8 research outputs found
Состояние репродуктивной системы и овариального резерва у женщин с опухолями и опухолевидными образованиями яичников (отдаленные результаты)
In recent years there has been an increase in benign tumors of the ovaries from 11% to 25% of all tumors of the genital organs. This group of diseases occurs in active reproductive age with almost 60% of patients and has a significant impact on women's ovarian reserve. Until the present it still remains unstudied the effect of tumors and tumor-like formations of ovaries on ovarian reserve depending on the type, size, and surgical methods of treatment. The need for medical intervention in newly diagnosed asymptomatic cysts of small size is controversial issue, as well as the feasibility of surgical treatment when they have uncomplicated clinical course.В последнее время отмечается рост доброкачественных образований яичников с 11% до 25% всех опухолей половых органов. Почти у 60% пациенток данная группа заболеваний возникает в активном репродуктивном возрасте и оказывает значительное влияние на овариальный резерв женщин. До настоящего времени остается до конца не изученным влияние опухолей и опухолевидных образований яичников на овариальный резерв, в зависимости от вида, размеров и хирургических методов лечения. Спорными являются вопросы необходимости медицинского вмешательства при впервые выявленных бессимптомных кистах малых размеров, целесообразности хирургического лечения при их неосложненном клиническом течении
HPLC-UV Method for Determing Flavonoids in Hawthorn Flowers and Leaves
An HPLC technique with UV spectrophotometric detection was developed for qualitative and quantitative determination of vitexin, rutin, hyperoside, and quercetin in Crataegus sanguinea hawthorn herbs (flowers and leaves). The separation used a Luna C18(2) column (4.6 × 150 mm, 5 μm) and a stepwise gradient. Calibration curves for the four flavonoids exhibited good linearity (r2> 0.995) in the studied ranges. The analytical recoveries over one day/week were 95.9-104.3%/95.6 – 102.9% for vitexin; 94.0 – 102.2%/93.5 – 101.5% for rutin; 98.0 – 102.2%/97.5 – 102.9% for hyperoside; and 96.0 – 109.8%/97.2 – 111.0% for quercetin. The intra- and interday coefficients of variation (RSD, %) were <3%. The relative error (ε, %) of a single determination at confidence level 95% was <3% for rutin, hyperoside, and vitexin and <4% for quercetin. © 2017, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC
HPLC-UV Method for Determing Flavonoids in Hawthorn Flowers and Leaves
An HPLC technique with UV spectrophotometric detection was developed for qualitative and quantitative determination of vitexin, rutin, hyperoside, and quercetin in Crataegus sanguinea hawthorn herbs (flowers and leaves). The separation used a Luna C18(2) column (4.6 × 150 mm, 5 μm) and a stepwise gradient. Calibration curves for the four flavonoids exhibited good linearity (r2> 0.995) in the studied ranges. The analytical recoveries over one day/week were 95.9-104.3%/95.6 – 102.9% for vitexin; 94.0 – 102.2%/93.5 – 101.5% for rutin; 98.0 – 102.2%/97.5 – 102.9% for hyperoside; and 96.0 – 109.8%/97.2 – 111.0% for quercetin. The intra- and interday coefficients of variation (RSD, %) were <3%. The relative error (ε, %) of a single determination at confidence level 95% was <3% for rutin, hyperoside, and vitexin and <4% for quercetin. © 2017, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC
Aim. Complex assessment of reproductive health in patients with external genital endometriosis after surgery. Materials and Methods. The study involved 55 women of childbearing age who received treatment in the department of gynecology of Bauman City Clinical Hospital. 29 and 30 women observed in Central Clinical Hospital. 6. In 2014-2016 the patients underwent laparoscopic surgery for external genital endometriosis. External genital endometriosis of different extent and severity (according to R-AFS) was diagnosed and confirmed using laparoscopic and morphologic assessment methods. 70 patients underwent endometrioma nucleation, and 15 patients with retrocervical endometriosis were subjected to excision of endometrioma with mobilization of the anterior wall of the colon as well as coagulation of endometrioid heterotopias of various sites; all patients were subjected to adhesiolysis. Results. 