25 research outputs found

    Colletotrichum Linicola - Osetljivost različitih genotipova lucerke

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    Southern anthracnose or crown rot, caused by Colletotrichum linicola, is a disease that has been detected on alfalfa in Serbia. During longer period, especially in summer and autumn, alfalfa plants with anthracnose symptoms were studied in the field. Stem infection resulted in wilting and death of the upper portion of the steam, giving rise to the characteristic ā€œshepherd`s crookā€ symptom.To examine the level of sensitivity of different alfalfa genotypes in experimental conditions, one isolate: Coll-44 (C. linicola originating from Serbia). Ten commercial alfalfa genotypes of different origin (K-1, K-28, Zajecarska 83, Osjecka 12, NS Slavija, Banja Luka, Affinity 401 + Z, Florida 77, Vernal S and Perry) were examined in this study. Infected plants showed typical symptoms of anthracnose. Necrotic lesions appeared on the plant stems and gentle bending of the top of the upper third of stems occurred on tested plants. Necrotic lesions further spread onto the whole plant and in some plants led to withering. Assessment of damage by pathogen inoculation was based on the scale of 0-5. Investigated genotypes showed contrasting resistances to C. linicola isolates.Anthraknoza ili trulež krune lucerke, izazvana gljivoma it roda Colletotrichum, je bolest koja nanosi značajne Å”tete na lucerki u Srbiji. U toku viÅ”egodiÅ”njeg perioda, u toku leta i rane jeseni, sakupljane su biljke lucerke sa simptomima antraknoze. Stabljične infekcije izazivaju suÅ”enje i povijanje gornjeg dela biljke, Å”to dovodi do karakterističnog simptoma tzv. "pastirska kuka". Ispitivanje stepena osetljivosti različitih genotipova lucerke u eksperimentalnim uslovima obavljeno je sa jednim izolatom Coll-44 (C. linicola poreklom iz Srbije). Deset komercijalnih genotipova lucerke različitog geografskog porekla (K-1, K-28, Zaječarska 83, Osječka 12, NS Slavija, Banja Luka, Affinity 401 + Z, Florida 77, Vernal S i Pery) ispitivano je u ovom radu. Inokulisane biljake lucerke pokazale su tipične simptome antraknoze. Nekrotične lezije pojavile su sa na stabljikama zaraženih biljaka i doÅ”lo je do povijanja u gornjoj trećini stabala. Micelija parazita prorasta niz stablo i kada se stabljike osuÅ”e, nastupa antraknoza krune i korena. Osetljivost različitih genotipova lucerke prema ispitivanim izolatima C.linicola određena je prema skali od 0-5. Ispitivani genotipovi lucerke su ispoljili različitu osetljivost prema testiranom izolatu vrste C. linicola

    Prinos suve mase lucerke u zavisnosti od sorte, faze razvića i otkosa

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    The main objective of this study was to assess dry matter productivity of different alfalfa cultivars depending on stage of maturity and cut, as well as the optimal time of harvest to achieve the maximum yield. Dry matter yield of alfalfa and red clover depended on all three factors and their interactions. The local variety of alfalfa, K 28, was more productive (from 6,8 to 2,3 t ha-1 from first to fourth cut, and from 3,4 to 5,5 t ha-1 from first to third stage of development) compared to US variety, G+13R+CZ (from 5,9 to 2,2 t ha-1 from first to fourth cut, and from 2,7 to 5,2 t ha-1 from first to third stage of development). The maximum yield of K 28 variety could be achieved by cutting alfalfa five times a year.Cilj ovih istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi produktivnost različitih sorti lucerke u zavisnosti od faze razvića i otkosa, kao i optimalno vreme koÅ”enja radi postizanja maksimalnog prinosa. Prinos suve materije lucerke zavisio je od sva tri ispitivana faktora i njihovih interakcija. Domaća sorta lucerke je produktivnija (6,8 do 2,3 t ha-1 od prvog do četvrtog otkosa, odnosno od 3,4 do 5,5 t ha-1 od prve do treće faze razvića) u odnosu na američku (5,9 do 2,2 t ha-1 od prvog do četvrtog otkosa, odnosno od 2,7 do 5,2 t ha-1 od prve do treće faze razvića). Maksimalan prinos sorte K-28 mogao bi se postići kosidbom pet puta godiÅ”nje

    Genetička divergentnost divljih populacija Mačijeg repa (Phleum pratense L.)

