27 research outputs found
Bubrežno tkivo je osjetljivo na djelovanje potencijalno nefrotoksiÄnih lijekova kao i drugih tvari koje su dostupne bez recepta i mogu se nabaviti u prodavaonicama āzdrave hraneā te Å”tetnim tvarima iz okoliÅ”a. Negativan uÄinak ovih tvari uzrokuje razvoj prepoznatljivih kliniÄkih sindroma, koji ukljuÄuju akutno i kroniÄno bubrežno oÅ”teÄenje, tubulopatije ili proteinuriju. Äimbenici rizika o kojima ovisi razvoj bubrežne bolesti inducirane lijekom dijelimo na: one vezane uz osobine bolesnika, uz osobine lijeka, te uz bubrežnu funkciju. Lijekovi koji najÄeÅ”Äe ispoljavaju nefrotoksiÄno djelovanje su: analgetici, antimikrobni lijekovi, kemoterapeutici, kontrastna sredstva, imunosupresivi, biljni preparati, te tvari koje sadrže teÅ”ke metale. LijeÄnik obiteljske medicine mora pažljivo promatrati svog bolesnika, njegujuÄi individualizirani pristup u izboru lijeka i odreÄivanju doze. Bubrežna se funkcija može brzo oporaviti ako je oÅ”teÄenje na vrijeme prepoznato. Novija istraživanja donose spoznaje o identifikaciji novih biomarkera koji Äe pridonijeti ranom prepoznavanju oÅ”teÄenja bubrega uzrokovanog lijekovima.Renal tissue is sensitive to the effect of potentially nephrotoxic drugs and other substances that are available over-thecounter or can be purchased at healthy food stores or elsewhere, and harmful substances from the environment. The harmful effects of these substances lead to the development of recognizable clinical syndromes, including acute or chronic renal failure, tubulopathy, and proteinuria. Risk factors that infl uence the development of kidney disease induced by drugs are divided into those related to patient characteristics, drug characteristics, and renal function. Drugs that commonly exhibit nephrotoxic effects are analgesics, antimicrobials, chemotherapeutics, contrast agents, immunosuppressants, herbal preparations and substances containing heavy metals. Family physician must carefully observe their patients, nurturing individual approach to drug selection and determining the dose. Renal function can quickly return to normal if the damage is recognized on time. Recent research yields insights into the identifi cation of new biomarkers that will contribute to early detection of drug induced kidney damage
Bubrežno tkivo je osjetljivo na djelovanje potencijalno nefrotoksiÄnih lijekova kao i drugih tvari koje su dostupne bez recepta i mogu se nabaviti u prodavaonicama āzdrave hraneā te Å”tetnim tvarima iz okoliÅ”a. Negativan uÄinak ovih tvari uzrokuje razvoj prepoznatljivih kliniÄkih sindroma, koji ukljuÄuju akutno i kroniÄno bubrežno oÅ”teÄenje, tubulopatije ili proteinuriju. Äimbenici rizika o kojima ovisi razvoj bubrežne bolesti inducirane lijekom dijelimo na: one vezane uz osobine bolesnika, uz osobine lijeka, te uz bubrežnu funkciju. Lijekovi koji najÄeÅ”Äe ispoljavaju nefrotoksiÄno djelovanje su: analgetici, antimikrobni lijekovi, kemoterapeutici, kontrastna sredstva, imunosupresivi, biljni preparati, te tvari koje sadrže teÅ”ke metale. LijeÄnik obiteljske medicine mora pažljivo promatrati svog bolesnika, njegujuÄi individualizirani pristup u izboru lijeka i odreÄivanju doze. Bubrežna se funkcija može brzo oporaviti ako je oÅ”teÄenje na vrijeme prepoznato. Novija istraživanja donose spoznaje o identifikaciji novih biomarkera koji Äe pridonijeti ranom prepoznavanju oÅ”teÄenja bubrega uzrokovanog lijekovima.Renal tissue is sensitive to the effect of potentially