69 research outputs found

    Effect of drying temperatures and pre-treatments on drying characteristics, energy consumption, and quality of bell pepper

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    Abstract: The effect of air temperature (50°C, 60°C, 70°C, 80°C and 90°C) and pre-treatments (steam, water palm oil-water, groundnut oil-water blanching) on the drying characteristics and quality of bell pepper was investigated.  The results were fitted to six thin-layer drying models and Parabolic model gave the best fit.  The pretreated samples dried faster than untreated samples and had lower values of total energy needed and specific energy requirement.  The ascorbic acid content, color and rehydration index varied from 129.1 to 316.8 mg/100 g dry matter, 0.1 to 0.9, 22 to 33 mL and pretreated dried pepper generally had higher values than untreated samples.   Keywords: modeling, energy consumption, Rehydration index, color, peppe

    New low-cost wastewater treatment system pioneered in Ireland

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    A pilot scheme in Ireland is treating agricultural wastewater using waste alum sludge from water-treatment works. Akin Babatunde and Yaqian Zhao from University College Dublin report on what could become the world's low-cost wastewater-treatment system of choice, particularly in remote areas


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    Sandcrete blocks comprise of natural sand, water and binder. Cement, as a binder, is the most expensive input in to the production of sandcrete blocks. This has necessitated producers of sandcrete blocks to produce blocks with low OPC content that will be affordable to people and with much gain. The poverty level amongst West African Countries and particularly Nigerian has made these blocks widely acceptable among the populace so as to minimize the cost of construction works. Despite the cost benefit of sandcrete cost, the improper use of these blocks leads to microcracks on the walls after construction and this result to incessant collapse of buildings which has turned out to be a worrisome problem facing the construction industry in Nigeria. The main aim of this research is to evaluate how sandcrete blocks and bricks are produced for use in Nigeria, the laws and regulations guiding their production and the prospects and challenges facing the block production industry in Nigeria. A case study survey of about 15 block production factories was conducted to find out how block manufacturers produce sandcrete blocks and bricks for use in Nigeria. Three types of investigations, namely field survey (participant observation), literature review and interviews were carried out. This study found several factors are responsible for the collapse of buildings one of which is the use of poor quality of building materials such as blocks and bricks. It is therefore important to ensure that the production of this major masonry unit is not only standardized but regulated and adequately monitored to ensure qualit

    Gestational headaches: characteristics and influencing factors in South-Western Nigeria

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    Background: Headache is one of the common neurological diseases in pregnancy but its pattern and influencing factors are yet to be determined in our environment in Nigeria. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and characteristics, as well as the modifying factors for gestational headaches in Ogbomoşo, Nigeria.Methods: This study was a bi-institutional cross-sectional descriptive study. Three hundred and eight (308) eligible pregnant women attending the ante-natal care of the Ladoke Akintola University of Technology and Ogbomoso South local government hospitals in Ogbomoso were recruited consecutively, between November10, 2012 and February 28, 2013. Using an interviewer administered questionnaire, socio-demographic, obstetrics and headache related variables were obtained from eligible pregnant women. Gestational headaches were characterized using the international classification of headache disorders II (ICHD-II). The prevalence of migraine and tension type headache were determined before and during pregnancy. Improvement rates (defined by reduced headache frequency and severity) were determined.Results: The prevalence of Headaches before and during pregnancy was 25% and 23.3% respectively (P = 0.661).Migraine prevalence was 8.4% and 5.5% before and during pregnancy respectively (P = 0.34); while the prevalence of Tension-Type Headaches (TTH) was 16.5% and 17.9% before and during pregnancy (P = 0.63). Improvement rate was 100% for migraine and 85.5% for TTH. Multiple logistic regressions revealed that poor personal income, unemployment and multi-parity were predictive factors for headaches in pregnancy.  Conclusions: Migraine and Tension type headaches were prevalent in this population and they are worsened by poor personal income, unemployment and multi-parity. Interventions and programs to subsidize antenatal care may prevent gestational headaches in this population.

    Qualitative Inquiry for Social Sciences

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    The goal of this study is to explore the analysis of qualitative interview transcripts without the use of a computer software. (Background]: Research into social problems, problems of deviation, of control and of crisis and the like, the general subject matter to which social problems is devoted is still mainly feasible through methods which yield qualitative data. (Problem Statement]: It is a common knowledge that many researchers are not too conversant with the best technique to analyse interview transcripts, particularly when they are not comfortable with the use of a computer analytical software. (Methods]: In-depth review of archival studies to present an approach to conveniently conduct qualitative research by reviewing secondary documents and referring to samples of manually analyzed transcript of recent authors. (Results]: This study provides an overview of important concepts related to qualitative content analysis. (Conclusions]: This research serves as a resource guide for qualitative researchers in social sciences investigation, discussing data collection techniques, data analysis, reporting, and the issues of trustworthiness, dependability, credibility and ethics .