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    The collection consisted of 10 autochthonous populations of timothy, originated from eastern, western and south-eastern Serbia was investigated. Several morphological traits and dry matter yield were measured. Significant differences between populations were detected by analysis of variance of two-year results. The highest average within population variability was determined for the dry matter yield per plant (CV 85.08%). The highest variability was, also, determined for the number of tillers (CV 64.88%), while the lowest variability was determined for time of heading (CV 5.8%). The highest dry matter yield per plant was measured in the population of Crni Vrh, Rendara and Nerađe locality. Also, these populations had high average values for the other studied traits.Na kolekciji od 10 autohtonih populacija mačijeg repa poreklom iz istočne, zapadne i jugoistoične Srbije proučavane su morfoloÅ”ke osobine i produktivnost suve materije. Na osnovu dvogodiÅ”njih rezultata analizom varijanse su utvrđene značajne razlike između ispitivanih populacija. Prosečno najveća unutarpopulacijska varijabilnost je zabeležena za prinos suve materije po biljci (85,08%). Visoka varijabilnost je zabeležena i za broj izdanaka po biljci (64,88%), dok je najmanje variranje utvrđeno za vreme klasanja (5,8%). Najveći prinos suve materije po biljci utvrđen je za populacije poreklom sa lokaliteta Crni Vrh, Rendara i Nerađe. One su takođe pokazale visoke prosečne vrednosti i za ostale ispitivane osobine

    Stanje i problemi u proizvodnji kabaste stočne hrane u zapadnoj Srbiji

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    In order to improve forage production, through more efficient use of agricultural land, conducted a study of fertility and soil acidity, and the manner of its use in hilly and mountainous areas of the Municipality of Kosjerić. The largest number of sampled soil is acidic chemical reaction, very low the level of provision easily accessible phosphorus, which is a limiting factor in successful growing legume. Depending on the results and the production potential of the sampled area and the needs of local farmers, were applied technologies that will contribute to increased yield or biomass and changing botanical composition in terms of increased participation of legumes.U cilju unapređenja proizvodnje stočne hrane, kroz efikasnije koriŔćenje poljoprivrednog zemljiÅ”ta, vrÅ”eno je ispitivanje plodnosti i kiselosti zemljiÅ”ta, kao i načina njegovog koriŔćenja u brdskim i planinskim područjima OpÅ”tine Kosjerić. Najveći broj uzorkovanih zemljiÅ”ta je kisele hemijske reakcije, veoma niske obezbeđenosti lako pristupačnim fosforom, Å”to predstavlja ograničavajući faktor pre svega uspeÅ”nom gajenju leguminoznih biljnih vrsta. U zavisnosti od dobijenih rezultata i proizvodnog potencijala uzorkovanih zemljiÅ”ta kao i potreba lokalnih farmera, primenjene su tehnologije koje će doprineti povećanju prinosa biomase ali i promeni botaničkog sastava u smislu povećanog učeŔća viÅ”egodiÅ”njih krmnih leguminoza

    Floristički sastav i prinos biomase travnjaka Danthonietum calycinae pod uticajem đubrenja i kalcizacije

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    The aim of this study was evaluated change of botanical composition and dry matter yield influenced by different fertilizers (control, P60K60, N.60P60K60) and lime (without lime and 1000 kg ha-1 lime) of Danthonietum calycinae grassland type, in central part of Serbia. Nitrogen fertilisation treatments led to an increase of grass species, but also decreased plants from other families. Tretmant P60K60 with lime stimulated an increase of legumes in biomass in first and second year of investigation. Aplication of nitrogen increase forage yield in both years of investigation. Effect of P60K60 tretmans and lime on increasing dry matter yield was observed in second year.Cilj rada je bio ispitivanje uticaja đubrenja i kalcizacije na floristički sastav i prinos biljne zajednice Danthonietum calycinae, u centralnom delu Srbije. Ispitivani su tretmani đubrenja (kontrola, P60K60 i N60P60K60) i kalcifikacije (bez kreča i 1000 kg ha-1). Na tretmanina na kojima je uneÅ”en mineralni azot doÅ”lo je do porasta udela trava, a pada udela biljaka ostalih familija. Najpovoljniji uslovi za razvoj leguminoza bili su na tretmanima PK sa krečom, u obe godine istraživanja. Povoljan uticaj mineralnog azota uočen je već u prvoj godini, dok je unoÅ”enje fosfornih i kalijumovih đubriva dalo efekta na prinos tek u drugoj godini istraživanja

