13 research outputs found

    An Optimized Step-Size Random Search (OSSRS)

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    A random search method, Optimized Step-Size Random Search (OSSRS), for function minimization is proposed. In this method the step-size is determined by fitting a quadratic for the function value in terms of the step-size in each of the random directions. The random direction is generated using a pseudorandom number generator with a normal distribution of zero mean and a given standard deviation

    Swift A New constrained optimization technique

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    In this paper a new technique for constrained optimization called SWIFT (Sequential weightage increasing factor technique)is rature. This method uses the improved flexible polyhedron method of Ref. 1 as the basic algorithm for unconstrained optimization SWIFT singificantly differs from the existing constrained optimization techniques including SUMT, in the way it penalizes the objective function this in effect has brought about extreme simplipication elegance and fast convergence ti the problem of constrained optimization

    SWIFT - A new constrained optimization technique (Sequential Weight Increasing Factor Technique for nonlinear programming)

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    A new technique for constrained optimization called SWIFT (Sequential Weight Increasing Factor Technique) is presented and compared with some test problems available in the literature. This procedure uses an improved flexible polyhedron method as the basic algorithm for unconstrained optimization. SWIFT significantly differs from existing constrained optimization techniques in the way it penalizes the objective function. This has brought about extreme simplification, elegance and fast convergence to the problem of constrained optimization

    Modification of the flexible polyhydron method for function minimisation

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    In this paper, the Flexible Polyhedron Method for function minimization is improved by incorporating a new idea. This nethod, henceforth to be called the Improved Flexible Polyhedron Method (IFPM), accelerates the search for the minimum. by way of of reducing the number of function evaluations to attain a required accuracy

    Optimization of a passenger aircraft for minimum direct operating cost - A preliminary study

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    Preliminary results of an optimization study on a13; passenger aircraft for minimum direct operating cost for a given route are presented. In this study only the main wing parameters viz. aspect ratio, taper ratio, leading edge sweep, thickness ratio and the span are twiddled. Comparisons are made between an existing aircraft and its optimized version. The results are extremely interesting and further work to study the feasibility of incorporating such a wing is in progress