6 research outputs found

    MAGICA project: development of a Multi-frequency Automotive GNSS Integrated Cost effective Antenna

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    The present work describes the Multi-frequency Automotive GNSS Integrated Cost-effective Antenna (MAGICA) project and the first results. This is a two years project that started in August 2020 under the sponsorship of the European GNSS Agency (GSA) and within the framework of Fundamental Elements. The main objective of the project is to go beyond the state of the art. For the first time, it will provide a cost-effective high precision positioning antenna providing multi-frequency (L1/E1, L5/E5a/E5b & E6), multi-constellation (Galileo, GPS, BeiDou & GLONASS) characteristics, and phase stability as the most relevant performance features. Moreover, the antenna will be commercially ready to be integrated into a vehicle for Autonomous Driving operation. The proposed antenna will increase the number of frequency bands that are offered to the GNSS receivers of the vehicles today. It will include the E6 band of Galileo, providing, in this manner, not only more accurate but also safer positioning due to the authentication service.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Spatial distribution and risk factors of Brucellosis

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    Background: The role of wildlife as a brucellosis reservoir for humans and domestic livestock remains to be properly established. The aim of this work was to determine the aetiology, apparent prevalence, spatial distribution and risk factors for brucellosis transmission in several Iberian wild ungulates. Methods: A multi-species indirect immunosorbent assay (iELISA) using Brucella S-LPS antigen was developed. In several regions having brucellosis in livestock, individual serum samples were taken between 1999 and 2009 from 2,579 wild bovids, 6,448 wild cervids and4,454 Eurasian wild boar (Sus scrofa), and tested to assess brucellosis apparent prevalence. Strains isolated from wild boar were characterized to identify the presence of markers shared with the strains isolated from domestic pigs. Results: Mean apparent prevalence below 0.5% was identified in chamois (Rupicapra pyrenaica), Iberian wild goat (Capra pyrenaica), and red deer (Cervus elaphus). Roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), fallow deer (Dama dama), mouflon (Ovis aries) and Barbary sheep (Ammotragus lervia) tested were seronegative. Only one red deer and one Iberian wild goat resulted positive in culture, isolating B. abortus biovar 1 and B. melitensis biovar 1, respectively. Apparent prevalence in wild boar ranged from 25% to 46% in the different regions studied, with the highest figures detected in South-Central Spain. The probability of wild boar being positive in the iELISA was also affected by age, age-by-sex interaction, sampling month, and the density of outdoor domestic pigs. A total of 104 bacterial isolates were obtained from wild boar, being all identified as B. suis biovar 2. DNA polymorphisms were similar to those found in domestic pigs. Conclusions: In conclusion, brucellosis in wild boar is widespread in the Iberian Peninsula, thus representing an important threat for domestic pigs. By contrast, wild ruminants were not identified as a significant brucellosis reservoir for livestock

    Patología (tuberculosis y elafostrongilosis) del ciervo (Cervus elaphus) en Castilla-La Mancha, problemática asociada a su gestión / Joaquín Vicente Baños ; dirección Christian Gortázar Schmidt.

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    Tesis-Universidad de Murcia.Consulte la tesis en: BCA. GENERAL. ARCHIVO UNIVERSITARIO. T.M. 2791.Consulte la tesis en: BCA. GENERAL. Fac. Veterinaria. Sala de estudio. Tesis-V 192

    Libro de acuerdos público y privados de la Real Audiencia de Santafé en el Nuevo Reino de Granada

