130 research outputs found

    Surmising Consumer Demand System & Structural Changes Using Time Series Data

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    Consumer demand for food and non-food items in Pakistan has attracted the attention of various researchers. They have employed different parametric approaches, like single equation, double log models, linear expenditure system and extended linear expenditure system. Most of the studies were based on household income and expenditure survey data. Like other household surveys, HIES data do not give information about prices, due to which price elasticities could not estimated. This task could not be accomplished partly because, in order to examine the existence and the nature of structural change and estimation of price elasticities, time series data was required. In this context the present study is a step ahead. In this analysis time series data has been used on meat group from 1950-51 to 2003-2004. We estimated the linear approximation of almost ideal demand system (LA/AIDS). The model is used to estimate the parameters of meat demand equations. Furthermore, the existence and the nature of the structural change is checked by using LA/AIDS. The results from LA/AIDS model show a shift in consumer demand in case of chicken in 1991-92. Price and expenditure elasticities have also been calculated. The estimates of price and income elasticities are also consistent with economic theory.Consumer Demand: Empirical Estimation: LAAIDS: Time Series Data: Pakistan

    G (alpha) 12 Is Required For Thromboxane A2 To Regulate Tumor Cell Motility

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    Thromboxane (TX) A2 is a prostaglandin produced by metabolism of arachidonic acid through cyclooxygenases and thromboxane synthase. TXA2 is biologically active, mainly through activating its cognate, seven transmembrane, G protein coupled receptor. It was previously reported that thromboxane A2 receptor (TP) was expressed in prostate cancer, and further activation of this receptor elicited cell contraction and modulated tumor cell motility through regulating small GTPase RhoA[1]. This study aims to identify G alpha protein(s) involved in thromboxane A2 signaling in tumor cell motility. Methods: The expression of G alpha proteins in the PC3MM cells was studied by real time PCR. Cell contraction assay was performed by staining cells with TRITC phalliodin. Tumor cell motility and invasion were evaluated using wound healing assay and transwell Boyden Chamber assay. To determine the roles of G alpha protein in thromboxane A2 signaling, we expressed different alleles of G alpha proteins (wild type, constitutive active) in PC3MM cells and then the subsequent effects on cell contractions was determined. We also depleted G alpha protein expression by short hairpin RNA and examined subsequent changes in cell contraction and migration after activation of TP. G (alpha) 12 has been reported to play critical role in cell proliferation in vitro and tumor growth in vivo. These findings were validated by performing BrdU Incorporation assay, Cell proliferation assay and cell cycle analysis. Quantitative analysis of the epithelial to mesenchymal transition associated genes was performed by real time PCR. In vivo experiments were performed in order to validate in vitro findings. Results: PC3 MM cell line had the endogenous level of all the G alpha protein (G alpha 12, G alpha i1, G alpha 11, G alpha 13), but not G alpha q. Overexpression of G alpha 12/13 increased cell contraction after activation of thromboxane A2 receptor with U46619. Expression of constitutively active G alpha 12 by itself was sufficient to cause cell contraction, regardless whether TP is activated or not. We have identified two potent shRNAs that can silence the G Alpha 12. Depletion of G alpha 12 via shRNAs reduced cell contraction after TP activation. Tumor cells with depleted G alpha 12 had shown decreased tumor cell motility, invasiveness and cell proliferation. Cell cycle analysis showed that G alpha 12 depleted cells exhibit G1/G0 arrest. Quantitative expression of EMT associated genes was reduced in G alpha 12 depleted cells exhibiting increase in the E cadherin / Vimentin ratio. G alpha 12 depleted cells in comparison to scramble control show reduced rate of cell proliferation reminiscent of in vitro findings. Conclusion: This study presents compelling evidence that G alpha 12 plays a major role in thromboxane A2 regulation of prostate cancer invasion and metastasis. Silencing of G alpha 12 with shRNA may therefore provide a promising therapeutic strategy for prostate cancer patients

    Comparative study of different hill climbing MPPT through simulation and experimental test bed

