39 research outputs found
Intercropping in the service of improving soil quality and biological and production characteristics of sunflower
Promene klimatskih uslova, zajedno sa transformacijom tehnologije gajenja i načina korišćenja zemljišta u proizvodnji suncokreta zasnovane na čistim usevima mogu značajno smanjiti stabilnost prinosa ove uljane vrste. S obzirom da je suncokret na trećem mestu na svetskom tržištu uljarica sa 45 miliona tona godišnje, a na četvrtom po proizvodnji biljnog ulja, neophodno je prilagoditi tehnologiju gajenja principima održive poljoprivrede. S obzirom na napred navedeno, cilj istraživanja bio je da se analizira tehnologija proizvodnje suncokreta u združenoj setvi. Četvorogodišnje istraživanje sprovedeno je u agroekološkim uslovima Republike Srbije, bez navodnjavanja (45°34’23.2"N 19°86'18.9"E) prema planu podeljenih parcela. Dva uljana i jedan konzumni hibrid suncokreta združeni su sa običnom grahoricom, crvenom detelinom i lucerkom. Analize su pokazale da je združena setva suncokreta i lucerke najprikladnija, obzirom na sve posmatrane parametre. Takođe, utvrđeno je da je združena setva suncokreta sa običnom grahoricom rezultirala smanjenjem skoro svih vrednosti analiziranih osobina suncokreta. Prinos hibrida NS Gricko i hibrida Rimi PR u združenoj setvi statistički je bio na istom nivou značajnosti sa čistim usevom ovih hibrida, dok je biomasa lucerke imala bolje rezultate kada je združena sa hibridom NS Gricko u poređenju sa čistim usevom. Uzimajući u obzir opšte uverenje da su prinosi u združenim stabilniji u odnosu na čiste useve, potrebna su dalja istraživanja koja bi obuhvatila i vreme i način setve suncokreta i združenih useva.Changing climate conditions coupled with the transformations of cultivation practices and land use in sole crop-based sunflower production may significantly decline yield stability of this oilseed crop. Given that sunflower takes the third place in the world oilseed market, with 45 million tons per year, and in the fourth place in vegetable oil production, it is necessary to adapt production technologies toward sustainable agriculture. Considering that, the goal of the research was to analyze and beneficial sustainable production technology of sunflower in intercropping systems. A four-year trial was conducted in Serbia’s agroecological rain-fed conditions (45°34’23.2"N 19°86’18.9"E) using a split-plot design. Two oil types and one confectionary sunflower hybrid were intercropped with common vetch, red clover and alfalfa. Analyses showed that sunflower × alfalfa intercropping provided to be the most appropriate, Also, intercropping of sunflower with common vetch resulted in the decrease in almost all sunflower trait values. The yield of NS Gricko and Rimi PR were statistically on the same level with sole cropping, while alfalfa biomass had better results when intercropped with NS Gricko as compared to sole cropping. Concerning the general belief that yields are more stable in intercropping than in sole crop, further research in this respect is needed, in addition to the research of time and method of sowing.Doktorska disertacija je odbranjena 12.04.2023. godine na Poljoprivrednom fakultetu Univerziteta u Novom Sadu
Designing the Network of Ecological Corridors Among Organic Farms in South Bačka District of Vojvodina Province
In the predominant agricultural area such as Vojvodina Province the main threat to biodiversity is the fragmentation of nature habitats. Biodiversity decline started with the large scale clearing of forest and wetlands and expansion of the agricultural. Recent biodiversity deterioration is linked with the intensive management used in conventional agriculture. Protected areas, as main source of biodiversity, covers approximately 5,5% of total of 2.150.600ha land in Vojvodina Province that is considered as insufficient for species expansion. Under the artificial cropping systems cultivated and weed species suppress native vegetation and inhibit its proliferation.
Sufficient number of terms are associated with eco corridors that might lead to terms misuses. They differ in relation to the ecological significance, environmental protection, landscape and spatial planning and relationship with sustainable agriculture systems. The following terms are used for the plant belts: (i) eco corridors aims to link protected ecosystems with biological corridors and allow migration of plant and animal species, (ii) protectiveinsulation belts primarily represent the spatial isolation i.e. living belt between the surface under organic and the surfaces under conventional agriculture production. The main purpose of this belt is to prevent the influence of the application of synthetic agents that are used in the environment of organic production. (iii) Buffer zones are areas that provide and maintain the function of the protected zones and have special significance for geo-systemic balance. These are areas that are raised around potential sources of contamination i.e. all those objects that endanger the environment. This model in agriculture contributes to the protection from wind erosion.
