1,044 research outputs found

    First Synthesis of Biopterin α-D-Glucoside

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    A novel glycosyl donor, 4,6-di-O-acetyl-2,3-di-O-(4-methoxy-benzyl)-α-D-glucopyranosy bromide (15) was efficiently prepared from D-glucose in 8 steps. The first synthesis of 2’-O-(α-D-glucopyranosyl)biopterin (2) was achieved by treatment of the key precursor, N(2)-(N,N-dimethylamino- methylene)-1’-O-(4-methoxybenzyl)-3-[2-(4-nitrophenyl)ethyl]biopterin (6) with 15 in the presence of silver triflate and tetramethylurea, followed by removal of the protecting groups

    原発性副甲状腺機能亢進症, 尿管ポリープおよび腎盂結石を伴ったKlinefelter症候群の1例

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    副甲状腺機能亢進症, 右尿管ポリープ, および右腎盂結石を合併したKlinefelter症候群の1例を経験し, その臨床経過を報告するとともに文献的考察を加えた。〔症例〕 55歳男性で右側腹部痛を主訴として来院した。理学的所見で外陰部は男性型であるが発育不良で両側睾丸は小さくeunuchoidal habitusを呈した。既往歴に右尿管結石で5回自然排石が認められたほかに, 16年前gynecomastiaのためmastectomyを受けた事がある。身長171 cm, arm span 177.8 cmで体毛は少なく染色体検査は47XXYでKlinefelter症候群と診断した。血清LH, FSHは高値でテストステロン値は低値を示した。排泄性腎盂造影で右水腎症と右腎孟結石が認められ, 逆行性腎盂造影により右尿管上部に水腎症の原因となる腫瘍による多発性陰影欠損がみられ, 尿細胞診も悪性腫瘍を疑わせたため, 右腎尿管全摘術を施行した。尿管腫瘍は組織学的には多発性の尿管ポリープであった。血清Ca, Pは正常範囲内であるがhypercalciuriaがみられ, %TRPも54%と低値で副甲状腺ホルモン値も高いため, 原発性副甲状腺機能亢進症を疑いcervical explorationを施行した。副甲状腺は, diffuse hyperplasiaを呈し3/4副甲状腺亜全摘術と胸腺摘出術を行った。摘出した胸腺内には異所性副甲状腺組織は認められなかった。文献的に本症候群には糖尿病, 甲状腺機能不全, 下垂体牲腺機能不全などのいくつかの内分泌機能障害が報告されている。しかし本症候群に副甲状腺機能充進を合併した報告は過去に1例をみるにすぎない。副甲状腺機能亢進症の診断上, %TRPと静脈カテーテルによる頸部静脈血のmultiple samplingによる副甲状腺ホルモン測定の意義について言及した。Herein is reported a case of 47 XXV-Klinefelter's syndrome associated with ureteral polyps, renal pelvic stone and primary hyperparathyroidism. To the best of our knowledge, this is the second patient reported to have Klinefelter's syndrome coexisting with primary hyperparathyroidism. Frequent endocrinological disorders in the patients with Klinefelter's syndrome and diagnostic problems for hyperparathyroidism and ureteral polyps are discussed

    Solid Phase Synthesis of the Active Center Octapeptide of Candida krusei Cytochrome C Apoprotein

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    The active center octapeptide of Candida krusei cytochrome C apoprotein, H_2N-Cys-Ala-Glu-Cys-His-Thr-Ile-Glu-OH, was synthesized by the Merrifield method using an automatic peptide synthesizer

    Japan's Deflation, Problems in the Financial System, and Monetary Policy

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    This paper offers three analyses of Japan's macroeconomic experience during the post-1990 period. First, we analyze various facets of deflation during the period, arguing that the deflation of general prices has by no means been a major factor for the stagnating economy. In contrast, the deflation of asset prices was closely related to the economic difficulty of the period. In particular, the negative shocks generated by sharp declines in asset prices in the early 1990s have been propagated and amplified by their interaction with the deterioration in the condition of the financial system. Some statistical evidence supports this view. Second, we analyze the effects of monetary policy adopted by the Bank of Japan (BOJ) to fight deflation since the late 1990s. Given that short-term interest rates were already nearly zero in the mid-1990s, policy measures have focused on creating monetary easing effects beyond those created by zero interest rates alone. We show that the zero interest rate policy, which includes a commitment to maintain a zero interest rate for a longer period than that suggested by a baseline monetary policy rule, has produced strong effects on expected future short-term interest rates and thus the entire yield curve. Third, we argue that the BOJ has successfully prevented a repetition of the 1997-98 type liquidity crisis by directing market operations at addressing the financial-sector problems. These operations have taken the form of containing risk and liquidity premiums, particularly in the money market, through proactive provision of liquidity as well as the BOJ's own risk- taking activity.

    An Efficient Synthetic Route for a Versatile Ciliapterin Derivative and the First Ciliapterin D-Mannoside Synthesis

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    The key precursor, N(2)-(N,N-dimethylaminomethylene)-1’-O-(4-methoxybenzyl)-3-[2-(4-nitrophenyl)ethyl]ciliapterin (15) was efficiently prepared from D-xylose via an improved route. The first synthesis of 2’-O-(α-D-mannopyranosyl)ciliapterin (2c) was achieved by treatment of 15 with 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-benzoyl-α-D-mannnopyranosyl bromide in the presence of silver triflate and tetramethylurea, followed by removal of the protecting groups

    Synthesis of 6-Hydroxymethylpterin α- and β-D-Glucosides

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    The key precursor, N(2)-(N,N-dimethylaminomethylene)-6-hydroxymethyl-3-[2-(4-nitrophenyl)ethyl]pterin (11) was efficiently prepared from 2,5,6-triamino-4-hydroxypyrimidine (8) in 5 steps. The first, unequivocal synthesis of 6-hydroxymethylpterin α-D-glucoside (6a) was achieved by treatment of 11 with 4,6-di-O-acetyl-2,3-di-O-(4-methoxybenzyl)-α-D-glucopyranosyl bromide (16) in the presence of tetraethylammonium bromide and N-ethyldiisopropylamine, followed by removal of the protecting groups, while 6-hydroxymethylpterin β-D-glucoside (6b) was prepared by means of selective glycosylation of 11 with 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-benzoyl-α-D-glucopyranosyl bromide (12) in the presence of silver triflate and tetramethylurea


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    The Single Square Voltage Pulse (SSVP) method was applied on specific acupuncture points of about 2,500 male and female subjects who live in California. Data was gathered during a period of six years from 1994 to 2000 at the California Institute for Human Science (CIHS). The gathered data were examined to investigate possible gender differences regarding meridian function. From the current curve generated by the application of the SSVP method, only the BP (Before Polarization; the pre-polarization current in the dermis) was used in this study. Analysis of the data showed that male meridian function is more active and has more energy than female meridian function during cold and hot seasons, whereas female subjects have more energy and have more active meridian function during mild seasons. On the contrary the distribution of the most active meridians and the most inactive meridians shows the same pattern between males and females, which indicates that males and females are almost the same in their vital energy system

    Two cases of retrobulbar meningioma excised by skull base approaches

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    We present two cases of orbital meningioma which were totally excised by a neurosurgical and craniomaxillofacial team using skull base approaches