves and their interests in a huge international audience. It is extremely important for educational practitioners and researchers to successfully incorporate the dynamics of web 2.0 and social media in their practices. This is especially true for the teachers of K-12 education. The main aim of this study is to examine the factors that may affect teachers’ behavioral intention to use social media in their classes. Very little is known from teachers’ perspective and empirical work is very limited, especially from Southern European countries. This research was setup in order to develop and test a seven-factor model to explain the Greek teachers’ behavioral intention to use social media in their classes. Findings reveal that Experience, Perceived Usefulness and Trialability have a significant impact while Subjective Norms and Perceived Ease of Use have a more weak impact on teacher’s behavioral intention

    Who owns the knowledge that I share?

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    A significant proportion of the collective wisdom of any organisation comes from its employees. However, organisations are still struggling with ways to compel their employees to share their best knowledge. The paper introduces the concept of knowledge ownership as a major building block in theorising knowledge sharing in the firm. A distinction is made between organisational ownership which refers to the organisation’s rights to knowledge and individual ownership which refers to the individual’s rights to knowledge. On the basis of this, the paper examines the relationship between employee ownership perceptions and their willingness to share their knowledge assets, both tangible and intangible. In conjunction, the paper also examines the influence of the work environment on fostering employee ownership beliefs. The paper proposes a model to examine the relationship between knowledge sharing and the perceptions of knowledge ownership in the context of codified and tacit knowledge assets

    Using Text Mining to Analyze Quality Aspects of Unstructured Data: A Case Study for “stock-touting” Spam Emails

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    The growth in the utilization of text mining tools and techniques in the last decade has been primarily driven by the increase in the sheer volume of unstructured texts and the need to extract useful and more importantly, quality information from them. The impetus to analyse unstructured data efficiently and effectively as part of the decision making processes within an organization has further motivated the need to better understand how to use text mining tools and techniques. This paper describes a case study of a stock spam e-mail architecture that demonstrates the process of refining linguistic resources to extract relevant, high quality information including stock profile, financial key words, stock and company news (positive/negative), and compound phrases from stock spam e-mails. The context of such a study is to identify high quality information patterns that can be used to support relevant authorities in detecting and analyzing fraudulent activities
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