19 research outputs found

    A critical look at spatial scale choices in satellite-based aerosol indirect effect studies

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    Analysing satellite datasets over large regions may introduce spurious relationships between aerosol and cloud properties due to spatial variations in aerosol type, cloud regime and synoptic regime climatologies. Using MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer data, we calculate relationships between aerosol optical depth τa derived liquid cloud droplet effective number concentration Ne and liquid cloud droplet effective radius r e at different spatial scales. Generally, positive values of dlnNe/dlnta are found for ocean regions, whilst negative values occur for many land regions. The spatial distribution of dlnr e/dlnta shows approximately the opposite pattern, with generally postive values for land regions and negative values for ocean regions. We find that for region sizes larger than 4° × 4°, spurious spatial variations in retrieved cloud and aerosol properties can introduce widespread significant errors to calculations of dlnNedlnt a and dlnre/dlnta. For regions on the scale of 60° × 60°, these methodological errors may lead to an overestimate in global cloud albedo effect radiative forcing of order 80% relative to that calculated for regions on the scale of 1° × 1°. © 2010 Author(s)

    Cloud fraction mediates the aerosol optical depth - cloud top height relationship

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    The observed strong link between aerosol optical depth (Ï„) and cloud top pressure (ptop) has frequently been interpreted as the invigoration of convective clouds by aerosol, with increased Ï„ being strongly correlated with decreases in ptop (increases in cloud top height). A strong correlation between Ï„ and cloud fraction (fc) has also been observed. Using satellite-retrieved data, here we show that ptop is also strongly correlated to fc, and when combined with the strong sensitivity between fc and Ï„, a large proportion of the relationship between ptop and Ï„can be reconstructed. Given the uncertainties about the influence of aerosol-cloud interactions on the Ï„-fc relationship, this suggests that a large fraction of the Ï„-ptop correlation may not be due to aerosol effects. Influences such as aerosol humidification and meteorology play an important role and should therefore be considered in studies of aerosol-cloud interactions

    Investigating relationships between aerosol optical depth and cloud fraction using satellite, aerosol reanalysis and general circulation model data

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    Strong positive relationships between cloud fraction (fc) and aerosol optical depth (τ) have been reported. Data retrieved from the MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) instrument show positive fc-τ relationships across most of the globe. A global mean f c increase of approximately 0.2 between low and high τ conditions is found for both ocean and land. However, these relationships are not necessarily due to cloud-aerosol interactions. Using state-of-the-art Monitoring Atmospheric Composition and Climate (MACC) reanalysis-forecast τ data, which should be less affected by retrieval artefacts, it is demonstrated that a large part of the observed fc-τ signal may be due to cloud contamination of satellite-retrieved τ. For longer MACC forecast time steps of 24 h, which likely contain less cloud contamination, some negative f c-τ relationships are found. The global mean fc increase between low and high τ conditions is reduced to 0.1, suggesting that cloud contamination may account for approximately one half of the satellite retrieved increase in fc. ECHAM5-HAM general circulation model (GCM) simulations further demonstrate that positive fc-τ relationships may arise due to covariation with relative humidity. Widespread negative simulated fc-τ relationships in the tropics are shown to arise due to scavenging of aerosol by convective precipitation. Wet scavenging events are likely poorly sampled in satellite-retrieved data, because the properties of aerosol below clouds cannot be retrieved. Quantifying the role of wet scavenging, and assessing GCM representations of this important process, remains a challenge for future observational studies of aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions. © Author(s) 2013

    The contribution of extratropical cyclones to observed cloud–aerosol relationships

