213 research outputs found

    Possible solutions for a transport system compliant with the energy supply and the environment: measurable analyses

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    The development of the circulating fleet, infrastructures and personal mobility, which have significantly marked the second half of the last century in Europe, show today some conditioning: saturation of the land, limitedness of the energy resource, release within the environment of gases and combustible materials, maintenance of the existing infrastructures, safety, relationships among people. The proposed presentation gathers and synthesizes, at first, a general framing on the role and impact of the transport systems in the general energy consumption and the consequent emissions. These elements are essential for a clearer understanding of where and how much energy efficiency can impact the different transport modes and provide the ground for some general considerations on the energy demand in the transport systems. A perspective on consequent engines and motor vehicles is provided thereafter. Secondly, the presentation proposes some solutions, motivated and based on the WTW (well-to-wheel) analysis and data, that can be prospected in the present changing economy, including some main proposals concerning energy production in urban contexts, as an alternative to oil import, and the consequent most proper propulsion or traction for motor vehicles. A reference is made also to the Directive 2009/33/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the promotion of clean and energy-efficient road transport vehicles and related alternative fuel

    Transport and energy in India. Energy used by Indian transport systems and consequent emissions: the need for quantitative analyses (Well-to-Wheel, Lifecycle)

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    The purpose of this work is, at first, a general overview on the state-of-art of the transportation system in India outlining the related energy consumption, for the different transport modes, with consequent estimated emissions. These elements are essential for the preparation of a high-level strategic transport planning on the whole energy issue, to help India in the choices of most suitable transportation systems, according to the well-to-wheel analysis (WTW). Pursuing a WTW global index for India that takes into account both the energy and environmental aspects on a uniform basis is an important aim: it allows the best choices to be made as well as enabling the comparison between some of the most important powertrain and fuel options on the Indian market, the results are discussed from three different points of view: energy, environmental and economic impac

    Range of technical-economic competitiveness of rail-road combined transport

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    Abstract Purpose Road haulage has been the most widely used mode of freight transport in many European countries for several decades. Given the attention to sustainable transport in this century, the rail-road combined transport may result to be a good alternative, under specific conditions, to road haulage. This paper analyses the main conditions to make the option competitive, using a simplified method useful for the stakeholders involved in decision processes. Method Relevant cost items have been identified since previous studies available in literature. The proposed formulas consider the different phases of transport chain and have been used to investigate such parameters as the external costs and the location of terminals. Results If the pre- and post-phases are too long or simply too onerous, the economic advantages of the rail section may not be sufficient to guarantee the convenience of the combined transport. It can be economically competitive over long distances, even when the drayage covers greater distances. Conclusions The method has been used to examine those situations, in terms of distance covered and frequency of the service, in which rail-road combined transport can be cost-effective as an alternative to the full-road solution. The obtained range can be reviewed based on the services, such as shuttle trains to connect seaports with dry ports: the short distance covered may be more convenient due to the high quantities of goods as well as the fixed train composition and path allocation, which means lower terminal cost and times. Finally, some innovative proposals have been introduced

    Energy Systems in Transport Systems and the Role of ITS

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    Special Issue on Energy Systems in Transport Systems and the Role of ITS - Guest Editoria

    Sustainable transport systems: trends on needs, constraints, solutions

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    In this historical moment, technology can guarantee transport systems some good solutions which seems to be quite in line with actual needs, by improving efficiency of engines (ICEs) or of travels or even rationalizing the consumption of related activities by using ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) and by developing systems which can be sustainable through their whole life-cycle (LCC). Main results of the paper can be synthesised in pursuing the independence from the main source transport systems are based on, which is a nearly-monopoly, and use of lower unitary energy in motorised mobility in order to reduce the fuel consumption per person or per ton and – consequently – the emissions. This aim can be pursued either through higher capacity transport modes (e.g. trains, metros and automated people movers), yet guaranteeing as far as possible vehicles loaded more than their break-even in energy, or with a low level of black-oil energy used for vehicles: e.g., FEV, PHEV, natural gas for heavy-duty vehicles. The WTW analysis synthesises most of this idea

