733 research outputs found

    Global topological k-defects

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    We consider global topological defects in symmetry breaking models with a non-canonical kinetic term. Apart from a mass parameter entering the potential, one additional dimensional parameter arises in such models -- a ``kinetic'' mass. The properties of defects in these models are quite different from ``standard'' global domain walls, vortices and monopoles, if their kinetic mass scale is smaller than their symmetry breaking scale. In particular, depending on the concrete form of the kinetic term, the typical size of such a defect can be either much larger or much smaller than the size of a standard defect with the same potential term. The characteristic mass of a non-standard defect, which might have been formed during a phase transition in the early universe, depends on both the temperature of a phase transition and the kinetic mass.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures; v2: references added, matches the published versio

    Remote preparation of a single-mode photonic qubit by measuring field quadrature noise

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    An electromagnetic field quadrature measurement, performed on one of the modes of the nonlocal single-photon state a∣1,0>−b∣0,1>a|1,0>-b|0,1>, collapses it into a superposition of the single-photon and vacuum states in the other mode. We use this effect to implement remote preparation of arbitrary single-mode photonic qubits conditioned on observation of a preselected quadrature value. The quantum efficiency of the prepared qubit can be higher than that of the initial single photon

    Interconvertibility of single-rail optical qubits

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    We show how to convert between partially coherent superpositions of a single photon with the vacuum using linear optics and postselection based on homodyne measurements. We introduce a generalized quantum efficiency for such states and show that any conversion that decreases this quantity is possible. We also prove that our scheme is optimal by showing that no linear optical scheme with generalized conditional measurements, and with one single-rail qubit input can improve the generalized efficiency.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure

    Efficiency limits for linear optical processing of single photons and single-rail qubits

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    We analyze the problem of increasing the efficiency of single-photon sources or single-rail photonic qubits via linear optical processing and destructive conditional measurements. In contrast to previous work we allow for the use of coherent states and do not limit to photon-counting measurements. We conjecture that it is not possible to increase the efficiency, prove this conjecture for several important special cases, and provide extensive numerical results for the general case.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum scissors: teleportation of single-mode optical states by means of a nonlocal single photon

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    We employ the quantum state of a single photon entangled with the vacuum (|1,0>-|0,1>), generated by a photon incident upon a symmetric beam splitter, to teleport single-mode quantum states of light by means of the Bennett protocol. Teleportation of coherent states results in truncation of their Fock expansion to the first two terms. We analyze the teleported ensembles by means of homodyne tomography and obtain fidelities of up to 99 per cent for low source state amplitudes. This work is an experimental realization of the quantum scissors device proposed by Pegg, Phillips and Barnett (Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 1604 (1998)

    Suppressing Quantum Fluctuations in Classicalization

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    We study vacuum quantum fluctuations of simple Nambu-Goldstone bosons - derivatively coupled single scalar-field theories possessing shift-symmetry in field space. We argue that quantum fluctuations of the interacting field can be drastically suppressed with respect to the free-field case. Moreover, the power-spectrum of these fluctuations can soften to become red for sufficiently small scales. In quasiclassical approximation, we demonstrate that this suppression can only occur for those theories that admit such classical static backgrounds around which small perturbations propagate faster than light. Thus, a quasiclassical softening of quantum fluctuations is only possible for theories which classicalize instead of having a usual Lorentz invariant and local Wilsonian UV- completion. We illustrate our analysis by estimating the quantum fluctuations for the DBI-like theories.Comment: 6 pages, no figures, published version, more general discussion of uncertainty relation in QFT, improved and more general derivation of the main resul

    Imperfect Dark Energy from Kinetic Gravity Braiding

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    We introduce a large class of scalar-tensor models with interactions containing the second derivatives of the scalar field but not leading to additional degrees of freedom. These models exhibit peculiar features, such as an essential mixing of scalar and tensor kinetic terms, which we have named kinetic braiding. This braiding causes the scalar stress tensor to deviate from the perfect-fluid form. Cosmology in these models possesses a rich phenomenology, even in the limit where the scalar is an exact Goldstone boson. Generically, there are attractor solutions where the scalar monitors the behaviour of external matter. Because of the kinetic braiding, the position of the attractor depends both on the form of the Lagrangian and on the external energy density. The late-time asymptotic of these cosmologies is a de Sitter state. The scalar can exhibit phantom behaviour and is able to cross the phantom divide with neither ghosts nor gradient instabilities. These features provide a new class of models for Dark Energy. As an example, we study in detail a simple one-parameter model. The possible observational signatures of this model include a sizeable Early Dark Energy and a specific equation of state evolving into the final de-Sitter state from a healthy phantom regime.Comment: 41 pages, 7 figures. References and some clarifying language added. This version was accepted for publication in JCA