nephrotoxic drugs and other substances that are available over-thecounter or can be purchased at healthy food stores or elsewhere, and harmful substances from the environment. The harmful effects of these substances lead to the development of recognizable clinical syndromes, including acute or chronic renal failure, tubulopathy, and proteinuria. Risk factors that infl uence the development of kidney disease induced by drugs are divided into those related to patient characteristics, drug characteristics, and renal function. Drugs that commonly exhibit nephrotoxic effects are analgesics, antimicrobials, chemotherapeutics, contrast agents, immunosuppressants, herbal preparations and substances containing heavy metals. Family physician must carefully observe their patients, nurturing individual approach to drug selection and determining the dose. Renal function can quickly return to normal if the damage is recognized on time. Recent research yields insights into the identifi cation of new biomarkers that will contribute to early detection of drug induced kidney damage
Bubrežno tkivo je osjetljivo na djelovanje potencijalno nefrotoksiÄnih lijekova kao i drugih tvari koje su dostupne bez recepta i mogu se nabaviti u prodavaonicama āzdrave hraneā te Å”tetnim tvarima iz okoliÅ”a. Negativan uÄinak ovih tvari uzrokuje razvoj prepoznatljivih kliniÄkih sindroma, koji ukljuÄuju akutno i kroniÄno bubrežno oÅ”teÄenje, tubulopatije ili proteinuriju. Äimbenici rizika o kojima ovisi razvoj bubrežne bolesti inducirane lijekom dijelimo na: one vezane uz osobine bolesnika, uz osobine lijeka, te uz bubrežnu funkciju. Lijekovi koji najÄeÅ”Äe ispoljavaju nefrotoksiÄno djelovanje su: analgetici, antimikrobni lijekovi, kemoterapeutici, kontrastna sredstva, imunosupresivi, biljni preparati, te tvari koje sadrže teÅ”ke metale. LijeÄnik obiteljske medicine mora pažljivo promatrati svog bolesnika, njegujuÄi individualizirani pristup u izboru lijeka i odreÄivanju doze. Bubrežna se funkcija može brzo oporaviti ako je oÅ”teÄenje na vrijeme prepoznato. Novija istraživanja donose spoznaje o identifikaciji novih biomarkera koji Äe pridonijeti ranom prepoznavanju oÅ”teÄenja bubrega uzrokovanog lijekovima.Renal tissue is sensitive to the effect of potentially nephrotoxic drugs and other substances that are available over-thecounter or can be purchased at healthy food stores or elsewhere, and harmful substances from the environment. The harmful effects of these substances lead to the development of recognizable clinical syndromes, including acute or chronic renal failure, tubulopathy, and proteinuria. Risk factors that infl uence the development of kidney disease induced by drugs are divided into those related to patient characteristics, drug characteristics, and renal function. Drugs that commonly exhibit nephrotoxic effects are analgesics, antimicrobials, chemotherapeutics, contrast agents, immunosuppressants, herbal preparations and substances containing heavy metals. Family physician must carefully observe their patients, nurturing individual approach to drug selection and determining the dose. Renal function can quickly return to normal if the damage is recognized on time. Recent research yields insights into the identifi cation of new biomarkers that will contribute to early detection of drug induced kidney damage
Refl uks želuÄanog sadržaja u jednjak fi zioloÅ”ki je fenomen koji se povremeno dogaÄaja kod ljudi i to najÄeÅ”Äe nakon obroka.