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    Meteorological covariation may drive relationships between aerosol and cloud-related properties. It is important to account for the meteorological contribution to observed cloud–aerosol relationships in order to improve understanding of aerosol–cloud–climate interactions. A new method of investigating the contribution of meteorological covariation to observed cloud–aerosol relationships is introduced. Other studies have investigated the contribution of local meteorology to cloud–aerosol relationships. In this paper, a complimentary large-scale view is presented. Extratropical cyclones have been previously shown to affect satellite-retrieved aerosol optical depth (τ), due to en- hanced emission of sea salt and sea surface brightness artefacts in regions of higher wind speed. Extratropical cyclones have also been shown to affect cloud-related properties such as cloud fraction (fc) and cloud top temperature (Ttop). Therefore, it seems plausible to hypothesise that extratropical cyclones may drive relationships between cloud-related properties and τ. In this paper, a description of extratropical cyclones, based on the relative vorticity of the storm and position in the storm domain, is used to analyse MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) retrieved τ, fc and Ttop data. This storm-centric description is capable of explaining fc–τrelationships, although the relationships explained represent only a small component of the relationships observed in the MODIS data. This storm-centric approach produces no statistically robust explanation for Ttop–τ relationships, suggesting that large-scale synoptic conditions in the mid-latitudes do not drive Ttop–τ relationships. The primary causes for observed cloud–aerosol relationships are likely to be other factors such as retrieval errors, local meteorology or aerosol–cloud interactions

    Rainfall-aerosol relationships explained by wet scavenging and humidity

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    Relationships between precipitation rate and aerosol optical depth, the extinction of light by aerosol in an atmospheric column, have been observed in satellite-retrieved data. What are the reasons for these precipitation-aerosol relationships? We investigate relationships between convective precipitation rate (Rconv) and aerosol optical depth (τtot) using the ECHAM5-HAM aerosol-climate model. We show that negative R conv-τtot relationships arise due to wet scavenging of aerosol. The apparent lack of negative Rconv-τtot relationships in satellite-retrieved data is likely because the satellite data do not sample wet scavenging events. When convective wet scavenging is excluded in the model, we find positive Rconv-τtot relationships in regions where convective precipitation is the dominant form of model precipitation. The spatial distribution of these relationships is in good agreement with satellite-based results. We further demonstrate that a substantial component of these positive relationships arises due to covariation with large-scale relative humidity. Although the interpretation of precipitation-aerosol relationships remains a challenging question, we suggest that progress can be made through a synergy between observations and models. Key Points Negative precipitation-aerosol relationships arise due to wet scavenging Satellites poorly sample aerosol populations depleted by wet scavenging Positive precipitation-aerosol relationships arise due to humidification effects © 2014. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved

    The contribution of the strength and structure of extratropical cyclones to observed cloud-aerosol relationships

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    Meteorological conditions may drive relationships between aerosol and cloud-related properties. It is important to account for the meteorological contribution to observed cloud-aerosol relationships in order to improve understanding of aerosol-cloud-climate interactions. A new method of investigating the contribution of meteorological covariation to observed cloud-aerosol relationships is introduced. Other studies have investigated the contribution of local meteorology to cloud-aerosol relationships. In this paper, a complimentary large-scale view is presented. Extratropical cyclones have been previously shown to affect satellite-retrieved aerosol optical depth (τ), due to enhanced emission of sea salt and sea surface brightness artefacts in regions of higher wind speed. Extratropical cyclones have also been shown to affect cloud-related properties such as cloud fraction (fc) and cloud top temperature (Ttop). Therefore, it seems plausible to hypothesise that extratropical cyclones may drive relationships between cloud-related properties and τ. In this paper, this hypothesis is investigated for extratropical cyclones, henceforth referred to as storms, over the Atlantic Ocean. MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) retrieved τ, fc and T top data are analysed using a storm-centric coordinate system centred on extratropical cyclones which have been tracked using European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) reanalysis 850 hPa relative vorticity data. The tracked relative vorticity (ω) is used as a measure of storm strength, while position in the storm-centric domain is used to account for storm structure. Relationships between the cloud-related properties and τ are measured by calculating regression slopes and correlations. The fc-τ relationships are positive, while the Ttop-τ relationships are negative. By shuffling the pairing of the cloud and τ data at each location in the storm-centric domain and within narrow ω bins, the contribution of storm strength and storm structure to the observed relationships can be investigated. It is found that storm strength and storm structure can explain only a small component of the relationships observed in the MODIS data. The primary causes for observed cloud-aerosol relationships are likely to be other factors such as retrieval errors, local meteorology or aerosol-cloud interactions. © 2013 Author(s)