322 research outputs found

    Diffusion on non exactly decimable tree-like fractals

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    We calculate the spectral dimension of a wide class of tree-like fractals by solving the random walk problem through a new analytical technique, based on invariance under generalized cutting-decimation transformations. These fractals are generalizations of the NTD lattices and they are characterized by non integer spectral dimension equal or greater then 2, non anomalous diffusion laws, dynamical dimension splitting and absence of phase transitions for spin models.Comment: 5 pages Latex, 3 figures (figures are poscript files

    Topology, Hidden Spectra and Bose Einstein Condensation on low dimensional complex networks

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    Topological inhomogeneity gives rise to spectral anomalies that can induce Bose-Einstein Condensation (BEC) in low dimensional systems. These anomalies consist in energy regions composed of an infinite number of states with vanishing weight in the thermodynamic limit (hidden states). Here we present a rigorous result giving the most general conditions for BEC on complex networks. We prove that the presence of hidden states in the lowest region of the spectrum is the necessary and sufficient condition for condensation in low dimension (spectral dimension dˉ2\bar{d}\leq 2), while it is shown that BEC always occurs for dˉ>2\bar{d}>2.Comment: 4 pages, 10 figure

    Random walks on graphs: ideas, techniques and results

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    Random walks on graphs are widely used in all sciences to describe a great variety of phenomena where dynamical random processes are affected by topology. In recent years, relevant mathematical results have been obtained in this field, and new ideas have been introduced, which can be fruitfully extended to different areas and disciplines. Here we aim at giving a brief but comprehensive perspective of these progresses, with a particular emphasis on physical aspects.Comment: LateX file, 34 pages, 13 jpeg figures, Topical Revie

    Complex phase-ordering of the one-dimensional Heisenberg model with conserved order parameter

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    We study the phase-ordering kinetics of the one-dimensional Heisenberg model with conserved order parameter, by means of scaling arguments and numerical simulations. We find a rich dynamical pattern with a regime characterized by two distinct growing lengths. Spins are found to be coplanar over regions of a typical size LV(t)L_V(t), while inside these regions smooth rotations associated to a smaller length LC(t)L_C(t) are observed. Two different and coexisting ordering mechanisms are associated to these lengths, leading to different growth laws LV(t)t1/3L_V(t)\sim t^{1/3} and LC(t)t1/4L_C(t)\sim t^{1/4} violating dynamical scaling.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures. To appear on Phys. Rev. E (2009

    Topological Reduction of Tight-Binding Models on Complex Networks

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    Complex molecules and mesoscopic structures are naturally described by general networks of elementary building blocks and tight-binding is one of the simplest quantum model suitable for studying the physical properties arising from the network topology. Despite the simplicity of the model, topological complexity can make the evaluation of the spectrum of the tight-binding Hamiltonian a rather hard task, since the lack of translation invariance rules out such a powerful tool as Fourier transform. In this paper we introduce a rigorous analytical technique, based on topological methods, for the exact solution of this problem on branched structures. Besides its analytic power, this technique is also a promising engineering tool, helpful in the design of netwoks displaying the desired spectral features.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figure

    The inverse Mermin-Wagner theorem for classical spin models on graphs

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    In this letter we present the inversion of the Mermin-Wagner theorem on graphs, by proving the existence of spontaneous magnetization at finite temperature for classical spin models on transient on the average (TOA) graphs, i.e. graphs where a random walker returns to its starting point with an average probability Fˉ<1\bar F < 1. This result, which is here proven for models with O(n) symmetry, includes as a particular case n=1n=1, providing a very general condition for spontaneous symmetry breaking on inhomogeneous structures even for the Ising model.Comment: 4 Pages, to appear on PR

    The Type-problem on the Average for random walks on graphs

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    When averages over all starting points are considered, the Type Problem for the recurrence or transience of a simple random walk on an inhomogeneous network in general differs from the usual "local" Type Problem. This difference leads to a new classification of inhomogeneous discrete structures in terms of {\it recurrence} and {\it transience} {\it on the average}, describing their large scale topology from a "statistical" point of view. In this paper we analyze this classification and the properties connected to it, showing how the average behavior affects the thermodynamic properties of statistical models on graphs.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures. to appear on EPJ

    Percolation on the average and spontaneous magnetization for q-states Potts model on graph

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    We prove that the q-states Potts model on graph is spontaneously magnetized at finite temperature if and only if the graph presents percolation on the average. Percolation on the average is a combinatorial problem defined by averaging over all the sites of the graph the probability of belonging to a cluster of a given size. In the paper we obtain an inequality between this average probability and the average magnetization, which is a typical extensive function describing the thermodynamic behaviour of the model

    Electrical networks on nn-simplex fractals

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    The decimation map D\mathcal{D} for a network of admittances on an nn-simplex lattice fractal is studied. The asymptotic behaviour of D\mathcal{D} for large-size fractals is examined. It is found that in the vicinity of the isotropic point the eigenspaces of the linearized map are always three for n4n \geq 4; they are given a characterization in terms of graph theory. A new anisotropy exponent, related to the third eigenspace, is found, with a value crossing over from ln[(n+2)/3]/ln2\ln[(n+2)/3]/\ln 2 to ln[(n+2)3/n(n+1)2]/ln2\ln[(n+2)^3/n(n+1)^2]/\ln 2.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    Bose-Einstein Condensation on inhomogeneous complex networks

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    The thermodynamic properties of non interacting bosons on a complex network can be strongly affected by topological inhomogeneities. The latter give rise to anomalies in the density of states that can induce Bose-Einstein condensation in low dimensional systems also in absence of external confining potentials. The anomalies consist in energy regions composed of an infinite number of states with vanishing weight in the thermodynamic limit. We present a rigorous result providing the general conditions for the occurrence of Bose-Einstein condensation on complex networks in presence of anomalous spectral regions in the density of states. We present results on spectral properties for a wide class of graphs where the theorem applies. We study in detail an explicit geometrical realization, the comb lattice, which embodies all the relevant features of this effect and which can be experimentally implemented as an array of Josephson Junctions.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure