2,772 research outputs found

    Where We Stand: An Analysis of America\u27s Family Law Adjudicatory Systems and the Mandate to Establish Unified Family Courts

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    The volume and scope of family law cases in contemporary American society, as well as their unending nature both individually and systemically, exacerbate the difficulty of their resolution. To address this crisis, the American Bar Association and others have recommended court reform, specifically, the establishment of unified family courts in all jurisdictions. A unified family court is a single forum within which to adjudicate the full range of family law issues, based on the notion that court effectiveness and efficiency increase when the court resolves a family\u27s legal problems in as few appearances as possible. The model is based on the concept that a court with a comprehensive view of all of a family\u27s legal problems can resolve issues more quickly and capably than can a system requiring the family to appear in several different tribunals for similar matters. This article evaluates how America\u27s courts currently adjudicate family law matters. The article provides a comprehensive overview of the results of a nationwide survey determining how each state handles family law matters. The survey results reveal variety and inconsistency in how America\u27s courts process family law cases, illustrating the need for a restructuring of the family legal system. Some problems noted by the study include conflicting jurisdiction among courts, unpredictable decision-making, a waste of judicial and litigant resources, successive appeals, and inefficient court administration. The article urges each state to conduct a comprehensive analysis of its existing family justice system. It advocates that reformers look to fundamental principles of unified family courts as a means to guide court reform efforts. States must acknowledge and live up to their responsibility to overhaul outdated and ineffective family justice systems

    A Truancy Court Program to Keep Students in School

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    Under Maryland law, [e]ach person who has legal custody or care and control of a child who is 5 years old or older and under 16 shall see that the child attends school... MD. Education Code Ann. Sect. 7-301 (c) 2006. The law also provides penalties for violations, as the legal custodian or caregiver who fails to see that the child attends school...is guilty of a misdemeanor, which could result in fines of 50to50 to 100 per day of unlawful absence and/or imprisonment for 10 to 30 days, depending on whether the conviction is a first or subsequent conviction. MD. Education Code Ann. Sect. 7-103(e)(2)(i)(i). Despite this legal imperative, however, the Baltimore City Public School System, which defines truancy as more than 20 days of unexcused absences, grapples with a truancy rate that consistently hovers around thirty percent. (Tom Pelton, City to Launch Anti-Truancy Effort, Balt. Sun, Aug. 14, 2003, at 3B.) This means that on any given day in Baltimore City, around 6000 of the system\u27s nearly 90,000 students are truant. Why is it important for a community to care about truancy rates, in comparison to more compelling issues, such as substance abuse and crime? High rates of truancy are linked to high daytime vandalism and burglary rates. Ramona Gonzales, Kinette Richards & Ken Seeley, Youth Out of School: Linking Absence to Delinquency, Colo. Found. for Fain. and Child. Sept. 2002, at 3 [hereinafter Gonzales]. The cyclical nature of truancy, meaning the more truant a child becomes, the more humiliating and futile school attendance becomes for the child, results in an increasingly greater reluctance to return to school

    Fashioning an Interdisciplinary Framework for Court Reform in Family Law: A Blueprint to Construct a Unified Family Court

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    Family law cases focus on some of the most intimate, emotional, and all-encompassing aspects of parties\u27 personal lives. Based on its study of unmet legal needs of children and their families, the American Bar Association has recommended the establishment of unified family courts in all jurisdictions. This article evaluates how America\u27s courts adjudicate family law matters and advocates systemic change by offering an interdisciplinary ecological and therapeutic approach to the creation of unified family courts. The author presents a comprehensive overview of the results of her nationwide survey determining how each state\u27s courts handle family law matters. The results of her survey illustrate the need for a unified family court system in matters of family law. A five-part blueprint to construct a unified family court is proposed. First, the court should have a specialized structure with judges who fully understand the legal and social issues facing family law litigants. The specialized court should be at the same level as a trial court of general jurisdiction, and the court should receive the same resources and support as the generalist courts. Second, the court should have comprehensive subject-matter jurisdiction over the full range of family law matters. The third component is an efficient case management and case processing system with a one judge/one case approach. Fourth, the court must offer alternative dispute resolution services and other court-connected social services to the family. Finally, the unified family court should be user-friendly, accessible to participation by all, including the large proportion of pro se family law litigants. The author advocates that a unified family court is a justice system reform having the greatest potential to enhance family law decision-making, thereby improving families\u27 and children\u27s lives

    Child Support in Maryland: Time for Change?

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    Another Look at the Need for Family Law Education Reform: One Law School\u27s Innovations

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    The pressing need to change family law education stems from increased numbers and types of family law matters before the courts, changing legal standards, and the evolution of family law practice. The Family Law Education Reform Project, the Families Matter Report, and the IAALS Family Bar Summit recommend that traditional family law education be supplemented to reflect the importance of a holistic blend of theory and practice. This involves expanding student clinical or experiential programs, incorporating interdisciplinary studies specific to the context of family law, and enhancing continuing legal education opportunities. As one law school example, the University of Baltimore School of Law has implemented many of these recommendations for students and practitioners

    Professional Pilot Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) EFB Usage, Policies and Reliability

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    Electronic Flight Bags (EFBs) have flooded the aviation industry. Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) tablets are now commonly used by pilots as EFBs. Operators use EFBs for ease of use, faster access to information, to remove weight from the aircraft, and to increase pilots’ quality of life. Identifying trends in EFB usage among professional pilots could benefit operators and universities with flight training programs. EFB policies and procedures may vary among operators but achieve FAA compliance. This study identified these policies and procedures. The types of devices and software vary, and identifying these devices and software could be useful. This research used a survey of professional pilots and identified common EFB policies, devices and software, which may help operators. In addition, EFB functionality and reliability were investigated. The data indicated that COTS EFB usage is widespread, and there are small variations in devices and software. The results also identified variations in EFB reliability with different hardware and software combinations

    Where We Stand: An Analysis of America\u27s Family Law Adjudicatory Systems and the Mandate to Establish Unified Family Courts

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    The volume and scope of family law cases in contemporary American society, as well as their unending nature both individually and systemically, exacerbate the difficulty of their resolution. To address this crisis, the American Bar Association and others have recommended court reform, specifically, the establishment of unified family courts in all jurisdictions. A unified family court is a single forum within which to adjudicate the full range of family law issues, based on the notion that court effectiveness and efficiency increase when the court resolves a family\u27s legal problems in as few appearances as possible. The model is based on the concept that a court with a comprehensive view of all of a family\u27s legal problems can resolve issues more quickly and capably than can a system requiring the family to appear in several different tribunals for similar matters. This article evaluates how America\u27s courts currently adjudicate family law matters. The article provides a comprehensive overview of the results of a nationwide survey determining how each state handles family law matters. The survey results reveal variety and inconsistency in how America\u27s courts process family law cases, illustrating the need for a restructuring of the family legal system. Some problems noted by the study include conflicting jurisdiction among courts, unpredictable decision-making, a waste of judicial and litigant resources, successive appeals, and inefficient court administration. The article urges each state to conduct a comprehensive analysis of its existing family justice system. It advocates that reformers look to fundamental principles of unified family courts as a means to guide court reform efforts. States must acknowledge and live up to their responsibility to overhaul outdated and ineffective family justice systems

    A Family Court for Maryland: The Time Has Come

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