    Intratympanic corticosteroid perfusion in the therapy of Meniereā€™s disease

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    Introduction Over the last two decades the intratympanic perfusion of corticosteroids has been used as a minimally invasive surgical therapy of Meniere's disease. According to experimental studies the antiinflammatory, immunoprotective, antioxidant and neuroprotective role of the locally perfused corticosteroids was noticed in the inner ear structures. The recovery of action potentials in the cells of the Corti organ was confirmed as well as a decreased expression of aquaporine-1, a glycoprotein responsible for labyrinth hydrops and N and K ions derangement. Objective The study showed results of intratympanic perfusion therapy with dexamethasone in patients with retractable Meniere's disease who are resistant to conservative treatment. Methods Single doses of 4 mg/ml dexamethasone were given intratympanically in 19 patients with retractable Meniere's disease. Six single successive doses of dexamethasone were administered in the posteroinferior quadrant of the tympanic membrane. Follow-up of the patients was conducted by using a clinical questionnaire a month after completed perfusion series as well as on every third month up to one year. Results One month after completed first course of perfusions, in 78% of patients, vertigo problems completely ceased or were markedly reduced. The recovery of hearing function was recorded in 68% and marked tinnitus reduction in 84% of patients. After a year of follow-up, in 63% of patients the reduction of vertigo persisted, while hearing function was satisfactory in 52%. Tinitus reduction was present in 73% of patients. Conclusion Intratympanic perfusion of dexamethasone in patients with Meniere's disease is a minimally invasive therapeutic method that contributes to the reduction of the intensity of vertigo recurrent attacks, decrease of the intensity of tinnitus and improvement of the average hearing threshold. Patients with chronic diseases and Meniere's disease who are contraindicted for systemic administration of cortocosteroids (hypertension, diabetes, glaucoma, peptic ulcer, etc.) have an additional therapeutic option by dexamethasone intratympanic perfusion

    Effect of Fertilization on Yield of Nardetum Strictae Meadow on Kopaonik

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    Effect of NPK fertilizer and limestone on forage yield on natural meadow Nardetum strictae on Kopaonik, during 2008-2010 was investigated. The following treatments were applied: N0P0K0 , N60P60K60, N90P60k60, N120P60K60, N0P0K0 + lime, N60P60K60 + lime, N90P60k60 + lime, N120P60K60 + lime. Results showed that application of NPK fertilizer, especially N, increase significantly forage yield in both year of investigation. Effect of lime on increasing meadow production was observed in second year. The highest dry matter yield in first year was obtained in treatment with N120P60K60 (4,01 t ha-1) and in second year in treatment with N120P60K60+lime (5,79 t ha- 1 ).U periodu 2008-2010 godine ispitivan je uticaj NPK đubriva i kreča na prinos prirodnog travnjaka tipa Nardetum strictae na Kopaoniku. UnoÅ”enje mineralnih hraniva je uticalo na značajno povećanje prinosa krme u obe godine istraživanja. Rezultati su pokazali da povećanje količine N, pri konstantnoj količini PK đubriva, dovodi do povećanja prinosa u obe godine. Međutim, primenom kreča povećanje produktivnosti prirodnog travnjaka utvrđen je tek u drugoj godini. Maksimalan prinos suve materije u prvoj godini postignut je na tretmanu N120P60K60 (4,01 t ha-1), a u drugoj godini na tretmanu N120P60K60+kreč (5,79 t ha-1 )


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    Radiological methods of examination found their position in diagnosis of the pathological states and disorders of the sinus due to their objectivity and possibilities. The aim of the article is to present the algorhytm, the value and importance of radiological methods of examination in diagnosis of pathological states and discordes of the sinus.The material presents our practical experience and review of the literature.The paper presents the algorhytm, the value and importance of radiological methods of examination in diagnosis of pathological states and discordes of the sinus.The authors conclude that in diagnosis of pathological states and disorders of the sinus, radiological methodes of examination are infallible and unsurpassed by other diagnostic methodes


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    In diagnostics of pathological states and disorders of the eye, numerous and heterogeneous radiological methods of examination are applied. However, all these radiological methods of examination do not offer the same possibilities, nor do they have the same importance in diagnostics of pathological states and disorders of the eye.The aim of the paper is to present the diagnostic possibilities of radiological methods of examination in making the diagnosis of pathological states and disorders of the eye.The paper is based on the material collected by the author and coauthors, and comprises a collection of standard roentgenograms, echosonograms, CT and MR of the cranium , orbits etc., histories of diseases, as well as the review of the literature.Also, the paper presents the possibilities and advantages of certain radiological methods of examination during making the diagnosis of pathological states and disorders of the eye, with individual presentation of the method of examination. Radiological methods of examination are numerous and heterogenous, dominant and supreme in making the diagnosis of pathological states and disorders of the eye