36 research outputs found

    Population size of endemic Rana tavasensis in its terra typica,Turkey

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    We applied capture-mark-recapture (CMR) methods to estimate the population size of the Tavas frog Rana tavasensis in its terra typica. For this purpose,we used Pollock’s robust design in program MARK in the 2011-2015 breeding seasons in its terra typica. Based on the selected model,equal catchability of each individual and absence of temporary migration were found to be the most likely biological hypotheses. Population sizes were estimated as 398,348,275,and 117 individuals during the four study years,respectively. Annual capture probabilities were estimated to average 0.07,and annual survival rates across years averaged 0.19. The year-specific estimations showed a remarkable decline in population size and survival rates. Anthropogenic factors,such as off-road activities,recreational activities,and animal grazing,might have played a role in this decline. This trend provides us with useful knowledge for conservation and management activities. © TÜBİTAK

    Age structures and growth parameters of the Levantine frog, Pelophylax bedriagae, at different localities in Denizli, Turkey

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    Skeletochronology is a reliable tool for assessing several parameters in amphibian populations. We used skeletochronology to determine the age structure, growth rate, age at first reproduction, and longevity of Levantine frog Pelophylax bedriagae populations from different localities in Denizli, Turkey. All examined individuals (N = 161) exhibited Lines of Arrested Growth in the bone cross-sections. Age structure and age at first reproduction were similar among localities and sexes, while longevity and growth rates showed significant variation among localities. Obtained results were compared with literature data on age-related and grow parameters in Pelophylax bedriagae and cognate species

    Monitoring and conservation of Loggerhead Turtle's nests on Fethiye Beaches, Turkey

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    Fethiye beaches are the one of the most important sea turtle nesting beaches from Turkey. The reproductive biology of nesting loggerhead turtles was investigated there during three consecutive nesting seasons (2011-2013). A total of 253 nests were recorded in three seasons, and these nests included an average 80.4 eggs per nests. The incubation periods have decreased considerably over the last decade, potentially pointing to a climate change effect. The nest density was 7.2 nests/km in 2011, 10.7 nests/km in 2012 and 12.6 nests/km in 2013. Despite this 3-year increase, the overall number of nests over the last two decades shows a gradual decline, although the pattern differs from beach to beach. It was determined that the habitat loss and tourism activities are the main problems and are effect breeding activities of the species. In this respect, site-specific conservation actions were started at the Fethiye beaches. ©Biharean Biologist, 2016

    Ege Bölgesindeki bazı göllerde yaşayan amfibi türlerine ait populasyonların gözlenmesi, populasyon büyüklüklerinin hesaplanması ve habitat özelliklerinin belirlenmesi

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    Amfibi populasyonlarının azalması veya yok olması ve buna neden olan faktörlerin saptanması, uluslararası bir ilgi odağı haline gelmektedir. Fakat, amfibi populasyonlarının etkili bir şekilde korunması uzun vadeli gözlem çalışmalarının azlığı, türe özgü ekolojik ve populasyon yapılarında bilgi eksikliği nedeniyle zorlaşmaktadır. Bu nedenle, son zamanlarda amfibilerin işgal ettikleri alan oranlarını, bulma olasılıklarını ve tercih ettikleri habitatların özelliklerini içeren çalışmalarda ciddi bir artış meydana gelmiştir. Fakat ülkemizde amfibi tür zenginliğine ve dağılışına etki eden ekolojik faktörler hakkındaki bilgiler oldukça sınırlıdır. Bu çalışmada, öncelikle Ege Bölgesi‘nde toplam 14 lokaliteye ait 41 habitatta dağılış gösteren amfibi türlerinin tür zenginliği belirlenmiş, türlerin işgal ettikleri alan oranları ve bulma olasılıkları hesaplanmıştır. Aynı zamanda, bölgesel habitat özellikleri ve suyun kimyasal değişkenlerinden, amfibi tür zenginliğine ve türlerin habitattaki varlığına etki eden faktörler tanımlayıcı ekolojik faktör‖ olarak saptanmıştır. Amfibi populasyonların korunmasında bilinmesi gereken bir diğer önemli konuda hedef türe ait populasyon yapısıdır. Bu nedenle, Yakala Markala-Tekrar Yakala (YM-T) yöntemi, Ege Bölgesi‘nde yer alan altı göl/gölet ortamında, üç yıl boyunca uygulanmış ve bu lokalitelerde yaşayan bazı türlere ait yıllık populasyon büyüklükleri hesaplanmıştır. Populasyon büyüklüğü verilerinin yıllık varyasyonlarına bakıldığında, özellikle Pelophylax bedriagae türünün populasyon büyüklüğünde azalmalar tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca, amfibi türlerinin azalmasına veya yok olmasına neden olacak faktörler araştırılmış ve Ege Bölgesi‘nde amfibi populasyonlarını olumsuz bir şekilde etkileyen faktörler yedi başlık altında toplanmıştır. Son olarak, bu bölgede amfibi populasyonlarının nesillerinin korunması ve devamı için koruma çalışmaları başlatılmış ve bazı koruma tedbirleri önerilmiştir