48 (64%) patients had III-IV stage endometriosis. In 20% endometriosis was diagnosed during surgery. Anthropometric indicators were mostly associated with asthenic type. Emotional and behavioral disorders were observed in 25 (33.3%) patients with tendency to hysterical personality disorder; the rest had mood swing and liability to depression. In less than 60% of patients the severity of endometriosis was significantly related to pelvis pain intensity. The majority of patients were women of asthenic type and with expressed pain syndrome, and hysterical personality disorder according to Beck scale. Conclusion. Individual assessment of pain, anthropometric and personal traits in patients together with complex assessment of morphologic and anatomic changes in reproductive organs make it possible to see a real pattern of disease and condition in women with external genital endometriosis, which helps in choice of surgery volume and appropriate medical treatment
Aim. Complex assessment of reproductive health in patients with external genital endometriosis after surgery. Materials and Methods. The study involved 55 women of childbearing age who received treatment in the department of gynecology of Bauman City Clinical Hospital. 29 and 30 women observed in Central Clinical Hospital. 6. In 2014-2016 the patients underwent laparoscopic surgery for external genital endometriosis. External genital endometriosis of different extent and severity (according to R-AFS) was diagnosed and confirmed using laparoscopic and morphologic assessment methods. 70 patients underwent endometrioma nucleation, and 15 patients with retrocervical endometriosis were subjected to excision of endometrioma with mobilization of the anterior wall of the colon as well as coagulation of endometrioid heterotopias of various sites; all patients were subjected to adhesiolysis. Results. 48 (64%) patients had III-IV stage endometriosis. In 20% endometriosis was diagnosed during surgery. Anthropometric indicators were mostly associated with asthenic type. Emotional and behavioral disorders were observed in 25 (33.3%) patients with tendency to hysterical personality disorder; the rest had mood swing and liability to depression. In less than 60% of patients the severity of endometriosis was significantly related to pelvis pain intensity. The majority of patients were women of asthenic type and with expressed pain syndrome, and hysterical personality disorder according to Beck scale. Conclusion. Individual assessment of pain, anthropometric and personal traits in patients together with complex assessment of morphologic and anatomic changes in reproductive organs make it possible to see a real pattern of disease and condition in women with external genital endometriosis, which helps in choice of surgery volume and appropriate medical treatment
Complex Assessment of Reproductive Health in Patients with External Genital Endometriosis after Surgery
Закирова Яна Рявхатевна, аспирант кафедры акушерства и гинекологии с курсом перинатологии, Российский университет дружбы народов, г. Москва, [email protected].
Бабаева Эльвира Ильхамовна, аспирант кафедры акушерства и гинекологии с курсом
перинатологии, Российский университет дружбы народов, г. Москва, [email protected].
Оразов Мекан Рахимбердыевич, доктор медицинских наук, профессор кафедры акушерства и гинекологии с курсом перинатологии, Российский университет дружбы народов, г. Москва, [email protected].
Арютин Дмитрий Геннадьевич, кандидат медицинских наук, доцент кафедры акушерства и
гинекологии с курсом перинатологии, Российский университет дружбы народов, г. Москва,
[email protected]. Y.R. Zakirova, [email protected],
E.I. Babaeva, [email protected],
M.R. Orazov, [email protected],
D.G. Aryutin, [email protected]
Russian Peoples' Friendship University, Moscow, Russian FederationЦель исследования: комплексная оценка репродуктивного здоровья пациенток с наружным генитальным эндометриозом после хирургического лечения. Материалы и методы. В исследование были включены 55 женщин репродуктивного возраста, проходившие лечение в отделении гинекологии ГКБ № 29 им. Баумана и 30 женщин – в ЦКБ № 6
ОАО «РЖД». За период 2014–2016 гг. данные пациентки прооперированы лапароскопическим доступом по поводу наружного генитального эндометриоза. Диагноз наружного генитального эндометриоза, разных степеней распространенности и тяжести по стадиям
классификации по R-AFS, соответственно подтвержден лапароскопическим и морфологическим исследованиями. У 70 женщин произведена энуклеация эндометриомы, у 15 женщин с ретроцервикальным эндометриозом – иссечение эндометриоидного инфильтрата с
мобилизацией передней стенки прямой кишки, а также коагуляция эндометриоидных гетеротопий различной локализации, адгезиолизис у всех пациенток. Результаты. У 48 (64 %)
