60 research outputs found

    State investment is playing an important role for the future of international politics

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    From China to France and Singapore, sovereign wealth funds and state-owned enterprises have helped transform states into major global owners of capital. What are the consequences for the global political economy? The ‘new’ state capitalism of the 21st century is much more transnational and diffuse than a geopolitical reading suggests. Milan Babic proposes to look at the consequences rather than the immediate motivations of foreign state investment, which are hard to decipher and generalise. In his study, he uses fine-grained firm-level data across the globe

    Varieties of state capital:What does foreign state-led investment do in a globalized world?

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    Existing studies have scrutinized the rise of states as global owners and investors, yet we still lack a good understanding of what state investment does in a globalized economy, especially in host states. Comparative capitalisms research has analyzed foreign state investment as a potential source of patient capital for coordinated and mixed-market economies. However, this patient capital framework cannot explain the recent surge of protectionist sentiments, even among the "good hosts" of state-led investment. Therefore, we go beyond the patient capital argument and develop a novel framework centered on the globalized nature of foreign state investment. We create and empirically illustrate a novel typology based on different modes of cross-border state investment-from financial to strategic-and different categories of host states. Our results provide a new pathway to study the rise and effects of cross-border state investment in the 21st century

    Geoeconomics in a changing global order

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    An overview of the regulatory framework for the geothermal energy in europe and Serbia

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    In this paper the relevant legislation for the geothermal energy in the European countries and Serbia is reviewed. There is a variety of the incentives for the geothermal production which are well known throughout the European Union. The governmental policies for the support of the geothermal development have so far focused on the power generation only. It is necessary to make serious efforts in order to harmonize the legislation and to simplify the procedures of establishing and implementing the policies for boosting the direct use of the geothermal energy. The Law on Energy of the Republic of Serbia which was adopted by the Parliament and the Energy Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia until 2015 have defined the privileged power producers, but only by passing the Regulation on the incentive measures for the production of electricity using the renewable energy sources combined with the production of electricity and the thermal energy, which came into force on January 1 st 2010

    How does Business Power operate?:A framework for its working mechanisms

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    The global financial crisis of 2008, its following bank bailouts, and associated corporate impunity sparked a renewed interest in the concept of the structural power of business and the question of who rules? in capitalist societies. This new wave of scholarship mitigated some of the problems of the original, theory-driven discussions from the 1970s and 1980s. But despite significant advancements in the empirical identification of business power, we lack a unified framework for studying its working mechanisms. So-called hybrid approaches, drawing on instrumental and structural power for their analyses, display high potential for such a unified and easily applicable framework. We build on this hybrid tradition and propose a novel model that integrates instrumental and structural power analysis into a basic framework. With this, we recalibrate the often rigid division between instrumental and structural power forms and emphasize the role of perceptions as key for understanding the dynamics of business power over time. We illustrate this parsimonious framework by an analysis of the plans of the Dutch government to abolish a dividend tax in 2018 that would have benefited a number of large multinationals but collapsed before implementation

    Effect of Modified Atmosphere Pakaging on the Shelf-life of Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) Steaks

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    AbstractThe effect of modified atmosphere packaging (MAP 1: 40%CO2+60%N2 and MAP 2: 100%CO2) on the shelf-life of carp steaks was studied. Carp steaks were stored at +3±0.5˚C and on days 1, 3, 6, 9, 13 and 15, microbiological, chemical and sensory testing was performed. Based primarily on odour scores it was observed that carp steaks packaged in MAP1 remained acceptable up to 13 days of storage, while carp steaks packaged in MAP2 remained unchanged until the end of the study. By using MAP, especially 100% CO2, products shelf-life can be significantly prolonged

    Determination analysis of temperature regimes, functional characteristics and sliding curves of a hydrodynamic clutch

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    Analysis of output quality of power transmitters is possible in position when characteristics are determined earlier. This is the reason why we focused on determination of these characteristics for a concrete power hydro-transmitter. This means that the investigation task primarily consisted of determination of functional characteristics, defining of the sliding curves and temperature regimes of a concrete hydrodynamic clutch. Results of velocity and pressure field investigations in the working space of this clutch, obtained by use of the same test setup, are the basis for determination and analysis of the functional characteristics, sliding curves and temperature regimes. In this work we also analyzed function of the hydrodynamic transmitter in assembly with an internal combustion engine, as well as a process of acceleration and deceleration of a vehicle with this assembly in it

