11 research outputs found

    Winds of change: engaging with conflicting perspectives in renewable energy

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    This study examines public attitudes towards climate change and policies to limit greenhouse gases such as through the expansion of renewable energy sources. The study includes a critical examination of the apparent contradiction between belief in climate change and generalized support for renewable energy, as revealed in this survey, and of opposition to the placement of large-scale renewable energy generators such as wind farms. The literature identifies significant psychogenic influences leading to opposition to specific wind farm sitting as well as strong policy support for coal mining in Australia, but these appear to be ignored or dismissed by environmentalists, leading to ineffective communication on the issues and, ultimately, to entrenched opposition to an energy transition. We use social marketing benchmarks to identify engagement strategies that may increase understanding of the need to reduce fossil fuel consumption, alleviate anxiety about wind farm impacts and improve acceptance of renewable energy generation strategies overall

    Neurotrophin Signaling and Stem Cells—Implications for Neurodegenerative Diseases and Stem Cell Therapy

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