1,318 research outputs found

    On the Blazhko Effect in RR Lyrae Stars

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    The Blazhko effect is a long term, generally irregular modulation of the light curves that occurs in a sizeable number of RR Lyrae stars. The physical origin of the effect has been a puzzle ever since its discovery over a hundred years ago. We build here upon the recent observational and theoretical work of Szabo et al. on RRab stars who found with hydrodynamical simulations that the fundamental pulsation mode can get destabilized by a 9:2 resonant interaction with the 9th overtone. Alternating pulsation cycles arise, although these remain periodic, i.e. not modulated as in the observations. Here we use the amplitude equation formalism to study this nonlinear, resonant interaction between the two modes. We show that not only does the fundamental pulsation mode break up into a period two cycle through the nonlinear, resonant interaction with the overtone, but that the amplitudes are modulated, and that in a broad range of parameters the modulations are irregular as in the observations. This irregular behavior is in fact chaotic and arises from a strange attractor in the dynamics.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Ultra-low Amplitude Variables in the LMC -- Classical Cepheids, Pop. II Cepheids, RV Tau Stars and Binary Variables

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    A search for variable stars with ultra-low amplitudes (ULA), in the millimag range, has been made in the combined MACHO and OGLE data bases in the broad vicinity of the Cepheid instability strip in the HR diagram. A total of 25 singly periodic and 4 multiply periodic ULA objects has been uncovered. Our analysis does not allow us to distinguish between pulsational and ellipsoidal (binary) variability, nor between LMC and foreground objects. However, the objects are strongly clustered and appear to be associated with the pulsational instability strips of LMC Pop. I and II variables. When combined with the ULA variables of Buchler et al (2005) a total of 20 objects fall close to the classical Cepheid instability strip. However, they appear to fall on parallel period-magnitude relations that are shifted to slightly higher magnitude which would confer them a different evolutionary status. Low amplitude RV Tauri and Pop. II Cepheids have been uncovered that do not appear in the MACHO or OGLE catalogs. Interestingly, a set of binaries seem to lie on a PM relation that is essentially parallel to that of the RV Tauri/Pop. II Cepheids.Comment: 13 pages, 13 (color) figures. Astrophysical Journal (accepted for publlication

    Thermal flickers: A semianalytical approach

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    In order to enhance physical insight into the nature of thermal oscillations arising from a thin helium burning shell, the behavior in its phase plane of a simple two zone model which, however, contains all the relevant physics is analyzed. This simple model very naturally reproduces thermal flickers and is relatively insensitive to all but two parameters

    Strange Cepheids and RR Lyrae

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    Strange modes can occur in radiative classical Cepheids and RR Lyrae models. These are vibrational modes that are trapped near the surface as a result of a 'potential barrier' caused by the sharp hydrogen partial ionization region. Typically the modal number of the strange mode falls between the 7th and 12th overtone, depending on the astrophysical parameters of the equilibrium stellar models (L, M, \Teff, X, Z). Interestingly these modes can be linearly unstable outside the usual instability strip, in which case they should be observable as new kinds of variable stars, 'strange Cepheids' or 'strange RR Lyrae' stars. The present paper reexamines the linear stability properties of the strange modes by taking into account the effects of an isothermal atmosphere, and of turbulent convection. It is found that the linear vibrational instability of the strange modes is resistant to both of these effects. Nonlinear hydrodynamic calculations indicate that the pulsation amplitude of these modes is likely to saturate at the millimagnitude level. These modes should therefore be detectable albeit not without effort.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Ap