568 research outputs found

    T-structures on some local Calabi-Yau varieties

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    Let ZZ be a Fano variety satisfying the condition that the rank of the Grothendieck group of ZZ is one more than the dimension of ZZ. Let ωZ\omega_Z denote the total space of the canonical line bundle of ZZ, considered as a non-compact Calabi-Yau variety. We use the theory of exceptional collections to describe t-structures on the derived category of coherent sheaves on ωZ\omega_Z. The combinatorics of these t-structures is determined by a natural action of an affine braid group, closely related to the well-known action of the Artin braid group on the set of exceptional collections on ZZ.Comment: 30 page

    Stability conditions on triangulated categories

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    This paper introduces the notion of a stability condition on a triangulated category. The motivation comes from the study of Dirichlet branes in string theory, and especially from M.R. Douglas's notion of Π\Pi-stability. From a mathematical point of view, the most interesting feature of the definition is that the set of stability conditions \Stab(\T) on a fixed category \T has a natural topology, thus defining a new invariant of triangulated categories. After setting up the necessary definitions I prove a deformation result which shows that the space \Stab(\T) with its natural topology is a manifold, possibly infinite-dimensional.Comment: A minor change in terminology (centered slope function becomes stability function). The result on stability conditions on curves of positive genus is removed since E. Macri found a much better proof in math/0411613. A false statement pointed out by S. Okada has also been removed. To appear in Annals of Math
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