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    Hill climbing MPPT technique is commonly used in photovoltaic systems in order to achieve maximum power from it. Due to the massive numbers of the MPPT techniques in this field, it becomes essential to find and verify the most effective, simplest and reliable technique to be used. In this paper comparative studies of two different climbing MPPTs that are conventional perturb and observe and modified perturb and observe has been performed. The paper verifies their tracking performance through calculations. Simulations are also performed using MATLAB SIMULINK and results are analyzed. In addition, hardware implementation has been carried out which verifies simulation results. This study should serve as a strong evidence for practical feasibility of the modified perturb and observe method for MPPT

    Surmising Consumer Demand System & Structural Changes Using Time Series Data

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    Consumer demand for food and non-food items in Pakistan has attracted the attention of various researchers. They have employed different parametric approaches, like single equation, double log models, linear expenditure system and extended linear expenditure system. Most of the studies were based on household income and expenditure survey data. Like other household surveys, HIES data do not give information about prices, due to which price elasticities could not estimated. This task could not be accomplished partly because, in order to examine the existence and the nature of structural change and estimation of price elasticities, time series data was required. In this context the present study is a step ahead. In this analysis time series data has been used on meat group from 1950-51 to 2003-2004. We estimated the linear approximation of almost ideal demand system (LA/AIDS). The model is used to estimate the parameters of meat demand equations. Furthermore, the existence and the nature of the structural change is checked by using LA/AIDS. The results from LA/AIDS model show a shift in consumer demand in case of chicken in 1991-92. Price and expenditure elasticities have also been calculated. The estimates of price and income elasticities are also consistent with economic theory

    Surmising Consumer Demand System & Structural Changes Using Time Series Data

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    Consumer demand for food and non-food items in Pakistan has attracted the attention of various researchers. They have employed different parametric approaches, like single equation, double log models, linear expenditure system and extended linear expenditure system. Most of the studies were based on household income and expenditure survey data. Like other household surveys, HIES data do not give information about prices, due to which price elasticities could not estimated. This task could not be accomplished partly because, in order to examine the existence and the nature of structural change and estimation of price elasticities, time series data was required. In this context the present study is a step ahead. In this analysis time series data has been used on meat group from 1950-51 to 2003-2004. We estimated the linear approximation of almost ideal demand system (LA/AIDS). The model is used to estimate the parameters of meat demand equations. Furthermore, the existence and the nature of the structural change is checked by using LA/AIDS. The results from LA/AIDS model show a shift in consumer demand in case of chicken in 1991-92. Price and expenditure elasticities have also been calculated. The estimates of price and income elasticities are also consistent with economic theory

    Factors associated with failed induction of labour in a secondary care hospital

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    Objective: To assess the factors associated with failed induction of labour (IOL) in a secondary care hospital.Method: This is a retrospective cross sectional study on women admitted for labour induction in Aga Khan Hospital for women Karimabad from 1st Jan, 2009 to 31st Dec, 2009. Induction was considered successful if the patient delivered vaginally and failed if it ended up in Caesarean Section.Result: Eighteen percent of our pregnant population who underwent induction of labour failed to deliver vaginally. About 25% of 328 nulliparous women had failed induction. With a Bishop score of \u3c5 in 84.3%. In 28.2% with prolonged latent phase of more than 20 hours in Caesarean section had to be performed.Conclusion: Nulliparity, poor Bishop score and prolonged latent phase had strongest association with failed Induction of Labour. Macrosomia, gestation age, bad obstetric history and pre labour rupture of membranes were other significant risk factors for emergency caesarean sections in IOL

    Numerical Simulation Model of Multijunction Solar Cell

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    Multi-junction solar cells play an important and significant role in the Concentrated Photovoltaic (CPV) Systems. Recent developments in Concentrated Photovoltaic concerning high power production and cost effective- ness along with better efficiency are due to the advancements in multi-junction cells. Boeing SpectroLab Inc. has introduced a Multi-junction solar cell employing tunnel junctions which improves efficiency up to 40%. This paper presents a simulation model of the generalized Multi-junction solar cell. The model adopts a mathematical approach in order to simulate and investigate the cell characterization curves including current density and power curves with respect to the applied voltage for different concentration levels and number of junctions and by varying the material properties of the multi-junctions and the tunneling layer. The proposed simulation model simulates the performance characteristics of two different natures of multi-junction solar cells including InGaP/GaAs Dual-junction Solar Cell (DJSC) with tunneling layer of InGaP and InGaP /GaAs/Ge Triple-Junction Solar Cell (TJSC) with tunneling layer of GaAs. Simulation results are presented in this paper which is in agreement with experimental results. Key–Words: Modeling, Multi-junction Solar Cell, Simulation, Tunnel Junctio