Gastroezofagelna refl uksna bolest (GERB) je stanje koje nastaje kada koliÄina želuÄanog sadržaja nadmaÅ”uje njegovu fizioloÅ”ku eliminaciju iz jednjaka i uzrokuje tegobe s pridruženim oÅ”teÄenjem sluznice jednaka ili bez tog oÅ”teÄenja te uzrokuje zabrinjavajuÄe simptome. Simptomi se smatraju zabrinjavajuÄima ako remete bolesnikovo opÄe stanje i razlog su posjete lijeÄniku. Prevalencija GERB-a u zapadnom svijetu iznosi 10-20 %, a temelji se na procjeni pojavnosti žgaravice kao vodeÄeg simptoma. Dominantni simptomi su žgaravica i regurgitacija osobito nakon konzumacije obilnog i masnog obroka i visoko su specifi Äni za GERB. Ekstraezofagealna refl uksna bolest (EERB) je Å”iroki spektar pojavnosti razliÄitih simptoma povezanih s gornjim i donjim dijelom respiratornog sistema kao Å”to su kaÅ”alj, laringitis, astma, kroniÄna opstruktivna bolest pluÄa (KOPB), promuklost, sinusitis - postnazalni drip (kapajuÄi) sindrom, upala srednjeg uha, rekurentna pneumonija i karcinom larinksa. U diferencijalnoj dijagnostici refl uksa koriste se sljedeÄi testovi: ezofagogastroduodenoskopija, laringoskopija i 24-satni pH monitoring. Inicijalna empirijska terapija inhibitorom protonske pumpe provodi se dva put/dan u trajanju od 1 do 2 mjeseca.Gastric content refl ux to the esophagus is a physiological phenomenon that occasionally occurs after meal. Gastroesophageal
refl ux disease (GERD) is a state that appears when the quantity of gastric content surpasses its physiological elimination from the esophagus and causes diffi culties with or without associated esophageal mucosa damage, as well as alarming symptoms. The symptoms are defi ned as alarming if they disturb the patientās well-being and are the reason for a visit to the physician. The prevalence of GERD in the Western world is 10%-20% and is based on the estimation of the heartburn incidence as the leading symptom. The dominant symptoms are heartburn and regurgitation, especially after a heavy meal, and are highly specifi c for GERD. Extraesophageal refl ux disease represents a wide range of symptoms connected to the upper and lower respiratory system, such as cough, laryngitis, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, hoarseness, sinusitis-postnasal drip syndrome, otitis media, recurrent pneumonia and laryngeal carcinoma. The following tests are used in the refl ux differential diagnosis: esophagogastroscopy, laryngoscopy and 24-hour pH monitoring. Patients suspected to suffer from GERD are initially treated with empirical proton pump inhibitor therapy twice a day for one to two months
Zbog sve veÄeg broja, bubrežne bolesti su postale znaÄajan javno zdravstveni problem. Slabljenjem funkcije bubrega potrebno je postupno uvoditi promjene u prehrani. Cilj rada je istražiti odgovarajuÄi pristup u prehrani bolesnika oboljelih od kroniÄne bubrežne bolesti (KBB) unutar zadnjih 10 godina koji bi mogao pridonijeti usporenju progresije bolesti. Preporuke prehrane su individualne za svakog bolesnika, a razlikuju se i u istog bolesnika ovisno o fazi bubrežne bolesti. Posebnu pozornost treba obratiti pravilnom unosu makronutrijenata (proteina, ugljikohidrata i masnoÄa), mikronutrijenata (natrija, kalija, kalcija, fosfora, cinka, selena, razliÄitih vitamina), te vode. U novootkrivenih bolesnika neophodno je uÄiniti procjenu statusa uhranjenosti i energetskih potreba. Proteinsko energetska pothranjenost, gubitak muskulature i kaheksija snažni su prediktori mortaliteta u kroniÄnoj bubrežnoj bolesti. Usporedbom razliÄitih prehrambenih pristupa u svakodnevnom životu oboljelog od KBB najuÄinkovitijim se pokazao mediteranski naÄin prehrane, koji ima važan preventivni utjecaj na bubrežnu funkciju i smanjenje progresije same bolesti. ZakljuÄujemo da preventivnim mjerama, pravilnim prepoznavanjem i ranom intervencijom možemo poveÄati preživljavanje bolesnika i poboljÅ”ati kvalitetu života. Mediteranska prehrana prilagoÄena pojedinim fazama KBB potvrdila se kao najbolji izbor u pristupu oboljelom od KBB.Because of the increasing