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    PC 486; 8 Mb de memoria RAM (recomendado 16 Mb); MS-DOS 6.0 y Microsoft Windows 3.1 o superior; Espacio libre en disco local superior a 10 Mb; Monitor VGA (recomendado SVGA, resolución 800 x 600, 256 colores); Lector de CD-ROM local o en redTít. tomado de la etiqueta-- Aguado, Pedro De: Historia de Santa Marta y Nuevo Reino de Granada: tomo I. Madrid;Jaime Ratés, 1916 -- Aguado, Pedro De: Historia de Santa Marta y Nuevo Reino de Granada: tomo II. Madrid: Jaime Ratés, 1917 -- Becker, Jerónimo; Rivas Groot, José María: El Nuevo Reino de Granada en el siglo XVIII. Madrid: [s. n.] (Imprenta del Asilo de Huérfanos del S. C. de Jesús), 1921 -- Camacho Baños, Angel: Sublevación de comuneros en el virreinato de Nueva Granada en 1781. Sevilla: [s. n.] (Tip. Giménez y Vacas), 1925 -- Castellanos, Juan De: Historia del Nuevo Reino de Granada: tomo primero. Madrid: [s. n.] (Imprenta de A. Pérez Dubrull), 1886 -- Castellanos, Juan De: Historia del Nuevo Reino de Granada: tomo segundo. Madrid: [s. n.] (Imprenta de A. Pérez Dubull), 1886 -- Colección de documentos inéditos sobre la geografía y la historia de Colombia: seccion 1.ª: geografía y viajes: tomo I: Costa Atlántica. Bogotá: [s. n.] (Imprenta de Vapor de Zalamea Hermanos), 1891 -- Colección de documentos inéditos sobre la geografía y la historia de Colombia: seccion primera: geografía y viajes: tomo II: Costa Pacífica provincias litorales y campañas de los conquistadores. Bogotá: Casa editorial de J. J. Pérez, 1892 -- Colección de documentos inéditos sobre la geografía y la historia de Colombia: seccion segunda: geografía viajes misiones y límites: tomo III: la Hoya del Orinoco durante la colonia. Bogotá: [s. n.] (Imprenta de Vapor de Zalamea Hermanos), 1893 -- Colección de documentos inéditos sobre la geografía y la historia de Colombia: seccion 2.ª: geografia viajes misiones límites: tomo IV: Casanare y el Caquetá durante la colonia. Bogotá: [s. n.] (Imprenta de Vapor de Zalamea Hermanos), 1894 -- Fernández Piedrahita, Lucas: Historia general del Nuevo Reino de Granada: tomo I. [S. l.]: [s. n.], [s. d.] -- Fernández Piedrahita, Lucas: Historia general del Nuevo Reino de Granada: tomo II. [S. l.]: [s. n.], [s. d.] -- Fernández Piedrahita, Lucas: Historia general del Nuevo Reino de Granada: tomo III. [S. l.]: [s. n.], [s. d.] -- Fernández Piedrahita, Lucas: Historia general del Nuevo Reino de Granada: tomo IV. [S. l.]: Editorial Abc, [s. d.] -- Groot, Jose Manuel: Historia eclesiástica y civil de la Nueva Granada: tomo I. Bogotá: [Ministerio de Educación Nacional Ediciones de la Revista Bolivar], [s. d.] -- Groot, Jose Manuel: Historia eclesiástica y civil de la Nueva Granada: tomo II. Bogotá: [Ministerio de Educación Nacional Ediciones de la Revista Bolivar], [s. d.] -- Groot, Jose Manuel: Historia eclesiástica y civil de la Nueva Granada: tomo III. Bogotá: [Ministerio de Educación Nacional Ediciones de la Revista Bolivar], [s. d.] -- Groot, Jose Manuel: Historia eclesiástica y civil de la Nueva Granada: tomo IV. Bogotá: [Ministerio de Educación Nacional Ediciones de la Revista Bolivar], [s. d.] -- Groot, Jose Manuel: Historia eclesiástica y civil de la Nueva Granada: tomo V. Bogotá: [Ministerio de Educación Nacional Ediciones de la Revista Bolivar], [s. d.] -- Libro de acuerdos público y privados de la Real Audiencia de Santafé en el Nuevo Reino de Granada: I. Bogotá: Tipografía Colon Casa editorial,1938 -- Oviedo, Bsilio Vicente De: Cualidades y riquezas del Nuevo Reino de Granada: manuscrito del S. XVIII publicado con un prologo de Luis Augusto Cuervo. Bogotá: Imprenta nacional, 1930 -- Plaza, José Antonio De: Memorias para la historia de la Nueva Granada desde su descubrimiento hasta el 20 de Julio de 1810. Bogotá: Ramón Gonzaáez, 1850 -- Posada Gutiérrez, Joaquín: Memorias histórico-políticas: tomo I. [Bogotá]: [Editorial Iqueima], [1951] -- Posada Gutiérrez, Joaquín: Memorias histórico-políticas: tomo II. [Bogotá]: [Editorial Iqueima], [1951] -- Posada Gutiérrez, Joaquín: Memorias histórico-políticas: tomo III. [Bogotá]: [Editorial Iqueima], [1951] -- Posada Gutiérrez, Joaquín: Memorias histórico-políticas: tomo IV. Bogotá: [Editorial Iqueima], [1951] -- Posada Gutiérrez, Joaquín: Memorias histórico-políticas: tomo V. [Bogotá]: [Editorial Iqueima], [1951] -- Posada Gutiérrez, Joaquín: Memorias histórico-políticas: tomo VI. [Bogotá]: [Editorial Iqueima], [1951] -- Silvestre, Francisco: Descripcion del reyno de Santa Fe de Bogota. Panamá: Imprenta Nacional, 192

    Epidemiological analyses of African swine fever in the European Union: (September 2020 to August 2021).

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    peer reviewedThis report provides a descriptive analysis of the African swine fever (ASF) Genotype II epidemic in the affected Member States in the EU and two neighbouring countries for the period from 1 September 2020 to 31 August 2021. ASF continued to spread in wild boar in the EU, it entered Germany in September 2020, while Belgium became free from ASF in October 2020. No ASF outbreaks in domestic pigs nor cases in wild boar have been reported in Greece since February 2020. In the Baltic States, overall, there has been a declining trend in proportions of polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-positive samples from wild boar carcasses in the last few years. In the other countries, the proportions of PCR-positive wild boar carcasses remained high, indicating continuing spread of the disease. A systematic literature review revealed that the risk factors most frequently significantly associated with ASF in domestic pigs were pig density, low levels of biosecurity and socio-economic factors. For wild boar, most significant risk factors were related to habitat, socio-economic factors and wild boar management. The effectiveness of different control options in the so-named white zones, areas where wild boar densities have been drastically reduced to avoid further spread of ASF after a new introduction, was assessed with a stochastic model. Important findings were that establishing a white zone is much more challenging when the area of ASF incursion is adjacent to an area where limited control measures are in place. Very stringent wild boar population reduction measures in the white zone are key to success. The white zone needs to be far enough away from the affected core area so that the population can be reduced in time before the disease arrives and the timing of this will depend on the wild boar density and the required population reduction target in the white zone. Finally, establishing a proactive white zone along the demarcation line of an affected area requires higher culling efforts, but has a higher chance of success to stop the spread of the disease than establishing reactive white zones after the disease has already entered in the area