    Demand for Meat; Seprability and Structural changes (A Nonparametric Analysis)

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    This study provides information on the structure of the consumer demand for meat group (1950-51 to 2004-2005) in Pakistan. Nonparametric tests were used on the data set to check the consistency of the data with the theory of revealed preferences, e.g. the Afriat inequalities, GARP and the condition of weak separability. We started with 26 different consumer commodities and employed nonparametric tests to the different groups of commodities. But all other groups except meat group showed violations of generalized axiom of revealed preferences (GARP). So we limited our analysis only to meat group. It was found that there was no violation of GARP in our data set and hence consistent with Afriat inequalities. The data set also met the condition of weak separability. These test procedures imply that the data could have been generated by stable preferences. Furthermore, the existence and the nature of the structural change is checked by using GARP. Tests of structural change do support a shift in demand for fish in 1991-92

    Ultrasonographic Comparison of Previous Caesarean Scar Thickness in Second and Third Trimester of Current Pregnancy

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    Background: The rate of caesarean section is increasing in the world. With which there is an increase in complications of pregnancy. There is risk of the uterine rupture if there is trial of the normal delivery. The aim of study is to determine and compare previous caesarean scar thickness in second and third trimester of pregnancy. Objective(s): To determine previous caesarean scar thickness in second and third trimester of current pregnancy. Methodology: An analytical study was conducted in the Saima medical center Shalimar link road Lahore. Sixty-two patients were enrolled in this study with convenient sampling. Toshiba nemio 10 ultrasound machines with convex transducer frequency range 3.5 MHz.patients with placenta previa and twin gestation were excluded from this study. Transabdominal technique was used in this study. Data were collected through data collection sheets and was tabulated and analyzed using statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS)version 24(SPSS, IBM, Armonk, NY, United States of America) Microsoft excel. Results: A total of 62 patient were examined in the study. The age incidence of the cases in this study varied between 22 years to 36 years. The mean age of the patients in the study was 27. 2903.The mean gestational age was 27.47. The mean scar thickness at 24-28 weeks was3.3925. parity varied patient to patient.16(25.8%) females had para 2.23(37.1%) had para 3 and 16(25.8%) had para 4.3(4.8%) females had para 5 and 4(6.5%) had para 6. In the current study out of sixty-two patients 13(21%) were gravida1,24(38.7%) was gravid 2,17(27.4) were gravid 3,4(6.5%) gravid 4 and (6.5) gravid. A statistical significance difference found in mean scar thickness at 24-28 weeks of gestation and at 32-36 weeks of gestation-value = 0.000 < α = 0.05. Conclusion(s): ultrasound is the useful modality for determining scar thickness. The scar thickness of previous c section in the current pregnancy. Keywords: Analytical study, cesarean scar thickness DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/93-02 Publication date:September 30th 202

    Accounting Discretion, Loan Loss Provision in Financial Distress: Evidence from Commercial Banks

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    This study explores the association between earning management practices and financial distress in commercial banks. Earning management is measured through discretionary loan loss provisions and non-discretionary loan loss provisions. Modified Altman’s Z-score has been used as a proxy for financial distress. Panel regression with fixed and random effect has been employed for empirical analysis. The study finds a significant positive association between DLLP, NDLLP and financial distress in terms of the Altman Z-score. In the case of NDLLP, liquidity reduces the probability of financial distress. Whereas, a bank’s SIZE, LEVG and AQ enhance the likelihood of financial distress. The robustness tests were applied to find the association between NDLLP and FD using logistic regression to validate baseline estimates results of the random effect model. The findings of this study have implications for the policymakers, regulators and internal stakeholders to devise effective regulatory measures for well-informed investment decisions