414 research outputs found

    What makes slow samples slow in the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model

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    Using results of a Monte Carlo simulation of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model, we try to characterize the slow disorder samples, namely we analyze visually the correlation between the relaxation time for a given disorder sample JJ with several observables of the system for the same disorder sample. For temperatures below TcT_c but not too low, fast samples (small relaxation times) are clearly correlated with a small value of the largest eigenvalue of the coupling matrix, a large value of the site averaged local field probability distribution at the origin, or a small value of the squared overlap .Withinourlimiteddata,thecorrelationremainsasthesystemsizeincreasesbutbecomeslessclearasthetemperatureisdecreased(thecorrelationwith. Within our limited data, the correlation remains as the system size increases but becomes less clear as the temperature is decreased (the correlation with is more robust) . There is a strong correlation between the values of the relaxation time for two distinct values of the temperature, but this correlation decreases as the system size is increased. This may indicate the onset of temperature chaos

    The correspondence between long-range and short-range spin glasses

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    We compare the critical behavior of the short-range Ising spin glass with a spin glass with long-range interactions which fall off as a power sigma of the distance. We show that there is a value of sigma of the long-range model for which the critical behavior is very similar to that of the short-range model in four dimensions. We also study a value of sigma for which we find the critical behavior to be compatible with that of the three dimensional model, though we have much less precision than in the four-dimensional case.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figure

    Mobile sensing for behavioral research: A component-based approach for rapid deployment of sensing campaigns

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    The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This work was partially funded by the National Council for Science and Technology (CONACYT) in Mexico through a scholarship provided to I.R.F. Also, this work was partially funded by the Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora (ITSON) through the PROFAPI program.Collecting experimental data from multiple sensing devices has just recently become quite popular in behavioral and social sciences. Among existing devices, mobile phones stand out as they allow researchers to collect data from individuals in an unbiased, precise, unobtrusive, and timely manner. Current mobile sensing applications are typically developed from scratch, provide no reusable components, and frequently do not take advantage of the devices’ processing capabilities. In light of such limitations, this work presents a novel tool that leverages mobile phones not only to collect data via their sensors but also to process them on the device as soon as they are gathered. The tool provides researchers with easy-to-use services that allow them to configure the required processing routines on the mobile phones. This work proposes a new approach for rapid deployment of sensing campaigns targeted at scientists with basic technical knowledge and requiring low effort. We performed an evaluation aimed at determining whether there is a significant improvement in terms of user effectiveness and efficiency in the definition of new components. The results suggest that the proposed tool speeds up the time and reduces the effort taken for setting up and deploying a sensing campaign

    Compassion-based meditation quality practice and its impact on the positive attitudes toward others

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    Objectives: The authors report on the initial development and validation of the Compassion Practice Quality Scale (CPQS), a measure to assess the quality of compassion-based meditation (CBM). It is conceptualized and operationalized via two factors measuring mental imagery and somatic perception/response. Methods: The total sample was composed of 205 university students who underwent a CBM and completed pre-test/post-test assessment of compassion and related constructs. Results from a series of preliminary psychometric analyses of the CPQS were examined, including factor analysis, internal consistency, and convergent/discriminant validity. Results: The data supported a 12-item and 10-item (without reference to gestures and self-instructions) CPQS of which imagery and somatic perception emerged as two significant reliable subscales, with Cronbach’s alpha values of.90 and.88 respectively. Practice quality factors assessed by the CPQS correlated in expected ways with fear of compassion, imagery variables, and self-criticism, as well as predicted compassion outcome (i.e., feeling positive attitudes toward others). Conclusions: Our findings contribute to identifying two key components of high-quality meditation in CBM (i.e., mental imagery and somatic perception/response) for use in pedagogical development and further research and to offer a reliable self-report measure to assess them for the first time. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature

    Respuesta ósea al implante del compuesto beta-fosfato tricálcico-colágeno (ß-ftc-c). Estudio «in vivo» en conejos

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    Se ha estudiado la correlación entre los hallazgos histológicos y las imágenes radiológicas de un compuesto de beta-fosfato tricálcico y colágeno (ß-FTC-C) después de su implantación en defectos óseos creados experimentalmente en 21 conejos de 4 Kg de peso medio. Bajo anestesia general los defectos óseos creados en ambos fémures se rellenaron con un cilindro de 4,5 x 6 mm del compuesto. Los animales fueron sacrificados a la semana y 1, 2, 4 y 12 meses del postoperatorio. Las muestras obtenidas fueron sometidas a estudio radiográfico e histológico. Microscópicamente se comprobó que el compuesto a lo largo del período de implantación sufrió un proceso de reabsorción progresiva mediado por células de estirpe macrofágica y que se correspondió con una disminución de la densidad radiológica y cambios en su morfología. A los doce meses del postoperatorio se observaron escasos restos del material, hecho que se corresponde con la desaparición del implante en la placa radiográfica.The correlation between histologic and radiological findings was studied after implantation of a composite (ß-FTC-C) into osseus defects which were experimentally induced in 21 rabbits. Under general anaesthetic osseus defects were made in both femurs and filled in with a 4,5 x 6 mm composite cylinder. The animals were killed at the first week and, one, two, four and twelve months after surgery. X-ray study and microscopic examination were made in all the specimens. Troughout the implantation period, it was microscopically proven that the composite showed a progressive reabsortion process, mediated by cells of macrophagus lineage. A decrease in radiologic density and changes in its morphology were also observed. At the end of the study (twelve months), limited traces of the material could be seen, in correlation with the images of the X-ray films which revealed the total absence of the composite implant

    Nivel de actividad deportiva en el tiempo libre desde las etapas de cambio y motivación en estudiantes de Costa Rica, México y España

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo fue analizar como las etapas de cambio y la motivación pueden predecir el nivel de actividad deportiva en el tiempo libre de alumnado de educación secundaria en educación física. La muestra fue de 2168 estudiantes, seleccionados aleatoriamente, de Costa Rica (423), México (408) y España (1337), siendo 1052 chicos, 1037 chicas y 79 no reejaron el sexo, con edades de entre 11 y 16 años (M=12.49; DT=.81). Se utilizó un cuestionario con escalas validadas para preguntar al alumnado sobre su actividad físico-deportiva en el tiempo libre, etapas de cambio y para medir la motivación de éstos. Se realizaron análisis de consistencia interna, de correlaciones y factoriales conrmatorios con SPSS 17.0. Los resultados muestran que los alumnos más activos son los de Costa Rica, situándose la mayoría de ellos en la etapa de cambio activa pero con índices de práctica y de motivación intrínseca bajos, seguidos de los españoles, pero con niveles altos de autodeterminación. México es el país más inactivo, con mayores niveles de amotivación, y los escolares que practican lo hacen con índice de práctica bajo y se encuentran en etapas inactivas. Se concluyó que en los tres países las diferencias signicativas encontradas en la motivación de los estudiantes indican la necesidad de seguir estrategias motivacionales adecuadas para aumentar la actividad física en el tiempo libre, consiguiendo así mayor número de adolescentes en etapas activas.

    Finite-size scaling analysis of the distributions of pseudo-critical temperatures in spin glasses

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    Using the results of large scale numerical simulations we study the probability distribution of the pseudo critical temperature for the three-dimensional Edwards-Anderson Ising spin glass and for the fully connected Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model. We find that the behavior of our data is nicely described by straightforward finite-size scaling relations.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figures. Version accepted for publication in J. Stat. Mec