    Živa u različitim vrstama morskih riba na srpskom tržištu

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    Proučavanje žive (Hg) u marinskim sistemima je od velikog interesa, s obzirom da je reč o toksičnom metalu koji ima sposobnost bioakumulacije i biomagnifikacije u lancu ishrane. Vodeni sistemi, a time i ribe, mogu biti kontaminirani živom kao posledicom zagađenja životne sredine prirodnim procesima (vulkanske erupcije, klimatske promene itd.) i antropogenim izvorima zagađenja (industrija, rudarstvo itd.). Živa (Hg) može postojati kao elementarna, neorganska i organska živa. Najtoksičniji oblik žive je metil živa (MetHg) koja čini od 70-100% ukupne Hg u ribi. Naučna ispitivanja ukazuju da velike količine žive u hrani mogu negativno uticati na razvoj fetusa i izazvati oštećenja mozga i jetre. Cilj ovog rada bio je ispitivanje sadržaja žive u jestivim delovima tri vrste morske ribe na tržištu Srbije: oslić - Merluccius merluccius (n=84), skuša - Scomber scombrus (n=35) i papalina - Sprattus sprattus (n=17)). Prosečna potrošnja ribe u Srbiji iznosi oko 5 kg po glavi stanovnika, što je znatno niže u poređenju sa EU prosekom (21 kg po glavi stanovnika). Svi uzorci uzeti su i analizirani tokom 2014. godine. Analiza sadržaja žive urađena je primenom induktivno-kuplovane plazme sa masenom spektrometrijom (ICP-MS), merenjem izotopa 202Hg. Najviša srednja vrednost sadržaja žive utvrđena je u uzorcima skuše (0,056 mg/kg), zatim kod oslića (0,034 mg/kg), a najniža kod papaline (0,016 mg/kg). Maksimalno dozvoljene količine Hg u ispitanim ribama, koje su definisane zakonskom regulativom Srbije [MDK (oslić, papalina) = 500 ng/g, MDK (skuša) = 1000 ng/g] nisu prekoračene u svim ispitanim uzorcima. Statističkom evaluacijom dobijenih rezultata ustanovljeno je da postoji statistički zanačajna razlika (p<0,005) u sadržaju Hg između oslića i skuše, kao i između skuše i papaline. Za procenu unosa Hg konzumiranjem ribe korišćeni su podaci iz „GEMS/Food Consumption Cluster Diets database“. Prema ovom izvoru, procenjena prosečna nedeljna potrošnja morske ribe u Srbiji iznosi 106,4 g. Koristeći podatke iz ove studije izračunat je nedeljni unos Hg, baziran na srednjoj vrednosti sadržaja Hg u konzumiranoj ribi i prosečnoj telesnoj težini čoveka od 70 kg. Na osnovu izračunatih vrednosti za nedeljni unos Hg (oslić: 0,051-0,208 µg/kg telesne težine; skuša: 0,086-0,289 µg/kg telesne težine; papalina: 0,025-0,050 µg/kg telesne težine) može se zaključiti da je unos žive pri konzumaciji oslića, skuše i papaline znatno niži od preporučenih graničnih vrednosti svetske zdravstvene organizacije (1,6 µg MetHg /kg telesne težine)

    Overview of a new method for designing high efficiency small hydro power plants

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    Significant number of research projects in the area of renewable energy sources (especially for small hydro power plants) has been made within the Department for Energy and Process Engineering and Regional Euro Energy Efficiency Center at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (University of Kragujevac, Serbia) since early eighties. The results are various; numerous domestic and international recognition and technical performance tell about the success of the research. Research projects have been following the technical and technological development of research equipment and economy growth. This has led to the development of software for designing turbines of small hydro power plants. In order to notify the public about possibilities of our software, in this paper is briefly described a mathematical model and procedures for calculating and designing of small hydro power for known conditions. As an argument for assessing the validity and potentialof our research results is shown constructedsmall hydro power plant Bosnia 1, 2 x 100 kW power