22 research outputs found

    Alternative treatment for

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    The present work, studied the effect of 0, 1,000, 1,500 and 2,000 mg of garlic powder/kg dry ration for Piaractus mesopotamicus (Osteichthyes: Characidae), weighting 73.6 ± 39.4 g and measuring 15.0 ± 2.7 cm, fed for a period of 15, 30 and 45 days. Fifteen days after treatment with 1,000 and 2,000 mg of garlic/kg dry ration, significant reduction of Anacanthorus penilabiatus (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) in the gills was related. Nevertheless, the addition of garlic to the ration caused significant increase in the erythrocyte number and in the thrombocyte percentage in the circulating blood. However, a decrease in the lymphocyte percentage was also observed. After 45 days, fish fed with garlic showed significant increase in the erythrocyte number, leucocyte, haemoglobin rate, hematocrit and thrombocyte

    Alternative treatment for Anacanthorus penilabiatus (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) infection in cultivated pacu, Piaractus mesopotamicus (Osteichthyes: Characidae) in Brazil and its haematological effects

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    The present work, studied the effect of 0, 1,000, 1,500 and 2,000 mg of garlic powder/kg dry ration for Piaractus mesopotamicus (Osteichthyes: Characidae), weighting 73.6 ± 39.4 g and measuring 15.0 ± 2.7 cm, fed for a period of 15, 30 and 45 days. Fifteen days after treatment with 1,000 and 2,000 mg of garlic/kg dry ration, significant reduction of Anacanthorus penilabiatus (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) in the gills was related. Nevertheless, the addition of garlic to the ration caused significant increase in the erythrocyte number and in the thrombocyte percentage in the circulating blood. However, a decrease in the lymphocyte percentage was also observed. After 45 days, fish fed with garlic showed significant increase in the erythrocyte number, leucocyte, haemoglobin rate, hematocrit and thrombocyte

    Tamanho de amostra de caracteres em híbridos de mamoneira Sample size of the characters in castor bean

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar o tamanho de amostra para avaliar caracteres de híbridos de mamoneira e verificar a variabilidade do tamanho de amostra entre híbridos e caracteres. Foram avaliadas 41 e 55 plantas dos híbridos Sara e Lyra, respectivamente, quanto aos caracteres de semente, de plântula, de planta adulta e de produção em Santa Maria, Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (latitude 29&deg;42'S, longitude 53&deg;49'W e 95m de altitude), no ano agrícola de 2007/2008. O tamanho de amostra apresenta variabilidade entre os híbridos Sara e Lyra para os seguintes caracteres: largura da semente, comprimento do epicótilo aos 14 dias após a emergência, graus-dia para emissão da primeira folha verdadeira, altura de planta no início do florescimento, altura de inserção do primeiro rácemo, número de inflorescências, número de rácemos por planta e número de cápsulas por rácemo. Há aumento do tamanho de amostra (número de plantas) para estimar caracteres de semente, de plântula, de planta adulta e de produção, nessa ordem.<br>The aim of this research was to determine the sample size of the characters of hybrids in castor bean and to verify its variability among hybrids and characters. It was evaluated 41 plants and 55 hybrids (Sara and Lyra), respectively, regarding to the seed characters, adult plant seedling and production in Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil (latitude 29&deg;42'S, longitude 53&deg;49'W e 95m de altitude), in the agriculture years of 2007/2008. It was found variability in the sample size among hybrids (Sara e Lyra) in relation to width of the seed, length of epicotyl 14 days after emergence, degree-days for issuance of the first true leaf, plant height at the beginning of flowering, height of the first bunch and the number of inflorescences, bunch per plant and capsules per bunch. There is an increased sample size (number of plants) to determine the characters of seed, seedling, plant and production, in that order

    Relações de causa e efeito em espigas de milho relacionadas aos tipos de híbridos Path analysis on maize spikes characteristics related of the hybrid type

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    O peso de grãos é um dos componentes determinantes do rendimento de grãos de milho, que apresenta relações complexas com várias características morfológicas da espiga. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar como o peso dos grãos das espigas de milho está relacionado diretamente ou indiretamente com as características morfológicas das espigas e se esta relação depende do tipo de híbrido: simples, triplo ou duplo. O experimento de milho foi realizado no ano agrícola de 2004/05, na Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, com seis tratamentos, que foram compostos de dois híbridos simples, dois híbridos triplos e dois híbridos duplos. O delineamento utilizado foi o de blocos completos ao acaso, com três repetições, com parcelas de duas filas de cinco metros de comprimento com 0,8 m entre filas e densidade de 55.000 plantas ha-1. As correlações entre as características morfológicas da espiga e o peso de grãos foram desdobradas em efeitos diretos e indiretos. O número de filas de grãos por espiga está correlacionado com o peso de grãos apenas nos híbridos duplos (0,5298), e esta correlação se deve ao efeito indireto positivo do número de grãos por espiga (0,8875) e negativo do peso de 100 grãos (- 0,3795). A seleção de espigas com maior peso de 100 grãos e maior número de grãos por espiga tem efeito direto sobre o aumento do peso de grãos por espiga nos híbridos simples e triplo, enquanto que, no híbrido duplo, apenas o número de grãos por espiga tem efeito. As relações entre as características de espigas são dependentes dos genótipos, o que deve complicar um pouco mais a tarefa dos melhoristas de plantas ao selecionar genótipos para maior peso de grão por espiga.<br>The weight of grains is one of the decisive components of the income of corn yield, and presents complex relationships with several morphologic characteristics of the maize spikes. The objective of this research was to verify if the grain weight of the maize spikes is related directly or indirectly with the morphologic characteristics of the spikes and if this relationship depends on the type of hybrid: single, triple or double. The maize experiment was accomplished in the year 2004/2005, in Santa Maria’s Federal University, with six treatments, that were composed of two single hybrids, two triple hybrids and two double hybrids. The experiment design was a randomized complete block with three replications. The plot was of two lines with five meters length with 0.8m between lines and density of 55,000 plants ha-1. The correlations between the morphologic characteristics of the maize spikes and the weight of grains were outspread in direct and indirect effects. The number of grains lines by spike is correlated with grains weight just in the double hybrid (0.5298) and this correlation is due to the positive indirect effect of the number of grains by spike (0.8875) and negative for weight of 100 grains (-0.3795). The selection of spikes with larger weight of 100 grains and larger number of grains by spike has direct effect on the increase of the grain weight by spike for single and triple hybrid, but in the double hybrid, the number of grains by spike just has direct effect on grains weight. The relationships among the maize spikes characteristics are dependent of the genotypes, what should complicate a little more the job of the crop breeding when selecting genotypes for larger grain weight by spike