number of patients, chronic kidney disease (CKD) has become a signifi cant public health problem. As kidney function decreases, it is necessary to introduce certain dietary modifi cations. The aim was to investigate what is the appropriate approach to diet of CKD patients, which could contribute to slowing down progression of the disease. Dietary recommendations are individual for each patient, but also vary in the same patient depending on the stage of disease progression because special attention must be paid to appropriate intake of macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates and fats), micronutrients (sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, selenium, various vitamins), and water. In newly diagnosed patients, it is necessary to assess their nutritional status and energy requirements. It has been shown that protein-energy malnutrition, muscle loss and cachexia are strong predictors of mortality in CKD. Comparing different dietary approaches in everyday life of patients suffering from CKD, it was found that the most effective diet is Mediterranean food style. Studies confi rm that Mediterranean diet has a preventive effect on renal function and reduces progression of the disease. Preventive measures, correct identifi cation and early intervention can increase survival of patients and improve their quality of life. Mediterranean diet tailored to individual stages of CKD has been confi rmed as the best choice in CKD patients
Ulkusna bolest je poremeÄaj gastrointestinalnog trakta kod kojeg dolazi do oÅ”teÄenja sluznice zbog neravnoteže izmeÄu zaÅ”titnih i agresivnih mehanizama. Glavni egzogeni Äimbenici u nastanku peptiÄkog ulkusa su infekcija bakterijom Helicobacter pylori te uzimanje ulcerogenih lijekova: nesteroidnih antireumatika (NSAR) i acetilsalicilne kiseline (ASK). Ulkusna bolest je Äesti razlog dolaska na pregled lijeÄniku obiteljske medicine. Sve bolesnike s dispeptiÄnim smetnjama mlaÄe od 50 godina i bez alarmantnih simptoma potrebno je testirati na infekciju H. pylori provoÄenjem urejnog izdisajnog testa ili testa prisutnosti antigena u stolici, te u svih pozitivnih provesti lijeÄenje infekcije. Bolesnike starije od 50 godina te sve one s alarmantnim simptomima potrebno je uputiti na endoskopski pregled. Kao prva linija lijeÄenja u Hrvatskoj preporuÄuje se tzv. āsekvencijskaā terapija ili trojna terapija koja ukljuÄuje primjenu inhibitora protonske pumpe (IPP-a) u kombinaciji s amoksicilinom i metronidazolom. Nakon 4 tjedna od provedene eradikacijske terapije potrebno je uÄiniti kontrolno testiranje na infekciju H. pylori.Peptic ulcer disease is represented by a lesion in the mucosa of the digestive tract due to imbalance of its aggressive and protective
mechanisms. The main external factors of the development of peptic ulcers are Helicobacter pylori infection and the use of non-steroidal anti infl ammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and acetylsalicylic acid (ASA). Symptoms of peptic ulcer disease are a common reason for visiting the family physician. All patients with symptoms of dyspepsia under the age of 50 and without the alarm symptoms should be tested whether H. pylori is present by performing the Urea Breath Test or stool antigene testing, and infection, if found, should be treated. Endoscopic examination is obligatory in patients older than 50 years and those with alarm symptoms. āSequential therapyā is recommended in Croatia as the fi rst-line treatment of H. pylori infection, or triple therapy that comprises applying a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) in combination with amoxicillin and metronidazole. Four weeks after eradication therapythe control testing for H. pylori should be performed