    The herpetofauna of Honaz Mountain National Park (Denizli Province, Turkey) and threatening factors

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    The aim of this study was to catalog the species of amphibians and reptiles in Honaz District, in the province of Denizli, Turkey, based on field surveys carried out during March-October of 2015-2018. The species found include five amphibians (Bufo bufo, Bufotes variabilis, Pelophylax bedriagae, Hyla orientalis, Rana macrocnemis) and 22 reptiles: two turtles (Mauremys rivulata, Testudo graeca), nine lizards (Stellagama stellio, Mediodactylus kotschyi, Anatololacerta danfordi, Lacerta trilineata, Ophisops elegans, Ablepharus kitaibellii, Pseudopodus apodus, Blanus strauchi, Heremites auratus), and 11 snakes (Xerotyphlops vermicularis, Dolichophis jugularis, D. caspius, Hemorrhois numnifer, Eirenis modestus, Telescopus fallax, Elaphe sauromates, Natrix natrix, N. tessellata, Eryx jaculus, Montivipera xanthina). In addition, the various factors threatening these species in this area were determined and proposals for the conservation of these species are presented. © 2020 Gidis and Baskale

    Population ecology and distribution of Pelophylax caralitanus (ARIKAN, 1988), in the Lakes District, southwestern Anatolia, Turkey (Anura: Ranidae)

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    This study provides the external features of Pelophylax caralitanus (ARIKAN, 1988), sampled in five localities in Turkey, estimates its population sizes and presents new distribution sites extending the known range. Pelophylax caralitanus exhibit sexual size dimorphism, females become larger than males. In contrast, morphometric characters and coloration patterns do not differ significantly among sexes or localities/populations. The known distributional range of P. caralitanus was extended to the province of Burdur, where two new populations were detected. The sizes of these populations, estimated using the Capture-Marking-Recapture (CMR) method, were 5,046 individuals in Lake Golcuk, 1,198 individuals in the Beysehir-Kusluca habitat, and 1,211 individuals in a pond at Derebucak. This species was found in natural lakes and ponds but also artificial irrigation channels, pools and ponds. All these habitats were covered with aquatic vegetation

    Body size and reproductive characteristics of paedomorphic and metamorphic individuals of the northern banded newt (Ommatotriton ophryticus)

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    <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; line-height: 200%; text-indent: 1cm; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt;"><span style="font-size: small;"><span style="font-family: Times New Roman;"><span style="color: black;">Paedomorphs and metamorphs of the northern banded newt (</span><em style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal;"><span style="color: black; mso-ansi-language: EN-US;" lang="EN-US">Ommatotriton ophryticus</span></em><span style="color: black;">) were compared with respect to body size and some reproductive traits.</span><span style="color: black; mso-ansi-language: EN-US;" lang="EN-US"> Both morphs have a similar reproduction pathway in terms of egg number and incubation period, while hatching success and egg diameter appear to be different between morphs. This is most likely due to differences in female body size (paedomorphic females are smaller than metamorphic individuals of the same sex).</span></span></span></p&gt