    Review of Absorptive Capacity in Small and Medium Sized Construction Firms in Nigeria

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    The concept of Absorptive Capacity has been identified as an important tool for firms to sustain, grow and compete in their markets. A few authors have adopted the concept in their study in various dimensions. However, many of the researches emphasized on big firms with complex operating structures and strong research and development background. Not much research has addressed the theory in the perspective of Small and Medium Sized Construction Firms. Construction has been referred to as transaction-oriented business changing from the normal design-bid and builds process, to performance and innovative capacity based business. Due to the urge for Small and Medium Sized Construction Firms to acquire competencies and capabilities required for their sustenance in the face of increased competition by absorbing new skills, knowledge and technology through the recognition of valuable external information, acquiring and translating them through innovation to be able to successfully attain competitive advantage over others. The purpose of this study is to carry out a detailed literature review aimed at understanding the Absorptive Capacity of Small and Medium Sized Construction Firms as presented by earlier previous authors in this area of research. This study adds to existing body of knowledge on Absorptive Capacity by pointing out some important dimensions that are connected to the concept and adoption of new techniques in the perspective of Small and Medium Sized Construction Firm

    Impact of Employee Turnover in Small and Medium Construction Firms: A Literature Review

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    The issue of employee turnover has raised quite a number of concerns in the construction industries as a result of its effect on productivity. It is a known fact that employees are important stakeholders in the firm, but unfortunately after limited resources have been used in recruiting, training and developing the employees, they leave for other organizations. Employee’s turnover has drained limited resources of small and medium sized construction firms as the services of the lost employees are no longer available to be utilized by the firm. Hence, this research is aimed at assessing the impact of employee’s turnover rate in small and medium construction firms in Nigeria. The study adopts a literature review approach to review existing journals in related field so as to arrive at recent findings. However, many of the researches done in this area emphasized on big firms with complex operating structures and strong research and development background. Not much research has examined this concept in the perspective of small and medium sized construction firms. The findings from this study will add to existing body of knowledge in the domain of managing employees in small and medium sized construction firms, thereby increasing job performance and productivity in the sector

    Financing Early Staged Technology Based Firms in Malaysia

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    The establishment of various agencies to support and finance researches in universities and research institutes capable to grow Technology Based Firms was due to the Malaysian government’s recognition of Technology Entrepreneurship as an avenue to develop the economy industrially. Technology Based Firms (TBFs) have been widely accepted as a key influence in the economic development, wealth generation, employment and creation of new innovations. Although, despite huge investment in Research and Development and other public support from government to these group of firms, they still encounter difficulty in accessing the right and adequate amount of investment capital required to grow their firms to successful and global companies. The objective of this particular research is to find out the financing sources for early staged firms in Malaysia. The researchers interviewed 28 Technology Based Firms and 19 Venture Capital Firms in Malaysia through a qualitative approach to data collection. The data collected was transcribed, analyzed and coded with the aim of identifying the emergent themes relevant for the theme development for the study. This study finds that certain agencies of government are dedicated to supporting the growth requirements of young firms until they are capable to stand alone as independent companies

    Review of Shortage of Skilled Craftsmen in Small and Medium Construction Firms in Nigeria

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    Craftsmen in the construction industry play a very crucial role to the survival and growth of the industry as they are mostly engaged in the practical realization of construction projects. As a country endowed with skilled manpower, the construction industry in Nigeria can best be described as ironic. Though on the one hand, it was acclaimed to be the highest employer of the nation’s workforce after agriculture, while on the other, it is faced with challenges in technical skilled craftsmen shortage which affects organization’s productivity, quality of work, duration of projects and on firm’s profits. Not much research has examined the shortage of skilled workforce in the perspective of small and medium construction firms (SMCFs) in Nigeria. Majority of earlier research has focused mainly on large construction firms. The purpose of this study is to carry out a detailed review of archival documents aimed at examining the shortage of skilled craftsmen in the construction industry, particularly in small and medium construction firms in Nigeria. This study adds to existing body of knowledge by exposing the reasons for shortage of skilled craftsmen in the construction industry in the perspective of small and medium construction firms in Nigeri
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