Dispepsija je Äest simptom u bolesnika koji posjeÄuju ordinaciju obiteljske medicine. Prevalencija u odrasloj populaciji iznosi oko 40 %. Dvije treÄine bolesnika ima funkcionalnu dispepsiju. KliniÄka procjena, dijagnostiÄki postupak i lijeÄenje bolesnika ovisi o dobi, simptomima i infekciji bakterijom Helicobacter pylori. U bolesnika s dispepsijom neophodno je procijeniti moguÄi uÄinak drugih istodobnih bolesti i lijekova koje bolesnik redovito koristi. Promptna ili rana endoskopija preporuÄuje se bolesnicima sa simptomima alarma i starijima od 50 godina s novonastalom dispepsijom. U mlaÄih od 50 godina preporuÄena strategija je ātestiraj i tretirajā. U dijelu bolesnika lijeÄenje se provodi supresijom kiseline. U bolesnika u kojih se ne postiže uspjeh, provodi se daljnja endoskopska dijagnostika. UltrazvuÄna dijagnostika na razini primarne zdravstvene zaÅ”tite može znaÄajno doprinijeti u dijagnostiÄkoj procjeni i ranom lijeÄenju bolesnika s bolestima hepatobilijarnog trakta i pankreasa, a koji se prezentiraju simptomima dispepsije. LijeÄenje istodobnog psihiÄkog poremeÄaja može unaprijediti simptome dispepsije. LijeÄenje bolesnika koji ne odgovaraju na preporuÄene strategije lijeÄenja izazov je za obiteljskog lijeÄnika. Redoviti posjeti i psihoterapijska potpora u ovih bolesnika mogu reducirati razinu anksioznosti te ohrabriti bolesnika u lijeÄenju prikrivenog psiholoÅ”kog morbiditeta kao i u njegovim nastojanjima zdravog ponaÅ”anja.Dyspepsia is a common symptom among patients in family medicine practice. The prevalence in adult population is about 40%. Two-thirds of patients have functional dyspepsia. Clinical assessment, diagnostic procedures and treatment of patients depend on the age, symptoms and Helicobacter pylori infection. In patients with dyspepsia, it is necessary to assess the potential impact of other concurrent diseases and medications that the patient regularly uses. Prompt or early endoscopy is recommended in patients with newly detected dyspepsia older than 50 and presenting with alarming symptoms. In persons younger than 50, the recommended strategy is ātest and treatā. In some patients, treatment is carried out by acid suppression. In patients failing to achieve success in treatment, further endoscopic diagnosis is indicated. Ultrasound diagnostics in primary care can significantly contribute to diagnostic evaluation and early treatment in patients with hepatobiliary and pancreas diseases presenting with symptoms of dyspepsia. Treatment of concurrent mental disorders can improve the symptoms of dyspepsia. Treatment of patients who do not respond to the recommended treatment strategies is a challenge for family physicians. Regular visits and psychotherapeutic support in these patients can reduce the level of anxiety and encourage the patient for treatment of psychological morbidity, as well as his efforts in healthy behavior
Medical and Psychological Parameters in Overweight and Obese Persons Seeking Treatment
The aim of the study was to analyse psychological characteristics and medical parameters in obese and overweight to
identify the possible psychosocial consequences of obesity that may occur along with the numerous medical problems associated
with excess body weight. Analysis was made on 296 patients (103 males and 193 females, median age 50, range
16ā81) divided in three groups, depending on their Body mass index (BMI). Group I included 41 patients with BMI
ranging from 25 to 29.9, group II included 170 patients with BMI from 30 to 34.9, and group III 85 patients with
BM 35. We compared medical (glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL-cholesterol, systolic and diastolic blood pressure,
body fat percentage) and psychological parameters (anxiety, depression, pros and cons of losing weight, self efficacy
and four stages of change) in the patients included in the study. Univariate analysis has shown statistically significant
difference among obese and overweight patients in goal weight, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, body fat percentage,
glucose and cholesterol serum level. People with higher BMI (>30) found more advantages (pros) over disadvantages
(cons) of weight loss but the level of anxiety and depression did not differ significantly among those 3 groups of patients.
