4 research outputs found

    The pharmacokinetics of levobupivacaine 0.5% after infraorbital or inferior alveolar block in anesthetized dogs

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    IntroductionData are lacking on the pharmacokinetic profile and safety of levobupivacaine (LB) used for regional anesthesia of the maxilla and mandibles in dogs.MethodsInfraorbital block (n = 10), inferior alveolar block (n = 10) or both infraorbital and inferior alveolar blocks (n = 10) were administered to dogs undergoing dental surgery under isoflurane anesthesia. The dose of LB was calculated as 0.11 ml/kg2/3 for the infraorbital block and 0.18 ml/kg2/3 for the inferior alveolar block. Blood samples were collected before and immediately after administration of the oral blocks, and 3, 4, 7, 12, 17, 32, 47, 62, 92, and 122 min thereafter. Quantification of LB in plasma was performed by LC-MS/MS.Results and discussionThe results are presented as median and interquartile range. In dogs in which all four quadrants of the oral cavity were desensitized with LB, the Cmax was 1,335 (1,030–1,929) ng/ml, the Tmax was 7 (4–9.5) min, and the AUC(0 → 120) was 57,976 (44,954–96,224) ng min/ml. Plasma concentrations of LB were several times lower than the reported toxic concentrations, and no signs of cardiovascular depression or neurotoxicity were observed in any of the dogs, suggesting that the occurrence of severe adverse effects after administration of LB at the doses used in this study is unlikely

    Organic light emitting diodes

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    V magistrski nalogi je predstavljen OLED element in njegova uporaba v sodobnih aplikacijah. Na začetku je opisana kratka zgodovina raziskav OLED elementov in njihovega uvajanja v praktičnih aplikacijah. Nato je predstavljena osnovna in bolj kompleksna struktura OLED elementov ter njihovo delovanje. Definiran je tudi izkoristek OLED elementov in opisano, kako se da izkoristek povečati s pomočjo dopiranja. Podani so tudi najpogosteje uporabljeni materiali za posamezne sloje OLED elementov. V nadaljevanju je predstavljena ena glavnih aplikacij OLED elementov za TV zaslone in kratka primerjava OLED zaslonov z LCD zasloni. Opisan je proces izdelave OLED TV zaslonov in tudi tipi zaslonov, ki obstajajo na tržišču. V zaključnem delu naloge smo opisali, kako lahko OLED elemente uporabljamo kot velikopovršinske svetlobne panele, v kakšnih aplikacijah bi jih lahko uporabili in težave, ki jih srečujejo proizvajalci pri njihovi izdelavi. Narejena je tudi primerjava med organsko svetlečo diodo in anorgansko svetlečo diodo.In this master thesis is presented the OLED element and its use in modern application. In the beginning we describe a short history, when and how the first research in using OLED elements began and when and in which applications it first appeared. Then we presented the basic and more complex structure of the OLED element and how it works. We also defined the efficiency of the OLED element and describe how to increase this efficiency using a doping method. Given are also the most frequently used materials for each layer of the OLED element. Further we present one of the main applications of the OLED element, that is in TV screens and a short comparison between OLED displays and LCD displays. We described the process of making OLED TV screens and what types of displays exist on the market. In the final part of the paper we described how to use OLED elements for large area OLED lighting panels and in which applications we could use them in and the difficulties encountered by the manufacturers in their creation. Then there is a comparison made between an organic light emitting diode and an inorganic light emitting diod

    Validacija slovenske oblike Lestvice funkcij identitete pri vzorcu mladih na prehodu v odraslost

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    The Function of Identity Scale (FIS) is a self-report measure of five identity functions: structure, harmony, goals, control, and future. The purpose of the study was to examine the psychometric properties of the Slovenian version on a sample of emerging adults. 287 participants between the ages of 18 and 29 years participated in the study. Confirmatory factor analysis provided support for the proposed five-factor structure of the scale. Furthermore, strict measurement invariance across genders was demonstrated. Convergent validity was only partially established. With the exception of the Control subscale, the internal reliability coefficients were satisfactory for the other four subscales. Shortcomings of the Control subscale were discussed along with recommendations for future revisions. Overall, the results of the study are consistent with those observed in other validation studies and support the usefulness of the scale for assessing the identity functions among emerging adultsLestvica funkcij identitet (LFI) je samoocenjevalni vprašalnik, ki meri pet identitetnih funkcij: strukturo, harmonijo, cilje, nadzor in prihodnost. Namen raziskave je bil preveriti psihometrične značilnosti slovenske verzije na vzorcu mladih na prehodu v odraslost. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 287 udeležencev med 18. in 29. letom starosti. S konfirmatorno faktorsko analizo smo potrdili predlagano petfaktorsko strukturo lestvice, prav tako je bila lestvica strogo mersko invariantna po spolu. Konvergentna veljavnost je bila potrjena le delno. Z izjemo podlestvice Nadzor so bili koeficienti notranje zanesljivosti za ostale štiri podlestvice zadovoljivi. Pomanjkljivosti podlestvice Nadzor smo naslovili skupaj s predlogi za nadaljnje izboljšave. Rezultati slovenske validacijske študije LFI so skladni z rezultati drugih validacijskih študij in podpirajo uporabnost lestvice za oceno identitetnih funkcij mladih na prehodu v odraslost

    Cardiopulmonary effects and pharmacokinetics of dexmedetomidine used as an adjunctive analgesic to regional anesthesia of the oral cavity with levobupivacaine in dogs

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    This study investigated the cardiopulmonary effects and pharmacokinetics of dexmedetomidine (DEX) used as an adjunctive analgesic for regional anesthesia of the oral cavity with levobupivacaine in anesthetized dogs. Forty dogs were randomly assigned to four groups of 10 dogs. All dogs received levobupivacaine (4 blocks) with DEX IO (infraorbital block, n = 10) or IA (inferior alveolar block, n = 10) or placebo (PLCn = 10) or DEX (n = 10) was injected intravenously (IV) after administration of levobupivacaine. The dose of DEX was always 0.5 µg/kg. Cardiopulmonary parameters were recorded, and blood was drawn for the quantification of DEX in plasma using LC-MS/MS. Heart rate was lower in all LB + DEX groups, while mean arterial pressure (MAP) was higher in the LB + DEX IV and LB + DEX IA groups compared to the LB + PLC IV group. Compared to DEX IV, IO and IA administration resulted in lower MAP up to 2 min after application. Absorption of DEX was faster at IO administration (Cmax and Tmax were 0.47 ± 0.08 ng/mL and 7.22 ± 1.28 min and 0.76 ± 0.09 ng/mL and 7.50 ± 1.63 min for the IO and IA block, respectively). The IA administration resulted in better bioavailability and faster elimination (t1/2 was 63.44 ± 24.15 min and 23.78 ± 3.78 min for the IO and IA block, respectively). Perineural administration of DEX may be preferable because of the less pronounced cardiovascular response compared to IV administration