173 research outputs found

    On the reorientation transition of ultra-thin Ni/Cu(001) films

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    The reorientation transition of the magnetization of ferromagnetic films is studied on a microscopic basis within a Heisenberg spin model. Using a modified mean field formulation it is possible to calculate properties of magnetic thin films with non-integer thicknesses. This is especially important for the reorientation transition in Ni/Cu(001), as there the magnetic properties are a sensitive function of the film thickness. Detailed phase diagrams in the thickness-temperature plane are calculated using experimental parameters and are compared with experimental measurements by Baberschke and Farle (J. Appl. Phys. 81, 5038 (1997)).Comment: 7 pages(LaTeX2e) with one figure(eps), accepted for publication in JMMM. See also http://www.thp.Uni-Duisburg.DE/Publikationen/Publist_Us_R.htm

    Spin wave excitations: The main source of the temperature dependence of Interlayer exchange coupling in nanostructures

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    Quantum mechanical calculations based on an extended Heisenberg model are compared with ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) experiments on prototype trilayer systems Ni_7/Cu_n/Co_2/Cu(001) in order to determine and separate for the first time quantitatively the sources of the temperature dependence of interlayer exchange coupling. Magnon excitations are responsible for about 75% of the reduction of the coupling strength from zero to room temperature. The remaining 25% are due to temperature effects in the effective quantum well and the spacer/magnet interfaces.Comment: accepted for publication in PR

    Ferromagnetic resonance in nanostructures, rediscovering its roots in paramagnetic resonance

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    Abstract. Both techniques went different routes: The EPR explored an enormous variety of paramagnets in solids, liquids, and gas phase. The focus was to determine orbital-and spin-magnetic moments (g-tensor), hyperfine interactions, and from the linewidth the spin dynamics (T 1 , T 2 relaxation). In FMR most of the experiments and theory assumed the total value M to be constant in the equation of motion and used only one effective damping parameter (Gilbert). This is an enormous, unnecessary limitation for today's analysis of magnetism in nanostructures and ultrathin films. To assume M = const ignores spin wave excitations, scattering between longitudinal and transverse components of M. Moreover, in the framework of itinerant ferromagnetism, the magnetic moment/atom μ was assumed to be isotropic with g ≈ 2! That ignores the anisotropy of μ in nanostructures and the importance of the orbital magnetic moments with μ L /μ S = (g − 2)/2. Without finite μ L we would have no magnetic anisotropy energy (MAE), no hard magnets, no magnetic storage media. Only recently the "language" of EPR was adapted to FMR in ultrathin films. A g-tensor is discussed and its interrelation with the MAE is pointed out. Also recent theory points out, that "there is no reason to assume a fixed magnetization length for nanoelements". This allows a detailed discussion of magnon-magnon scattering, spin-spin, and spin-lattice relaxation -useful, for example, for fs spin dynamics. Recent FMR experiments using frequencies from 1 GHz up to several hundred GHz, will allow measuring the proper g-factor components and μ L , μ S . From the frequency dependent linewidth magnon-magnon scattering can be separated from dissipative spin-lattice damping

    Mechanism of temperature dependence of the magnetic anisotropy energy in ultrathin Cobalt and Nickel films

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    Temperature dependent FMR-measurements of Ni and Co films are analysed using a microscopic theory for ultrathin metallic systems. The mechanism governing the temperature dependence of the magnetic anisotropy energy is identified and discussed. It is reduced with increasing temperature. This behavior is found to be solely caused by magnon excitations.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures III Joint European Magnetic Symposia, San Sebastian, Spai

    Nonlocal feedback in ferromagnetic resonance

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    Ferromagnetic resonance in thin films is analyzed under the influence of spatiotemporal feedback effects. The equation of motion for the magnetization dynamics is nonlocal in both space and time and includes isotropic, anisotropic and dipolar energy contributions as well as the conserved Gilbert- and the non-conserved Bloch-damping. We derive an analytical expression for the peak-to-peak linewidth. It consists of four separate parts originated by Gilbert damping, Bloch-damping, a mixed Gilbert-Bloch component and a contribution arising from retardation. In an intermediate frequency regime the results are comparable with the commonly used Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert theory combined with two-magnon processes. Retardation effects together with Gilbert damping lead to a linewidth the frequency dependence of which becomes strongly nonlinear. The relevance and the applicability of our approach to ferromagnetic resonance experiments is discussed.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figure

