14 research outputs found


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    Latar belakang: Persalinan Preterm adalah proses persalinan yang terjadi pada usia kehamilan 20-<37 minggu dan merupakan salah satu penyebab tertinggi kematian bayi di dunia. Angka kematian bayi di Indonesia masih sangat tinggi salah satunya di Kabupaten Gunungkidul Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Faktor usia ibu berisikomerupakan salah satu penyebab persalinan preterm. Usia ibu berisiko di Gunungkidul meningkattahun 2014-2015 tetapikejadian persalinan preterm menurun. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan usia ibu dengan kejadian persalinan preterm di RSUD Wonosari tahun 2016. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional dengan desain Cross-sectional. Penelitiandilakukan di RSUD Wonosari tahun 2017. Metode penelitian: Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan simple random sampling dan didapatkan sampel 182. Analisis data menggunakan uji statistic chi-square test. Hasil penelitian, jumlah prevalensi preterm 62 (34,1%) dan aterm 120 (65,9%). Hasil uji statistic didapatkan p-value 0,002 dan koefisien kontingensi 0,227. Hal ini berarti ada hubungan usia ibu dengan kejadian persalinan preterm di RSUD Wonosari tahun 2016 dengan tingkat keeratan hubungan yang rendah. Kesimpulan:usia ibu 35 tahun merupakan faktor risiko penyebab kejadian persalinan preterm

    Usia Ibu dan Kejadian Persalinan Preterm

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    Preterm labor was a labor that occurs at 20-&lt;37 weeks gestational age and it was one of the highest cause of infant death in theworld. Infant mortality rate in Indonesia was still very high, in Yogyakarta happened in Gunungkidul District. Maternal age factor wasone of the preterm labor problem. In 2014-2015 at Gunungkidul, the risk of maternal age increased but preterm labor decreased. Thepurpose of this study was to determine the relationship between maternal age and the incidence of preterm labor in WonosariHospital in 2016. This research was an observational study with Cross-sectional design. The research was conducted in RSUDWonosari in 2017. The technique sampling used simple random sampling and obtained 182 mothers. Data was analized using chisquaretest. The results of the study showed preterm prevalence 34,1% and aterm 65,9%. In the statistical test obtained p-value0.002 and contingency coefficient 0.227. This means that there was a correlation between mother's age and the preterm labor atWonosari Hospital in 2016 and the correlation was in a low level. As a conclusion in this study, maternal age &lt;20 and &gt;35 years wererisk factors that led to the incidence of preterm labor

    Social housing in Cameroon: state of the affairs

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    International audienceIn this paper, we observe that in 2020, the cumulative deficit in social housing in Cameroon amounted to about 2,000,000 dwellings. Moreover, for more than 70 years, the production and management of social housing within the territory has been performed by a single social landlord and donor; a state-owned corporation. This state of play shows that in 2021, in the land market, the acquisition costs a square meter of undeveloped land varied between 400,000CFA francs (640 US)and10,000CFAfrancs(US) and 10,000CFA francs (US16 US),forplotsoflandbenefitingtotallyorpartiallyfromagoodlevelofurbaninfrastructureandservices.Furthermore,potentialclientsabletoaffordtherentofsocialhousingareCameroonianswhosemonthlysalarylevelsinthecounty′sformaleconomyrangesfrom25,068CFAfrancs(40US), for plots of land benefiting totally or partially from a good level of urban infrastructure and services. Furthermore, potential clients able to afford the rent of social housing are Cameroonians whose monthly salary levels in the county's formal economy ranges from 25,068CFA francs (40 US) to 674,708CFA franc (1,080 US).Withregardtothesocialhousingrentalmarket,theminimumrentalcostsforhousingproposedbythesoleCamerooniansociallandlordrevealthatthelowestmonthlyrentis13,100CFAfrancs(21US). With regard to the social housing rental market, the minimum rental costs for housing proposed by the sole Cameroonian social landlord reveal that the lowest monthly rent is 13,100 CFA francs (21 US) for a T1 dwelling and 85,860 CFA francs (137 US$) for a T6 dwelling. Comparing the monthly rental costs of housing offered by the social landlord with the level of salary available to employees in the formal economy, shows that only a portion of employees in category 1 and 2 of the private sub-sectors, outside banking and financial institutions, cannot be housed on the ground of having very low salary levels