Formation of the protective-insulating belt in organic production represents a legal obligation to which the organic crop must be separated or isolated from crop under conventional production. Family farms organized according to the principles of organic production represent micro-ecosystems with its own biodiversity, and are core areas for biodiversity expansion among the agriculture areas.
The main objective of this study is to access the relationship between core areas, which in this case are family organic farms, and biological corridors and to allow proliferation of plant and animal species. Based on the established link the core areas and corridors propose ecological networks with a permanent connection. The idea is to emphasize developement of ecological network which will be gradually established in the future
Variability of morphological traits in sunflower inbred lines
Except agronomic important traits, great diversity in sunflower is present in morphological traits which are very useful in breeding studies. The main objective of the paper was to determine genetic diversity among the 110 inbred lines in the collection of Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops Novi Sad (IFVCNS) by screening 34 morphological traits according to a list of descriptors of the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) as to conduct the Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability Test (DUS). The diversity of morphological traits was estimated by Shannon diversity index (H') and the diversity of sunflower inbred lines was performed by homogeneity analysis (HOMALS) as well as discriminatory power of the traits. The values of the traits in Shannon diversity index were the highest (H'=0.99) for height of the tip of the blade compared to insertion of petiole and bract position, while branching, head shape and seed color showed low diversity (H'>0.1). The uniformity of inbred lines distribution determined discriminative power of descriptors. Disk flower anthocyanin coloration of stigma, hypocotyl anthocyanin coloration and intensity, leaf blistering, leaf serration, seed stripes on and between the margins showed the strongest discriminatory power. According to these six traits, the collection of inbred lines was divided into two main groups and three subgroups which better explained the relationships among the various inbred lines. Inbred lines showed the great variability of morphological traits in the whole collection and also among the inbred lines from the same type of use
Komparativna analiza gajenja ozimih strnih žita u organsкoj i кonvencionalnoj proizvodnji
The purpose of this study is to compare the yields and yield components of 3 winter small grain cereals (wheat ('NS 40S'), oat ('NS Jadar') and rye ('NS Savo')) grown in conventional and organic production systems. The experiment was conducted as a block design with three replicates at the Bački Petrovac experiment field of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in 2016/2017. The fertilization of conventional cereals examined was based on mineral fertilization, whereas foliar fertilizers with green microalgae (Chlorella vulgaris) were applied in the organic production system. The results obtained indicate differences in the number of organic and conventional plants per m2 , particularly in the instance of winter wheat (277/m2 in the organic production system and 545/m2 in conventional production system). Relative to all the cereals observed, significantly higher grain yields per ha were determined in the conventional production system as a result of the mineral nitrogen addition. The research has shown that soil fertility and cultural practices play a decisive role in realizing the full yield potential of winter small grain cereals cultivated in the organic farming system.U ovom radu analizirana je proizvodnja 3 vrste ozimih žitarica (pšenica - NS 40S, ovas - NS Jadar i raž - NS Savo) kako bismo uporedili prinose i komponente prinosa u konvencionalnom i organskom sistemu, a u cilju unapređenja proizvodnje ovih žitarica u organskom sistemu uzgoja. Istraživanje je sprovedeno tokom 2016. i 2017. godine u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Odeljenju za alternativne kulture i organsku proizvodnju u Bačkom Petrovcu (45° 56' N 20° 12' E). Ogled je postavljen na parcelama površine 1000 m2 , po slučajnom blok sistemu u 3 ponavljanja, sa sojom kao predusevom. Konvencionalni sistem proizvodnje baziran je na primeni mineralnih đubriva, dok su u organskoj primenjena folijarna đubriva na bazi algi (Chlorella vulgaris). Setva je izvršena 16.10.2016., a žetva 8.07.2017. Analizom ispitivanih useva utvrđene su razlike u broju biljaka po m2 , što je posebno bilo izraženo kod ozime pšenice (277 biljaka po m2 u organskoj i 545 bijaka po m2 u konvencionalnoj). Sve žitarice ostvarile su značajno veći prinos zrna po ha u konvencionalnom sistemu kao rezultat dodavanja azota, ali masa zrna po biljci nije se statistički razlikovala u organskoj i konvencionalnoj proizvodnji. U proseku za sve tri žitarice konvencionalni uzgoj značajano je uticao na sledeće morfološke parametre: dužinu klasa (metlice), masu slame po m2 i visina biljke, dok masa klasa (metlice) i masa 1000 zrna nisu bili značajno različiti. Ostvareni prinosi ozimih žitarica u organskoj, iako niži, bili su približni višegodišnjim prosečnim vrednostima prinosa ozimih žitarica u našim proizvodnim uslovima
