5 research outputs found

    Co-generation potentials of municipal solid waste landfills in Serbia

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    Waste management in the Republic of Serbia is based on landfilling. As a result of such year-long practice, a huge number of municipal waste landfills has been created where landfill gas has been generated. Landfill gas, which is essentially methane (50-55%) and carbon dioxide (40-45%) (both GHGs), has a great environmental impact which can be reduced by using landfill gas in cogeneration plants to produce energy. The aim of this paper is to determine economic and environmental benefits from such energy production. For that purpose, the database of cogeneration potentials (CP) of 51 landfills in the Republic of Serbia (RS) was created. Amount of landfill gas generated at each municipal landfill was calculated by applying a first order decay equation which requires the data about solid waste production and composition and about some landfill characteristics. For all landfills, which have over 100,000 m3 each, a techno-economic analysis about building a CHP plant was conducted. The results have shown, that the total investment in 14 CHP plants with payback period of less than 7 years amounts € 11,721,288. The total nominal power of these plants is 7 MW of electrical power and 7.9 MW of thermal power, and an average payback period is about 61 months. In addition, using landfill biogas as energy source in proposed plants would reduce methane emission for 161,000 tons of CO2 equivalent per year. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 42013: Research of cogeneration potential of municipal and industrial energy power plant in Republic of Serbia and opportunities for rehabilitation of existing and construction of new cogeneration plants

    Renewable electricity in Western Balkans: Support policies and current state

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    The use of renewable energy sources for electricity generation in the Western Balkan countries is analyzed in this review paper. Since those countries are part of EU or intend to be, data for Western Balkan are also compared with data for EU-28. The first part of the paper presents a brief overview of main promotion mechanism for electricity generation from renewable energy sources. As a dominant support policy, the feed-in tariff is more elaborated as an incentive measure and a de¬tailed overview of the amount of tariffs and quotas for dominant technologies in the Western Balkan countries is presented. Furthermore, the current state of installed capacities and annual productions of three particular renewable electricity technologies (small hydro power, wind power, and solar photovoltaic) are analyzed in detailes. Based on presented data, there is a discussion and consideration of the impact of incentive measures on the electricity market and power production from renewable sources. [Project of the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Grant no. III 42013


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    Material flow analysis (MFA) was used to assess the amounts of plastic materials flows and stocks that are annually produced, consumed, imported, exported, collected, recycled, and disposed in the landfills in Serbia. The analysis revealed that approximatelly 269,000 tons of plastic materials are directly disposed in uncontrolled landfills in Serbia without any preatretment, and that siginificant amounts of these materials have already accumulated in the landfills. The substantial amounts of landfilled plastics represent not only a loss of valuable recourses, but also pose a seriuos treath to the environment and human health, and if the trend of direct plastic landfilling is continued, Serbia will face with grave consecequnces

    Energy auditing and energy saving measures in 'Zastava Automobili' factory

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    This paper deals with energy audit procedure implemented on only Serbian car manufacturer 'Zastava Automobili'. Based on the results of energy auditing and performed technological and economical feasibility studies several energy saving measures were proposed. The measures are related to different energy sources: steam, hot water, compressed air, electricity, and water. Such energy efficiency programs reduce energy costs and increase production profitability of the factory