    Range of competitiveness of road FEV: mobility of passengers and freight transport analysis, performances and possible solutions

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    The presentation deals with the range of competitiveness of road FEV: an analysis of the mobility of passengers and of the transport of goods, performances and possible solutions. Main contents regard: 1. analysis of typical travels of vehicles (passengers/freight), on the basis of the international mobility besides specific the national or local ones; 2. area of competitiveness of FEV on the base of the analysis of demand; 3. performances and limitations on the supply side: autonomy, batteries, power, performances, consumptions of electric vehicles; 4. most suitable recharging possibilities on the bases of the previous items; 5. consequent choices, with examples of UC (use cases) of the eCoFEV project; 6. possible technical solution

    Sistemi di trasporto intermodali: progettazione ed esercizio

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    Il testo pone le basi sulle definizioni e proprietà del trasporto intermodale, incluse le unità di trasporto intermodali, il trasporto combinato accompagnato, considerazioni generali sullo sviluppo del trasporto combinato ed i costi del trasporto combinato strada-rotaia. Successivamente sono presi in analisi i veicoli e le attrezzature per la movimentazione: - veicoli stradali, carri ferroviari e navi porta container; - tecniche di movimentazione orizzontali e verticali; - mezzi di movimentazione portuali: da piazzale, da banchina, misti. Segue l’analisi della progettazione delle infrastrutture intermodali e degli interporti: - infrastrutture puntuali; - stazioni di smistamento (come base per i terminal gateway, intermodali); - terminali intermodali per il trasporto combinato; - interporti o piattaforme logistiche; - aree di sosta. Per quanto riguarda la navigazione interna, sono trattati gli elementi di progettazione ed esercizio di una via navigabile. In merito ai porti marittimi e terminal per container, sono prese in considerazione le funzioni operative ed infrastrutture costituenti il terminal contenitori marittimo, con i relativi traffici, l’ubicazione dei terminali portuali e la catena logistica portuale; seguono i criteri progettuali nel dimensionamento della banchina e le aree di deposito, i terminal ferroviari ed i gate d’ingresso, concludendo la sezione con alcune innovazioni nella progettazione del terminal container. Un capitolo del volume è dedicato all’ottimizzazione dei servizi di trasporto merci e logistica, con riferimento in particolare al metodo di Hichcock; sono inclusi esempi applicativi svolti usati nelle esercitazioni dei corsi universitari. Un ultimo capitolo è dedicato ai grandi flussi di trasporto internazionali ed alla tracciabilità delle merci

    Analysis of real driving data to explore travelling needs in relation to hybrid–electric vehicle solutions

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    The paper presents a methodology and an analysis applied to a real-life dataset, which refer to an extendedperiod that lasted more than one year, pertaining to trips undertaken in Europe by more than one thousandvehicles. The results in this paper are an example of the detailed information that can be extracted from roughdata to support the decisions of stakeholders andfinal users (e.g. car makers, authorities, drivers), as well as tounderstand which road vehicle features will be able to comply with the observed daily usage of automobiles.The main scope of the paper has been to focus on variables concerning the duration and lengths of trips, theidle times, and the energy consumed by engines. These variables have been correlated and compared with thecurrent and expected hybrid and electric ranges of autonomy, as constrained by the present and next generationof electric batteries, both in terms of autonomy and time required for their recharging. Therefore, the aim of thestudy has been tofind answers to the following research question: considering the daily mileage, actual fuelconsumption and idle time structure, can hybrid and electric powertrains represent adequate alternatives totraditional engines, considering the present battery ranges and charging alternatives?Long distance trips have been analysed in detail to obtain a better understanding of whether they can becovered by electric cars in the same ways as they are with those based on internal combustion engines. In theextensive sample that has been analysed, in order to satisfy 99,9% of the daily trips, it would be necessary toraise the range to 400 km. This target could be reached by adopting a PHEV (plug-in) or a full-electric car withan equivalent range. This study provides a quantitative analysis of the energy needs, obtained over a wide rangeof usage of road vehicles, and attempts to correlate them with the opportunities of recovering energy during theidle time detected over real-life 24h driving cycles, assuming the availability of intermediate charge
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