Uticaj združene setve suncokreta sa leguminozama na neke morfološke osobine suncokreta
Given that climate change is a burning issue, agriculture must turn to more sustainable and environmentally friendly systems, counting intercropping. Within a two-year study of intercropping sunflower with legumes, the influence of this system on sunflower plant height and head diameter was investigated. The aim of research was to evaluate the effects of sunflower-legume intercropping on these traits, considering the possibility of competition between crops. The field trial was set up in April 2017 and 2018 at Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia experimental field in moderate-continental climate. Year 2017 was extremely arid with the sum of precipitation different compared to 2018. Plant height and head diameter of hybrids Rimi PR, Dukat and NS Gricko, intercropped with common vetch, red clover and alfalfa were compared with control, i.e. same sunflower hybrids grown as a sole crop. It was observed that intense growth of common vetch suppressed the growth of sunflower, and led to a decrease in measured traits in all three hybrids. Results indicated that the following combinations of sunflower and legumes are most desirable: NS Gricko/RC, Dukat/ALF, Dukat/RC and Rimi PR/ RC depending on the agro-ecological conditions. Given that the experiment was performed in years that varied significantly in agro-ecological conditions, the results indicated that red clover and alfalfa can mitigate the negative effects caused by lack of precipitation and high temperatures. In order to better understand all aspects of sunflowerlegume intercropping, further research, which should include other morphological, qualitative and quantitative indicators, is needed.Obzirom da su klimatske promene goruće pitanje današnjice, poljoprivreda se mora okrenuti održivijim i ekološki prihvatljivijim sistemima, kao što je združenja setva. U okviru dvogodišnjeg istraživanja združivanja suncokreta sa leguminozama, ispitan je uticaj ovog sistema na visinu biljaka i prečnik glave suncokreta. Cilj istraživanja bila je procena uticaja združivanja leguminoza sa suncokretom na ove osobine, uzimajući u obzir mogućnost kompeticije između useva. Poljski ogled je postavljen u aprilu 2017. i 2018. godine na eksperimentalnom polju Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad, Srbija u umereno-kontinentalnoj klimi. Godina 2017. bila je izuzetno sušna sa količinom padavina različitim u odnosu na 2018. godinu. Visina biljaka i prečnik glave hibrida Rimi PR, Dukat i NS Gricko združenih sa grahoricom, crvenom detelinom i lucerkom uprođeni su sa kontrolom, tj. istim hibridima koji su uzgajani u čistom usevu. Primećeno je da intenzivan početni porast grahorice suzbija rast suncokreta i dovodi do smanjenja visine biljaka i prečnika glave kod sva tri hibrida. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na to da su sledeće kombinacije suncokreta i leguminoza najpoželjnije: NS Gricko/RC, Dukat/ALF, Dukat/RC and Rimi PR/RC u zavisnosti od agroekoloških uslova. Obzirom na to da je eksperiment izveden u godinama koje su se značajno razlikovale u agroekološkim uslovima, rezultati pokazuju da crvena detelina i lucerka mogu ublažiti negativne efekte izazvane nedostatkom padavina i visokim temperaturama. Kako bi se bolje razumeli svi aspekti združivanja suncokreta sa leguminozama potrebna su dalja istraživanja koja će uključiti i ostale morfološke, kvalitativne i kvantitativne pokazatelje
Mogućnost gajenja konvencionalnih konzumnih hibrida suncokreta u uslovima organske proizvodnje: preliminarni rezultati istraživanja