    Social housing in Cameroon: state of the affairs

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    International audienceIn this paper, we observe that in 2020, the cumulative deficit in social housing in Cameroon amounted to about 2,000,000 dwellings. Moreover, for more than 70 years, the production and management of social housing within the territory has been performed by a single social landlord and donor; a state-owned corporation. This state of play shows that in 2021, in the land market, the acquisition costs a square meter of undeveloped land varied between 400,000CFA francs (640 US)and10,000CFAfrancs(US) and 10,000CFA francs (US16 US),forplotsoflandbenefitingtotallyorpartiallyfromagoodlevelofurbaninfrastructureandservices.Furthermore,potentialclientsabletoaffordtherentofsocialhousingareCameroonianswhosemonthlysalarylevelsinthecounty′sformaleconomyrangesfrom25,068CFAfrancs(40US), for plots of land benefiting totally or partially from a good level of urban infrastructure and services. Furthermore, potential clients able to afford the rent of social housing are Cameroonians whose monthly salary levels in the county's formal economy ranges from 25,068CFA francs (40 US) to 674,708CFA franc (1,080 US).Withregardtothesocialhousingrentalmarket,theminimumrentalcostsforhousingproposedbythesoleCamerooniansociallandlordrevealthatthelowestmonthlyrentis13,100CFAfrancs(21US). With regard to the social housing rental market, the minimum rental costs for housing proposed by the sole Cameroonian social landlord reveal that the lowest monthly rent is 13,100 CFA francs (21 US) for a T1 dwelling and 85,860 CFA francs (137 US$) for a T6 dwelling. Comparing the monthly rental costs of housing offered by the social landlord with the level of salary available to employees in the formal economy, shows that only a portion of employees in category 1 and 2 of the private sub-sectors, outside banking and financial institutions, cannot be housed on the ground of having very low salary levels

    Social housing in Cameroon: state of the affairs

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    International audienceIn this paper, we observe that in 2020, the cumulative deficit in social housing in Cameroon amounted to about 2,000,000 dwellings. Moreover, for more than 70 years, the production and management of social housing within the territory has been performed by a single social landlord and donor; a state-owned corporation. This state of play shows that in 2021, in the land market, the acquisition costs a square meter of undeveloped land varied between 400,000CFA francs (640 US)and10,000CFAfrancs(US) and 10,000CFA francs (US16 US),forplotsoflandbenefitingtotallyorpartiallyfromagoodlevelofurbaninfrastructureandservices.Furthermore,potentialclientsabletoaffordtherentofsocialhousingareCameroonianswhosemonthlysalarylevelsinthecounty′sformaleconomyrangesfrom25,068CFAfrancs(40US), for plots of land benefiting totally or partially from a good level of urban infrastructure and services. Furthermore, potential clients able to afford the rent of social housing are Cameroonians whose monthly salary levels in the county's formal economy ranges from 25,068CFA francs (40 US) to 674,708CFA franc (1,080 US).Withregardtothesocialhousingrentalmarket,theminimumrentalcostsforhousingproposedbythesoleCamerooniansociallandlordrevealthatthelowestmonthlyrentis13,100CFAfrancs(21US). With regard to the social housing rental market, the minimum rental costs for housing proposed by the sole Cameroonian social landlord reveal that the lowest monthly rent is 13,100 CFA francs (21 US) for a T1 dwelling and 85,860 CFA francs (137 US$) for a T6 dwelling. Comparing the monthly rental costs of housing offered by the social landlord with the level of salary available to employees in the formal economy, shows that only a portion of employees in category 1 and 2 of the private sub-sectors, outside banking and financial institutions, cannot be housed on the ground of having very low salary levels

    Social housing in Cameroon: state of the affairs

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    International audienceIn this paper, we observe that in 2020, the cumulative deficit in social housing in Cameroon amounted to about 2,000,000 dwellings. Moreover, for more than 70 years, the production and management of social housing within the territory has been performed by a single social landlord and donor; a state-owned corporation. This state of play shows that in 2021, in the land market, the acquisition costs a square meter of undeveloped land varied between 400,000CFA francs (640 US)and10,000CFAfrancs(US) and 10,000CFA francs (US16 US),forplotsoflandbenefitingtotallyorpartiallyfromagoodlevelofurbaninfrastructureandservices.Furthermore,potentialclientsabletoaffordtherentofsocialhousingareCameroonianswhosemonthlysalarylevelsinthecounty′sformaleconomyrangesfrom25,068CFAfrancs(40US), for plots of land benefiting totally or partially from a good level of urban infrastructure and services. Furthermore, potential clients able to afford the rent of social housing are Cameroonians whose monthly salary levels in the county's formal economy ranges from 25,068CFA francs (40 US) to 674,708CFA franc (1,080 US).Withregardtothesocialhousingrentalmarket,theminimumrentalcostsforhousingproposedbythesoleCamerooniansociallandlordrevealthatthelowestmonthlyrentis13,100CFAfrancs(21US). With regard to the social housing rental market, the minimum rental costs for housing proposed by the sole Cameroonian social landlord reveal that the lowest monthly rent is 13,100 CFA francs (21 US) for a T1 dwelling and 85,860 CFA francs (137 US$) for a T6 dwelling. Comparing the monthly rental costs of housing offered by the social landlord with the level of salary available to employees in the formal economy, shows that only a portion of employees in category 1 and 2 of the private sub-sectors, outside banking and financial institutions, cannot be housed on the ground of having very low salary levels

