319 research outputs found

    Near-Memory Address Translation

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    Memory and logic integration on the same chip is becoming increasingly cost effective, creating the opportunity to offload data-intensive functionality to processing units placed inside memory chips. The introduction of memory-side processing units (MPUs) into conventional systems faces virtual memory as the first big showstopper: without efficient hardware support for address translation MPUs have highly limited applicability. Unfortunately, conventional translation mechanisms fall short of providing fast translations as contemporary memories exceed the reach of TLBs, making expensive page walks common. In this paper, we are the first to show that the historically important flexibility to map any virtual page to any page frame is unnecessary in today's servers. We find that while limiting the associativity of the virtual-to-physical mapping incurs no penalty, it can break the translate-then-fetch serialization if combined with careful data placement in the MPU's memory, allowing for translation and data fetch to proceed independently and in parallel. We propose the Distributed Inverted Page Table (DIPTA), a near-memory structure in which the smallest memory partition keeps the translation information for its data share, ensuring that the translation completes together with the data fetch. DIPTA completely eliminates the performance overhead of translation, achieving speedups of up to 3.81x and 2.13x over conventional translation using 4KB and 1GB pages respectively.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Selective, accurate, and timely self-invalidation using last-touch prediction

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    Communication in cache-coherent distributed shared memory (DSM) often requires invalidating (or writing back) cached copies of a memory block, incurring high overheads. This paper proposes Last-Touch Predictors (LTPs) that learn and predict the “last touch ” to a memory block by one processor before the block is accessed and subsequently invalidated by another. By predicting a last-touch and (self-)invalidating the block in advance, an LTP hides the invalidation time, significantly reducing the coherence overhead. The key behind accurate last-touch prediction is tracebased correlation, associating a last-touch with the sequence of instructions (i.e., a trace) touching the block from a coherence miss until the block is invalidated. Correlating instructions enables an LTP to identify a last-touch to a memory block uniquely throughout an application’s execution. In this paper, we use results from running shared-memory applications on a simulated DSM to evaluate LTPs. The results indicate that: (1) our base case LTP design, maintaining trace signatures on a per-block basis, substantially improves prediction accuracy over previous self-invalidation schemes to an average of 79%; (2) our alternative LTP design, maintaining a global trace signature table, reduces storage overhead but only achieves an average accuracy of 58%; (3) last-touch prediction based on a single instruction only achieves an average accuracy of 41 % due to instruction reuse within and across computation; and (4) LTP enables selective, accurate, and timely self-invalidation in DSM, speeding up program execution on average by 11%.

    Last-touch correlated data streaming

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    Recent research advocates address-correlating predictors to identify cache block addresses for prefetch. Unfortunately, address-correlating predictors require correlation data storage proportional in size to a program's active memory footprint. As a result, current proposals for this class of predictor are either limited in coverage due to constrained on-chip storage requirements or limited in prediction lookaheaddue to long off-chip correlation data lookup. In this paper, we propose Last-Touch Correlated Data Streaming (LT-cords), a practical address-correlating predictor. The key idea of LT-cords is to record correlation data off chip in the order they will be used and stream them into a practicallysized on-chip table shortly before they are needed, thereby obviating the need for scalable on-chip tables and enabling low-latency lookup. We use cycle-accurate simulation of an 8-way out-of-order superscalar processor to show that: (1) LT-cords with 214KB of on-chip storage can achieve the same coverage as a last-touch predictor with unlimited storage, without sacrificing predictor lookahead, and (2) LT-cords improves performance by 60% on average and 385% at best in the benchmarks studied. © 2007 IEEE

    Speculative sequential consistency with little custom storage

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    This paper proposes SC++lite, a sequentially consistent system that relaxes memory order speculatively to bridge the performance gap among memory consistency models. Prior proposals to speculatively relax memory order require large custom on-chip storage to maintain a history of speculative processor and memory state while memory order is relaxed. SC++lite uses the memory hierarchy to store the speculative history, providing a scalable path for speculative SC systems across a wide range of applications and system latencies. We use cycle-accurate simulation of shared-memory multiprocessors to show that SC++lite can fully relax memory order while virtually obviating the need for custom on-chip storage. Moreover while demand for storage increases significantly with larger memory latencies, SC++lite's ability to relax memory order remains insensitive to memory latency. An SC++lite system can improve performance over a base SC system by 28% with only 2 KB of custom storage in a system with 16 processors. In contrast, speculative SC systems with custom storage require 51 KB of storage to improve performance by 31% over a base SC syste

