79 research outputs found

    Pomicanje naglasaka na prednaglasnicu u imenskih riječi u mjesnome govoru Crikvenice

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    U radu se prikazuju rezultati terenskoga istraživanja o pomicanju naglasaka u imenskih riječi na prednaglasnicu, odnosno o praslavenskom prijenosu siline unutar naglasne cjeline u čakavskome govoru Crikvenice. Pomicanje se naglasaka na prednaglasnicu provodi dosljedno u svima razmatranim kategorijama (osim u brojeva) u kojima su zadovoljeni ovi uvjeti: prvotni silazni naglasak na prvome (ili jedinome) slogu osnove one riječi koja čini naglasnu cjelinu s prijedlogom ispred sebe. U akuzativu su imenica muÅ”koga i ženskoga roda zabilježene alternacije. Pomicanje naglasaka na prednaglasnicu u nekim primjerima srednjega roda u L jd. zahvaća i drugotne silazne naglaske koji su se na prvome slogu osnove naÅ”li naknadno, zbog naglasnoga ujednačavanja paradigme ili naglasnoga tipa.This paper presents the results of a fieldwork study of stress shifting from nominal words to the proclitic in the Čakavian vernacular of the northern Adriatic town of Crikvenica. This phenomenon occurs consistently. The stress can even shift to the proclitic in cases where the primary accent was not on the first syllable of the noun

    KoÅ”tana pregradnja pomoću osteoklasta: Å”to smo naučili iz ispitivanja knockout gena?

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    Osteopetroses are disorders of bone remodeling resulting in increased bone mass. Osteopetrosis abnormalities can include changes in osteoclast lineage, bone marrow microenvironment, or both. Little is known about the mechanisms that regulate the activity of different bone cell types. Various agents act on bone in a complicated web of interactions, with either synergistic or diverse effects. Advances in molecular biology have enabled studies in knockout or transgenic animals, providing an insight into the mechanism of bone remodeling.Osteopetroze su poremećaji pregradnje kostiju koji dovode do povećanja koÅ”tane mase. Osteopetrotične abnormalnosti mogu obuhvaćati promjene u staničnoj liniji osteoklasta, u mikrookoliÅ”u koÅ”tane srži ili oboje. Malo se zna o mehanizmima koji reguliraju aktivnost različitih vrsta koÅ”tanih stanica. Različiti čimbenici utječu na kost kroz čitav splet međusobnih aktivnosti sa sinergističnim ili raznovrsnim učincima. Napredak u molekularnoj biologiji omogućio je ispitivanja na knockout ili transgenskim životinjama, pružajući uvid u mehanizme koÅ”tane pregradnje


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    Traditional shipbuilding is an important part of Croatian cultural and national heritage that needs to be preserved. This refers to the importance of documenting and transmitting knowledge and skills and preserving the authenticity of the shapes, dimensions, materials and technology of building traditional boats. One of the problems that arises in the revitalization and reconstruction of traditional boats is the lack of documentation, so it is necessary to make line drawings and show the details of traditional construction solutions. The paper presents a procedure for reconstruction of the hull form of a traditional boat using the photogrammetric method. In the preparation phase of the procedure the activities of recording and analysis of photographs are necessary. The SfM approach was used in this phase. The result of the processed data with this method is a cloud of measured points. These points were used in the next step of the procedure for the creation of the preliminary mesh to describe the hull form. In the final phase of the procedure the exact 3D hull model was created using combination of mesh refinement in specialized software and measurement updates from the boatbuilders. The advantages in use of photogrammetric measurement method, in combination with the SfM method for photo analysis, for the reconstruction of the hull form of a traditional boat are highlighted in the conclusion

    The toponymy of Crikvenica

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    U radu se na temelju vlastitoga terenskoga istraživanja i ranije literature prikazuje toponomastička građa Crikvenice. Nakon uvoda i kulturnopovijesnoga prikaza, navodi se povijest imena Crikvenice, lingvistička analiza toponima te strukturna i semantička klasifikacija toponima. Na kraju se rada donosi popis tristotinjak i opis dvjestotinjak toponima te toponomastička karta istraženoga prostora.This article presents a toponomastic corpus of the town of Crikvenica. After the introduction and a cultural and historical overview, the article discusses the history of the name Crikvenica and provides a linguistic analysis of the local toponymsa, as well as the structural and semantic classification of those toponyms. Finally, the article provides a list of three hundred toponyms and descriptions of two hundred toponyms, as well as a toponymic map of the area studied

    Somatic phraseological units with the component ruka (hand) in Čakavian vernaculars

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    U radu se na temelju ovjere u objavljenim rječnicima izvornih čakavskih govora izrađuje rječnička frazeoloÅ”ka nadnatuknica RUKA. Na temelju korpusa od 173 frazemske natuknice potvrđena je visoka produktivnost i predvidivost značenja frazema sa sastavnicom ruka u organskim govorima čakavskoga narječja.The paper deals with somatic phraseological units with the component ruka (hand) excerpted from the published dialectological dictionaries of Čakavian vernaculars. Based on the corpus of 173 phraseological entries, the high productivity and predictability of the meaning of phraseological units with the component ruka were confirmed

    The toponymy of Crikvenica

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    U radu se na temelju vlastitoga terenskoga istraživanja i ranije literature prikazuje toponomastička građa Crikvenice. Nakon uvoda i kulturnopovijesnoga prikaza, navodi se povijest imena Crikvenice, lingvistička analiza toponima te strukturna i semantička klasifikacija toponima. Na kraju se rada donosi popis tristotinjak i opis dvjestotinjak toponima te toponomastička karta istraženoga prostora.This article presents a toponomastic corpus of the town of Crikvenica. After the introduction and a cultural and historical overview, the article discusses the history of the name Crikvenica and provides a linguistic analysis of the local toponymsa, as well as the structural and semantic classification of those toponyms. Finally, the article provides a list of three hundred toponyms and descriptions of two hundred toponyms, as well as a toponymic map of the area studied

    Innovations and levelling in some plural forms of nouns in the local vernacular of Crikvenica

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    U radu se prikazuju inovacije i ujednačavanja u množinskim oblicima genitiva, dativa, lokativa i instrumentala imenica u crikveničkome govoru. Obrada je snimaka izvornih govornika jedne crikveničke druÅ”tvene mreže pokazala kako su stari čakavski nastavci u dativu množine -ōn, -ēn i instrumentalu množine imenica muÅ”koga i srednjega roda -i jezične karakteristike koje polako nestaju. Stari se nastavci skoro sustavno zamjenjuju s instrumentalnim nastavkom za imenice ženskoga roda -ami. Uz stare su relacijske morfeme zabilježeni i standardnojezični nastavak -a u genitivu te standardnojezični sinkretizirani nastavci -ima (za muÅ”ki i srednji rod) i -ama (za ženski rod) u dativu, lokativu i instrumentalu množine.In this paper, the main innovations and levelling in some plural forms of nouns in the local vernacular of Crikvenica have been described. The old dialect endings in the plural dative form -ōn, -ēn and the plural instrumental form of masculine and neuter nouns -i are slowly disappearing. The old endings are replaced with old dialect ending for plural instrumental form of feminine nouns -ami
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