    Social housing in Cameroon: state of the affairs

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    International audienceIn this paper, we observe that in 2020, the cumulative deficit in social housing in Cameroon amounted to about 2,000,000 dwellings. Moreover, for more than 70 years, the production and management of social housing within the territory has been performed by a single social landlord and donor; a state-owned corporation. This state of play shows that in 2021, in the land market, the acquisition costs a square meter of undeveloped land varied between 400,000CFA francs (640 US)and10,000CFAfrancs(US) and 10,000CFA francs (US16 US),forplotsoflandbenefitingtotallyorpartiallyfromagoodlevelofurbaninfrastructureandservices.Furthermore,potentialclientsabletoaffordtherentofsocialhousingareCameroonianswhosemonthlysalarylevelsinthecounty′sformaleconomyrangesfrom25,068CFAfrancs(40US), for plots of land benefiting totally or partially from a good level of urban infrastructure and services. Furthermore, potential clients able to afford the rent of social housing are Cameroonians whose monthly salary levels in the county's formal economy ranges from 25,068CFA francs (40 US) to 674,708CFA franc (1,080 US).Withregardtothesocialhousingrentalmarket,theminimumrentalcostsforhousingproposedbythesoleCamerooniansociallandlordrevealthatthelowestmonthlyrentis13,100CFAfrancs(21US). With regard to the social housing rental market, the minimum rental costs for housing proposed by the sole Cameroonian social landlord reveal that the lowest monthly rent is 13,100 CFA francs (21 US) for a T1 dwelling and 85,860 CFA francs (137 US$) for a T6 dwelling. Comparing the monthly rental costs of housing offered by the social landlord with the level of salary available to employees in the formal economy, shows that only a portion of employees in category 1 and 2 of the private sub-sectors, outside banking and financial institutions, cannot be housed on the ground of having very low salary levels

    Social housing in Cameroon: state of the affairs

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    International audienceIn this paper, we observe that in 2020, the cumulative deficit in social housing in Cameroon amounted to about 2,000,000 dwellings. Moreover, for more than 70 years, the production and management of social housing within the territory has been performed by a single social landlord and donor; a state-owned corporation. This state of play shows that in 2021, in the land market, the acquisition costs a square meter of undeveloped land varied between 400,000CFA francs (640 US)and10,000CFAfrancs(US) and 10,000CFA francs (US16 US),forplotsoflandbenefitingtotallyorpartiallyfromagoodlevelofurbaninfrastructureandservices.Furthermore,potentialclientsabletoaffordtherentofsocialhousingareCameroonianswhosemonthlysalarylevelsinthecounty′sformaleconomyrangesfrom25,068CFAfrancs(40US), for plots of land benefiting totally or partially from a good level of urban infrastructure and services. Furthermore, potential clients able to afford the rent of social housing are Cameroonians whose monthly salary levels in the county's formal economy ranges from 25,068CFA francs (40 US) to 674,708CFA franc (1,080 US).Withregardtothesocialhousingrentalmarket,theminimumrentalcostsforhousingproposedbythesoleCamerooniansociallandlordrevealthatthelowestmonthlyrentis13,100CFAfrancs(21US). With regard to the social housing rental market, the minimum rental costs for housing proposed by the sole Cameroonian social landlord reveal that the lowest monthly rent is 13,100 CFA francs (21 US) for a T1 dwelling and 85,860 CFA francs (137 US$) for a T6 dwelling. Comparing the monthly rental costs of housing offered by the social landlord with the level of salary available to employees in the formal economy, shows that only a portion of employees in category 1 and 2 of the private sub-sectors, outside banking and financial institutions, cannot be housed on the ground of having very low salary levels

    Social housing in Cameroon: state of the affairs

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    International audienceIn this paper, we observe that in 2020, the cumulative deficit in social housing in Cameroon amounted to about 2,000,000 dwellings. Moreover, for more than 70 years, the production and management of social housing within the territory has been performed by a single social landlord and donor; a state-owned corporation. This state of play shows that in 2021, in the land market, the acquisition costs a square meter of undeveloped land varied between 400,000CFA francs (640 US)and10,000CFAfrancs(US) and 10,000CFA francs (US16 US),forplotsoflandbenefitingtotallyorpartiallyfromagoodlevelofurbaninfrastructureandservices.Furthermore,potentialclientsabletoaffordtherentofsocialhousingareCameroonianswhosemonthlysalarylevelsinthecounty′sformaleconomyrangesfrom25,068CFAfrancs(40US), for plots of land benefiting totally or partially from a good level of urban infrastructure and services. Furthermore, potential clients able to afford the rent of social housing are Cameroonians whose monthly salary levels in the county's formal economy ranges from 25,068CFA francs (40 US) to 674,708CFA franc (1,080 US).Withregardtothesocialhousingrentalmarket,theminimumrentalcostsforhousingproposedbythesoleCamerooniansociallandlordrevealthatthelowestmonthlyrentis13,100CFAfrancs(21US). With regard to the social housing rental market, the minimum rental costs for housing proposed by the sole Cameroonian social landlord reveal that the lowest monthly rent is 13,100 CFA francs (21 US) for a T1 dwelling and 85,860 CFA francs (137 US$) for a T6 dwelling. Comparing the monthly rental costs of housing offered by the social landlord with the level of salary available to employees in the formal economy, shows that only a portion of employees in category 1 and 2 of the private sub-sectors, outside banking and financial institutions, cannot be housed on the ground of having very low salary levels