    Address partitioning in DSM clusters with parallel coherence controllers

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    Recent research suggests that DSM clusters can benefit from parallel coherence controllers. Parallel controllers requires address partitioning and synchronization to avoid handling multiple coherence events for the same memory address simultaneously. This paper evaluates a spectrum of address partitioning schemes that vary in performance, hardware complexity, and cost. Dynamic partitioning minimizes load imbalance in controllers by using hardware address synchronizers to distribute the load among multiple protocol engines at runtime. Static partitioning obviates the need for hardware synchronization and assigns memory addresses to protocol engines at design time, but may lead to load imbalance among engines. We present simulation results indicating that: (i) dynamic partitioning performs best speeding up application execution on an 8 8-way cluster on average by 62% using four-engine as compared to single-engine controllers, (ii) block- interleaved static partitioning using low-order address bits is an attractive alternative and performs close to dynamic partitioning when protocol occupancies are low or there is little queueing, and (iii) previously proposed static schemes that partition memory pages either into home and remote engines or using low-order page address bits results in a high load imbalance in parallel controllers

    Reactive NUMA: A design for unifying S-COMA and CC-NUMA

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    This paper proposes and evaluates a new approach to directory-based cache coherence protocols called Reactive NUMA (R-NUMA). An R-NUMA system combines a conventional CC-NUMA coherence protocol with a more-recent Simple-COMA (S-COMA) protocol. What makes R-NUMA novel is the way it dynamically reacts to program and system behavior to switch between CC- NUMA and S-COMA and exploit the best aspects of both protocols. This reactive behavior allows each node in an R-NUMA system to independently choose the best protocol for a particular page, thus providing much greater performance stability than either CC-NUMA or S-COMA alone. Our evaluation is both qualitative and quantitative. We first show the theoretical result that R-NUMA's worst-case performance is bounded within a small constant factor (i.e., two to three times) of the best of CC-NUMA and S-COMA. We then use detailed execution-driven simulation to show that, in practice, R-NUMA usually performs better than either a pure CC-NUMA or pure S-COMA protocol, and no more than 57% worse than the best of CC-NUMA and S- COMA, for our benchmarks and base system assumptions

    Scheduling communication on an SMP node parallel machine

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    Distributed-memory parallel computers and networks of workstations (NOWs) both rely on efficient communication over increasingly high-speed networks. Software communication protocols are often the performance bottleneck. Several current and proposed parallel systems address this problem by dedicating one general-purpose processor in a symmetric multiprocessor (SMP) node specifically for protocol processing. This scheduling convention reduces communication latency and increases effective bandwidth but also reduces the peak performance since the dedicated processor no longer performs computation. In this paper, we study a parallel machine with SMP nodes and compare two protocol processing policies: Fixed, which uses a dedicated protocol processor; and Floating, where all processors perform both computation and protocol processing. The results from synthetic microbenchmarks and five macrobenchmarks show that: (i) a dedicated protocol processor benefits light-weight protocols much more than heavy- weight protocols; (ii) fixed improves performance over Floating when communication becomes the bottleneck, which is more likely when the application is very communication-intensive, overheads are very high, or there are multiple (i.e., more than two) processors per node; (iii) a system with optimal cost-effectiveness is likely to include a dedicated protocol processor, at least for light-weight protocol

    Comparing the effectiveness of fine-grain memory caching against page migration/replication in reducing traffic in DSM clusters

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    In this paper we compare and contrast two techniques to improve capacity/conflict miss traffic in CC-NUMA DSM clusters. Page migration/replication optimizes read-write accesses to a page used by a single processor by migrating the page to that processor and replicates all read-shared pages in the sharers' local memories. R-NUMA optimizes read- write accesses to any page by allowing a processor to cache that page in its main memory. Page migration/replication requires less hardware complexity as compared to R-NUMA, but has limited applicability and incurs much higher overheads even with timed hardware/software support. In this paper, we compare and contrast page migration/replication and R-NUMA on simulated clusters of symmetric multiprocessors executing shared-memory applications. Our results show that: (1) both page migration/replication and R-NUMA significantly improve the system performance over “first-touch” migration in many applications, (2) page migration/replication has limited opportunity and can not eliminate all the capacity/conflict misses even with fast hardware support and unlimited amount of memory, (3) R-NUMA always performs best given a page cache large enough to fit an application's primary working set and subsumes page migration/replication, (4) R-NUMA benefits more from hardware support to accelerate page operations than page migration/replication, and (5) integrating page migration/replication into R- NUMA to help reduce the hardware cost requires sophisticated mechanisms and policies to select candidates for page migration/replicatio
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