As organic agriculture represents one of the most sustainable ways of agricultural land use, the key purpose of this research was to improve confectionary sunflower production in organic agriculture. The trial compared seed yield per plant of conventional confectionary sunflower hybrids in organic vs conventional production. Subsequently, 1000 seed weight, seed yield per plant and kernel ratio of confectionary hybrids treated with the following fertilizers used in organic production: fertilizer of animal origin (G), fertilizer based on amino acids and nitrogen (T) and microbiological fertilizer (N) were compared with untreated control (C). Fertilizers enhanced yield of sunflower compared to untreated control; the highest yield was recorded in combined of G+N and G+T, all in organic agriculture system. NS Gricko had the lowest seed yield per plant compared to the other hybrids that significantly increased when treated with G+N fertilizers; same results were obtained in treatments of NS Slatki, and NS Leviathan. Preliminary results of the study indicated that application of organic fertilizers can have a positive effect on yield of sunflower in organic production conditions, which indicates that further research is necessary.Kako organska poljoprivreda predstavlja jedan od najodrživijih načina korišćenja poljoprivrednog zemljišta, svrha ovog istraživanja bila je poboljšanje proizvodnje konzumnog suncokreta u organskoj poljoprivredi. Prilikom istraživanja upoređen je prinos po biljci konvencionalnih hibrida u organskom i konvencionalnom proizvodnom sistemu. Nakon toga, upoređeni su masa 1000 semena, prinos po biljci i udeo jezgra konzumnih hibrida tretiranih sledećim đubrivima koja se koriste u organskoj proizvodnji: đubrivo životinjskog porekla (G), đubriva na bazi amino-kiselina i azota (T) i mikrobiološko đubrivo (N) sa ne tretiranom kontrolom (C). Primena ovih đubriva povećala je prinos hibrida u odnosu na kontrolu, a najveći je zabeležen u kombinaciji tretmana G+N i G+T, a sve u organskom sistemu gajenja. NS Gricko je imao najmanji, statistički značajan, prinos semena po biljci u poređenju sa drugim hibridima, koji se značajno povećan tretiranjem G + N đubrivima; isti rezultati su dobijeni kod hibrida NS Slatki i NS Leviathan. Preliminarni rezultati studije ukazuju da primena organskih đubriva može pozitivno uticati na prinos suncokreta u uslovima organske proizvodnje, što pokazuje da su dalja istraživanja neophodna
Morfološke karakteristike, prinos i sadržaj proteina u zrnu krupnika (Triticum spelta L.) gajenog u organskom sistemu proizvodnje u različitim agroekološkim uslovima severnog dela Srbije
Spelt wheat (Triticum spelta L.) is regarded as a crop with high nutritional properties. Cultivar Nirvana was analyzed on nine locations in semiarid conditions of northern Serbia in order to assess the effects of different agroecological conditions on the organic spelt wheat production, grain yield and yield components, as well as the quality of the spelt wheat. The highest dehulled grain yield was obtained in Nadalj organic farm (3.98 t ha-1) on a carbonated chernozem, and the highest protein content in whole grain flour was found in organic spelt wheat from Pančevo (13.94%). Correlation analysis showed significant positive correlations among grain yield, spike length, spike weight, number of grains per spike, 1000-grain weight and harvest index and among plant height, spike length, weight spike, and grain weight per spike. Our study indicated that growing spelt wheat in northern Serbia could result in higher grain yield, but protein content depended on crop management on each location.Zbog svojih nutritivnih osobina, krupnik (Triticum spelta L.) je sve više u interesovanju organskih proizvođača i potrošača. U cilju unapređenja organske proizvodnje i uvođenja alternativnih kultura, sprovedeno je istraživanje na ovoj vrsti pšenice kako bi se sagledao uticaj različitih agroekoloških uslova na prinos i komponente prinosa, kao i kvalitet krupnika. Predmet istraživanja bila je sorta krupnika Nirvana, a istraživanje je obavljeno na 9 različitih lokaliteta u Vojvodini i u okolini Beograda na kojima je krupnik gajen u sistemu organske proizvodnje. Najveći prinos oljuštenog zrna krupnika utvrđen je na organskoj parceli u Nadalju sa 3,98 t/ha na karbonatnom černozemu, a najveći sadržaj proteina (13,94%) u integralnom brašnu sa organske parcele iz Pančeva. Korelaciona analiza je pokazala da na ispitivanim lokalitetima postoji statistički značajna korelacija između prinosa krupnika i dužine klasa, mase klasa, broja zrna, mase 1000 zrna i žetvenog indeksa, a takođe postoji uzajamni uticaj između visine biljaka, dužine klasa, mase klasa i mase zrna po klasu. Iako je krupnik relativno skromnih zahteva prema plodnosti zemljišta i podnosi nepotpunu agrotehniku, utvrđeno je da odlično reaguje na đubrenje stajnjakom sa produženim dejstvom i na intenzivniju agrotehniku pri kojoj se mogu postići prinosi i do 4 t ha-1 oljuštenog zrna. Najveći uticaj na prinos su imali vreme setve, raspored i količina padavina, kao i obezbeđenost biljaka potrebnim hranivima. Takođe, utvrđeno je da pravilna agrotehnika može da ublaži negativni uticaj nepovoljnih uslova spoljašnje sredine, što je uticalo da se na različitim lokalitetima ostvare visoki prinosi
The effect of legumes and sunflower intercropping on soil compaction
