69 research outputs found

    Il recesso del socio nella societa' a responsabilita' limitata

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    Disciplina del recesso del socio nella Srl; analisi e commento della fattispecie e dei profili procedimentali con evidenza delle principali problematicita' interpretative e confronto con la disciplina del recesso in tema di Spa

    Breast Cancer Preoperative Staging: Does Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Mammography Modify Surgery?

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    Women with newly diagnosed breast cancer may have lesions undetected by conventional imaging. Recently contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance mammography (CE-MRM) showed higher sensitivity in breast lesions detection. The present analysis was aimed at evaluating the benefit of preoperative CE-MRM in the surgical planning. From 2005 to 2009, 525 consecutive women (25–75 years) with breast cancer, newly diagnosed by mammography, ultrasound, and needle-biopsy, underwent CE-MRM. The median invasive tumour size was 19 mm. In 144 patients, CE-MRM identified additional lesions. After secondlook, 119 patients underwent additional biopsy. CE-MRM altered surgery in 118 patients: 57 received double lumpectomy or wider excision (41 beneficial), 41 required mastectomy (40 beneficial), and 20 underwent contra lateral surgery (18 beneficial). The overall false-positive rate was 27.1% (39/144). CE-MRM contributed significantly to the management of breast cancer, suggesting more extensive disease in 144/525 (27.4%) patients and changing the surgical plan in 118/525 (22.5%) patients (99/525, 18.8% beneficial)

    FOLFOX activity in a rare case of metastatic colonic adenocarcinoma of the tongue: A case report

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    Abstract Background Adenocarcinomas of the oral cavity are rare neoplasms, and only four cases of primary colonic adenocarcinoma of the tongue have ever been described in literature. Very few information about chemotherapy sensitiveness of this type of neoplasia is available, with only one regimen that showed some activity in a metastatic patient. Case presentation We describe the case of a patient bearing a metastatic colonic adenocarcinoma of the tongue submitted to a first-line chemotherapy with oxaliplatin, 5-fluorouracil and folinic acid (FOLFOX regimen). After chemotherapy the patient obtained the complete disappearance of the primitive neoplasia located in the body of the tongue, and a tumor size reduction > 50% of liver and lung metastases. Conclusions This case demonstrated the activity of the combination of oxaliplatin and 5-fluorouracil in this very rare neoplasia. The FOLFOX regimen might be considered either in advanced and especially in the neoadjuvant setting, when the reduction of the primary tumor is highly needed

    HIV-1-Tat protein activates phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/ AKT-dependent survival pathways in Kaposi's sarcoma cells.

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    In this study we found that Tat protected vincristine-treated Kaposi's sarcoma cells from apoptosis and from down-regulation of several anti-apoptotic genes such as AKT-1, AKT-2, BCL2, BCL-XL, and insulin-like growth factor I and induced the de novo expression of the interleukin-3 gene. Moreover, we found that Tat enhanced phosphorylation of AKT and BAD proteins. The inhibition of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase with two unrelated pharmacological inhibitors, wortmannin and LY294002, abrogated both the anti-apoptotic effect and the phosphorylation of AKT induced by Tat. After treatment with Tat, the AKT enzymatic activity showed a biphasic increase: an early activation (15 min), independent from protein synthesis; and a delayed activation (24 h), which was significantly decreased upon blockage of protein synthesis. Experiments with a function blocking anti-vascular endothelial cell growth factor receptor-2 antibody suggested that both the early and delayed AKT activation and the protection from apoptosis were triggered by the interaction of Tat with vascular endothelial cell growth factor receptor-2. Moreover, experiments with function-blocking antibodies directed against insulin-like growth factor I/insulin-like growth factor I receptor or interleukin-3 indicated their involvement in the delayed activation of AKT and their contribution to the anti-apoptotic effect of Tat on vincristine-treated Kaposi's sarcoma cells