    Subgap structures in the current-voltage characteristic of the intrinsic Josephson effect due to phonons

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    A modified RSJ-model for the coupling of intrinsic Josephson oscillations and c-axis phonons in the high-T_c superconductors Tl_2Ba_2Ca_2Cu_3O_{10+\delta} and Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_{8+\delta} is deveoped. This provides a very good explanation for recently reported subgap structures in the I-V-characteristic of the c-axis transport. It turns out that the voltages of these structures coincide with the eigenfrequencies of longitudinal optical phonons, providing a new measurement technique for this quantity. The significantly enhanced microwave emission at the subgap structures in both the GHz and THz region is discussed.Comment: correction of minor misprints, revtex, 3 pages, two postscript figures, aps, epsf, Contributed Paper to the "International Symposion on the Intrinsic Josphson effect and THz Plasma Oscillations", 22-25 February 1997, Sendai, Japan; to be published in Physica

    Magnetoelastic mechanism of spin-reorientation transitions at step-edges

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    The symmetry-induced magnetic anisotropy due to monoatomic steps at strained Ni films is determined using results of first - principles relativistic full-potential linearized augmented plane wave (FLAPW) calculations and an analogy with the N\'eel model. We show that there is a magnetoelastic anisotropy contribution to the uniaxial magnetic anisotropy energy in the vicinal plane of a stepped surface. In addition to the known spin-direction reorientation transition at a flat Ni/Cu(001) surface, we propose a spin-direction reorientation transition in the vicinal plane for a stepped Ni/Cu surface due to the magnetoelastic anisotropy. We show that with an increase of Ni film thickness, the magnetization in the vicinal plane turns perpendicular to the step edge at a critical thickness calculated to be in the range of 16-24 Ni layers for the Ni/Cu(1,1,13) stepped surface.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Anisotropy of ultra-thin ferromagnetic films and the spin reorientation transition

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    The influence of uniaxial anisotropy and the dipole interaction on the direction of the magnetization of ultra-thin ferromagnetic films in the ground-state is studied. The ground-state energy can be expressed in terms of anisotropy constants which are calculated in detail as function of the system parameters and the film thickness. In particular non-collinear spin arrangements are taken into account. Conditions for the appearance of a spin reorientation transition are given and analytic results for the width of the canted phase and its shift in applied magnetic fields associated with this transition are derived.Comment: 6 pages, RevTeX

    Micromagnetic simulations of spinel ferrite particles

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    This paper presents the results of simulations of the magnetization field {\it ac} response (at 22 to 1212 GHz) of various submicron ferrite particles (cylindrical dots). The ferrites in the present simulations have the spinel structure, expressed here by M1−n_{1-n}Znn_{n}Fe2_2O4_4 (where M stands for a divalent metal), and the parameters chosen were the following: (a) for n=0n=0: M = \{ Fe, Mn, Co, Ni, Mg, Cu \}; (b) for n=0.1n=0.1: M = \{ Fe, Mg \} (mixed ferrites). These runs represent full 3D micromagnetic (one-particle) ferrite simulations. We find evidences of confined spin waves in all simulations, as well as a complex behavior nearby the main resonance peak in the case of the M = \{ Mg, Cu \} ferrites. A comparison of the n=0n=0 and n=0.1n=0.1 cases for fixed M reveals a significant change in the spectra in M = Mg ferrites, but only a minor change in the M = Fe case. An additional larger scale simulation of a 33 by 33 particle array was performed using similar conditions of the Fe3_3O4_4 (magnetite; n=0n=0, M = Fe) one-particle simulation. We find that the main resonance peak of the Fe3_3O4_4 one-particle simulation is disfigured in the corresponding 3 by 3 particle simulation, indicating the extent to which dipolar interactions are able to affect the main resonance peak in that magnetic compound.Comment: 35 pages, 11 figures, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, in press

    Reorientation transition of ultrathin ferromagnetic films

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    We demonstrate that the reorientation transition from out-of-plane to in-plane magnetization with decreasing temperature as observed experimentally in Ni-films on Cu(001) can be explained on a microscopic basis. Using a combination of mean field theory and perturbation theory, we derive an analytic expression for the temperature dependent anisotropy. The reduced magnetization in the film surface at finite temperatures plays a crucial role for this transition as with increasing temperature the influence of the uniaxial anisotropies is reduced at the surface and is enhanced inside the film.Comment: 4 pages(RevTeX), 3 figures (EPS
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