Soil compaction is important cause of its degradation that leads to decreased water and nutrient accessibility to plants. As a consequence, root growth is reduced, resulting in yield decrease. Cover crops and intercrops can have positive effects on soil compaction, but cropping management adaption is required. In sunflower production soil compaction is not frequently analyzed, but under the current and projected changes of climate more attention must be given to this problem. Therefore, the aim of this research was to assess the effect of intercropping of sunflower and legumes on soil compaction. Three different NS sunflower hybrids were intercropped with common vetch, red clover or alfalfa, whereas sole cropping of sunflower was control. Trial was set up at Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Rimski Šančevi, Serbia. Soil compaction was analyzed based on resistance to penetration of the penetrologger cone into the soil, and the soil water content (Vol%). Penetration resistance was determined using an Eijkelkamp Penetrologger up to 80 cm, and data processing was done with Penetroviewer 6.03 software. The lowest percentage of soil moisture, at depth up to 20 cm, was measured in alfalfa and sunflower intercrop (21.7%), and the highest on the control plot (26.8%), as a result of absence of intercropping system
Performance of sunflower hybrids intercropped with legumes reveled by AMMI analysis
Intercropping, as ecologically designed agricultural system, could help in agriculture advancement for many crops. The aim of research was to evaluate the effects of legume-sunflower intercropping and their interaction on the sunflower seed yield during 2017 and 2018 vegetation seasons. A field experiment was set up by intercropping three sunflower hybrids (Dukat, Rimi PR, and NS Gricko) with three types of legumes (Vicia sativa L., Medicago sativa L., and Trifolium pratense L.), whereas sole crops of sunflower were used as control. The Additive Main Effects and Multiplicative Interaction Analysis (AMMI) was used to test the main effects and interaction of intercrops. Year × crop combinations were examined as 8 environments. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) tests of seed yield in 8 environments indicated highly significant effects of genotype, environment and their interaction, with the following share: genotype 61.78%, environment 27.69%, and interaction 10.53%. Mean seed yield of the hybrids varied from 3 t/ha (Dukat), 3.5 t/h (Rimi PR), to 4.4 t/ha (NS Gricko). Knowing that hybrid Dukat, which had the smallest seed yield, is a short vegetation hybrid, while NS Gricko, which had the highest seed yield, is a confectionary hybrid, the results were expected
Soil fertility control in gherkin production in župa of Aleksandrovac
Zbog veoma povoljnih zemljišnih i klimatskih uslova Aleksandrovačka župa dobro je poznata kao vinogradarski rejon, koji daje visoko kvalitetna i vrhunska vina. Pored vinove loze, u ovom rejonu pogodni su uslovi za povrtarsku proizvodnju, posebno krastavaca kornišona. Plodnost zemljišta predstavlja lako pristupačne količine biljnih hraniva u zemljištu. Sistem kontrole plodnosti zemljišta i upotrebe đubriva zasnovan 1980. godine, obuhvata kontrolu svih faktora koji određuju plodnost zemljišta i dejstvo đubriva, odnosno preko ishrane utiču na rast, razviće i prinose biljaka, kao i mere kojima se ovi usmeravaju u cilju ostvarenja visoke i stabilne proizvodnje uz primenu ekonomičnosti i zaštitu životne sredine. Osnovna hemijska svojsva kao što su pH vrednost i sadržaj kalcijum karbonata su činioci koji se ne menjaju značajno u kratkom vremenskom periodu, kao što je jedna vegetacija. Međutim, kod pH vrednosti je primećeno blago povećanje u svim uzorcima. To se može objasniti upotrebom fiziološki alkalnih đubriva, s obzirom da je zemljište u ovom rejonu blago kiselo i neutralno.Due to the very favourable soil and climatic conditions, the Župa of Aleksandrovac is well known as a wine-growing region, which produces high quality and top wines. In addition to vines, in this region are suitable conditions for vegetable production, especially gherkins. Soil fertility is readily available amounts of plant nutrients in the soil. The System of soil fertility control and fertilizer use, founded in 1980, includes the control of all factors that determine soil fertility and the effect of fertilizers, actually through nutrition affect the growth, development and yield of plants, as well as measures to achieve high and stable production, with the application of economy and environmental protection. Basic chemical properties such as pH value and calcium carbonate content are factors that do not change significantly in a short period of time, such as one vegetation. However, a slight increase in pH was observed in all samples. This can be explained by the use of physiologically alkaline fertilizers, since the soil in this region is slightly acidic and neutral