пациенток выявлены III–IV стадии распространения эндометриоза. У 20 % пациенток эндометриоз явился операционной находкой. Антропометрические показатели имели тенденцию к астеническому типу телосложения. Эмоциональные нарушения и поведенческие
расстройства отмечались у 25 (33,3 %) пациенток с тенденцией к истерической психопатии, у остальных пациенток наблюдались лабильность эмоционального состояния, склонность к депрессиям. Менее чем у 60 % обследованных пациенток степень тяжести заболевания имела достоверную связь с интенсивностью тазовой боли. Подавляющим большинством из числа обследованных оказались женщины с астеническим типом телосложения и
выраженным болевым синдромом, относящиеся к истерическому типу психопатий по шкале
Бека. Заключение. Индивидуальная оценка болевых ощущений, антропометрических и
личностных особенностей пациенток в комплексной оценке с морфологическими и анатомическими изменениями органов репродуктивной системы позволяют сформировать адекватную картину тяжести заболевания и состояния женщин с наружным генитальным эндометриозом, с последующим выбором объема оперативного вмешательства и назначением корректной лекарственной терапии. Aim. Complex assessment of reproductive health in patients with external genital endometriosis
after surgery. Materials and Methods. The study involved 55 women of childbearing age
who received treatment in the department of gynecology of Bauman City Clinical Hospital № 29
and 30 women observed in Central Clinical Hospital № 6. In 2014–2016 the patients underwent
laparoscopic surgery for external genital endometriosis. External genital endometriosis of different
extent and severity (according to R-AFS) was diagnosed and confirmed using laparoscopic
and morphologic assessment methods. 70 patients underwent endometrioma nucleation, and 15 patients
with retrocervical endometriosis were subjected to excision of endometrioma with mobilization
of the anterior wall of the colon as well as coagulation of endometrioid heterotopias of
various sites; all patients were subjected to adhesiolysis. Results. 48 (64%) patients had
III–IV stage endometriosis. In 20% endometriosis was diagnosed during surgery. Anthropometric
indicators were mostly associated with asthenic type. Emotional and behavioral disorders were
observed in 25 (33.3%) patients with tendency to hysterical personality disorder; the rest had
mood swing and liability to depression. In less than 60% of patients the severity of endometriosis
was significantly related to pelvis pain intensity. The majority of patients were women of asthenic
type and with expressed pain syndrome, and hysterical personality disorder according to Beck
scale. Conclusion. Individual assessment of pain, anthropometric and personal traits in patients
together with complex assessment of morphologic and anatomic changes in reproductive organs
make it possible to see a real pattern of disease and condition in women with external genital
endometriosis, which helps in choice of surgery volume and appropriate medical treatment
Total flavonoids in crataegus «Flowers with leaves» raw material of Russian Flora
The total flavonoid content of various species of Crataegus novel raw material- «flowers with leaves» was conducted to a comparative study in order to identify the possibility of co-harvesting material from different species. 27 samples of 6 pharmacopoeial and 7 nonpharmacopoeial Crataegus species obtained from the Biological Collections of VILAR, Tsitsin Main Botanical Garden RAS, Kuzbass, Penza and Stavropol Botanical Gardens, Altai Territory, Voronezh region, Kemerovo and Moscow harvested in Russian Federation were analyzed. Spectrophotometric assay based on aluminium complex formation was used for determination of total flavonoid expressed as hyperoside. The fractional composition of the raw material (percentage of leaves and stems) and its influence on the content of flavonoids was studied. The total flavonoids expressed as hyperoside of the raw material "flowers with leaves" of pharmacopoeial Crataegus species ranged from 1.40±0.05% (C. chlorocarpa) to 2.20±0.11% (C. monogyna), nonpharmacopeal species - from 1.21±0.11% (C. maximowiczii) to 2.21±0.09% (C. ambigua). The average quantity was 1.65%. The total flavonoid values of non-pharmacopoeial species raw material were comparable with pharmacopoeial species thus it allows to consider them promising for further study and use of their parts for medical purpose. © Altai State University. All rights reserved