The results have shown that overweight and obese people have serious medical problems. They also differ in some psychological
characteristics which have to be taken into consideration. Therefore, approach to these patients should be multidisciplinary,
including dietary care, physical activity, psychological and medical care
PoviŔena razina homocisteina u plazmi (Hcy) povezana je s fizioloŔkim i prehrambenim
Äimbenicima, kao i genetskim defektom enzima koji su ukljuÄeni u metabolizam Hcy. Ciljevi ove
studije bili su (1) utvrditi razlike izmeÄu zdravih vegetarijanca i omnivora u odnosu na biokemijske
parametare, prevalenciju MTHFR genotipa i razinu Hcy, i (2) utvrditi uÄinke polimorfizma
metilentetrahidrofolat reduktaze (MTHFR) C677T i naÄina prehrane na razinu Hcy u plazmi. U 47
vegetarijanaca i 53 omnivora izmjerena je razina Hcy, folata, vitamina B12, glukoze, ukupnog
kolesterola, triglicerida, HDL i LDL kolesterola i kreatinina u plazmi. Polimorfizam MTHFR C677T
analiziran je pomoÄu PCR-RFLP metode. Dobiveni rezultati su pokazali da su vegetarijanci imali niži
vitamin B12, ukupni kolesterol, LDL-kolesterol i status kreatinina. Razina Hcy u plazmi bila je veÄa
kod vegetarijanaca u usporedbi s omnivorima (14,10 Ā± 6,69 vs 10,49 Ā± 2,41 Ī¼mol/L) i negativno je
korelirala sa statusom vitamina B12 i folatom. Razina plazme Hcy nije bila razliÄita u odnosu na
genotipove MTHFR C677T, ni meÄu vegetarijancima ni omnivorima. Za razliku od MTHFR C677T
polimorfizma, potvrÄen je utjecaj naÄina prehrane na razinu Hcy u plazmi. Može se zakljuÄiti da
vegetarijanci obiÄno imaju niži status vitamina B12 i viÅ”u razinu Hcy u plazmi. Polimorfizam
MTHFR C677T nema utjecaja na razinu Hcy plazme, za razliku od prehrambenog uzorka koji
ukazuje na važnost adekvatnog vitamina B12 i statusa folata u zaobilaženju mutacije.Elevated total plasma homocysteine level (Hcy) is associated with physiological and dietary factors
as well as the genetic defect of enzymes involved in Hcy metabolism. The objectives of the study
were to examine (1) differences between healthy vegetarian and omnivorous subjects in relation to
biochemical parameters, prevalence of the MTHFR (methylentetrahydrofolate reductase) T/T genotype,
and the plasma Hcy level, and (2) the effects of the MTHFR C677T polymorphism and dietary
pattern on the plasma Hcy level. In 47 vegetarian and 53 omnivorous subjects the plasma level of
Hcy, folate, vitamin B12, glucose, total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL and LDL-cholesterol and creatinine
were measured. MTHFR C677T polymorphisms were analyzed using the PCR-RFLP method.
Obtained results have shown that vegetarians had lower vitamin B12, total cholesterol, LDLcholesterol
and creatinine status. The plasma Hcy level was higher among vegetarians compared with
omnivore subjects (14.10Ā±6.69 vs. 10.49Ā±2.41 Ī¼mol/L) and negatively correlated with vitamin B12
status and folate. The plasma Hcy level did not differ between the given MTHFR C677T genotypes
among either vegetarians or omnivores. Unlike the MTHFR C677T polymorphism, the effect of dietary
pattern on plasma Hcy level was confirmed. It could be concluded that vegetarians tend to have
lower vitamin B12 status and a higher plasma Hcy level. The MTHFR 677C/T polymorphism has no
effect on plasma Hcy level, in contrast to dietary pattern which indicates the importance of adequate
vitamin B12 and folate status in bypassing the mutation