254 research outputs found

    Atomic-Layer-Deposited Al2O3 as Effective Barrier against the Diffusion of Hydrogen from SiNx:H Layers into Crystalline Silicon during Rapid Thermal Annealing

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    Stacks of hydrogen-lean aluminum oxide, deposited via plasma-assisted atomic-layer-deposition, and hydrogen-rich plasma-enhanced chemical vapor-deposited silicon nitride (SiNx) are applied to boron-doped float-zone silicon wafers. A rapid thermal annealing (RTA) step is performed in an infrared conveyor-belt furnace at different set-peak temperatures. The hydrogen content diffused into the crystalline silicon during the RTA step is quantified by measurements of the silicon resistivity increase due to hydrogen passivation of boron dopant atoms. These experiments indicate that there exists a temperature-dependent maximum in the introduced hydrogen content. The exact position of this maximum depends on the composition of the SiNx layer. The highest total hydrogen content, exceeding 1015 cm−3, is introduced into the silicon bulk from silicon-rich SiNx layers with a refractive index of 2.3 (at λ = 633 nm) at an RTA peak temperature of 800 °C, omitting the Al2O3 interlayer. Adding an Al2O3 interlayer with a thickness of 20 nm reduces the hydrogen content by a factor of four, demonstrating that Al2O3 acts as a highly effective hydrogen diffusion barrier. Measuring the hydrogen content in the silicon bulk as a function of Al2O3 thickness at different RTA peak temperatures provides the hydrogen diffusion length in Al2O3 as a function of measured temperature

    Vegetation sensors as a tool for plant population identification and corn grain yield estimation.

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    Absract: The estimated corn grain yield is dependent on plant density and should be monitored from the beginning of its development, especially between the phenological stages V3 and V10, since these stages are more responsive to management strategies. This study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of two methods [normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and plant occupation index (POI)] to estimate the density of corn plants, in order to identify the plant population in different phenological stages and corn grain yield. Two field experiments were conducted in two crop seasons and treatments consisted of four plant densities (4, 6, 8 and 10 plants m-2). The NDVI measurements of the vegetative canopy were performed in the growth stages V4, V5, V6, V7, V8 and V9 (2014) and V3, V5, V6, V8, V9, V10 and V13 (2015/2016). For the POI, the measurements were performed in the stages V5, V6, V8 and V9, in both crop seasons. The different plant densities were efficient in generating variability in the NDVI and POI values throughout the corn crop development cycle, and both tools were efficient in identifying density variations. It was observed that these tools should be used between the V4 and V9 growth stages. KEYWORDS: Zea mays L., normalized difference vegetation index, plant occupation index. Resumo: Sensores de vegetação como ferramenta para identificação de população de plantas e estimativa de produtividade de grãos de milho A produtividade estimada de grãos do milho é dependente a densidade de plantas e deve ser monitorada desde o início de seu desenvolvimento, principalmente entre os estágios fenológicos V3 e V10, visto que são mais responsivos a estratégias de manejo. Objetivou-se avaliar a eficiência de dois métodos [índice de vegetação por diferença normalizada (NDVI) e índice de ocupação de plantas (POI)] para estimar a densidade de plantas de milho, a fim de identificar a população de plantas em diferentes estádios fenológicos e a produtividade de grãos de milho. Dois experimentos de campo foram conduzidos em duas safras agrícolas e os tratamentos consistiram em quatro densidades de plantas (4, 6, 8 e 10 plantas m-²). As medições de NDVI do dossel vegetativo foram realizadas nos estágios de crescimento V4, V5, V6, V7, V8 e V9 (2014) e V3, V5, V6, V8, V9, V10 e V13 (2015/2016). Para o POI, as medições foram realizadas nos estádios V5, V6, V8 e V9, em ambas as safras. As diferentes densidades de plantas foram eficientes em gerar variabilidade nos valores de NDVI e POI ao longo do ciclo de desenvolvimento da cultura, e ambas as ferramentas foram eficientes para identificar as variações na densidade. Verificou-se que essas ferramentas devem ser utilizadas entre os estádios de crescimento V4 e V9. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Zea mays L., índice de vegetação por diferença normalizada, índice de ocupação de plantas

    A Simple Double-Spin Closed Method for Preparing Platelet-Rich Plasma

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    Objective: To describe and analyze a new protocol for the extraction of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) for use in clinical practice and compare this technique with methods that have been previously described in the medical literature. Methods: Sixteen blood samples from healthy volunteers were collected. PRP was prepared using our new double-spin technique, consisting of successive centrifugation of blood samples with two different spins, without opening the container. Descriptive analysis of cell counts in baseline and PRP samples was undertaken. Comparison between cell and platelet count in baseline and PRP samples, as well as the statistical analysis, were done. Results: The mean platelet concentration ratio was 3.47 (SD: 0.85; 95% CI: 3.01-3.92; range: 2.48-5.71). The baseline whole blood platelet count correlated positively to the PRP platelet count (rP = 0.56; 95% CI: 0.09- 0.88; P = 0.023). The PRP was enriched for lymphocytes and monocytes but presented significantly lower counts of neutrophils and eosinophils in comparison to baseline. Conclusion: Results show a safe and easily reproducible method to obtain PRP for use in clinical daily practice.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Modelo para adubação nitrogenada em cobertura em taxa variada em trigo por meio do NDVI no sul do Brasil.

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    adubação nitrogenada na cultura do trigo é essencial para potencializar o rendimento de grãos da cultura, pois o nitrogênio (N) promove um maior número de afilhos, permitindo um maior número de grãos por espiga e o peso e teor de proteína dos grãos (Mantai et al., 2016). A adubação nitrogenada na cultura do trigo é baseada em três fatores fundamentais: teor de matéria orgânica do solo, cultura antecessora e expectativa de rendimento de grãos (Reunião..., 2018). A utilização destes parâmetros é simples, porém incompleta, já que o N é um elemento dinâmico no solo e passa por diversos processos que modificam sua forma, como mineralização, imobilização e desnitrificação. Além disso, a absorção de N pela cultura é variável entre anos e entre áreas dentro de uma mesma lavoura (Chavarria et al., 2015)

    Informações técnicas para o cultivo do milho e sorgo na região subtropical do Brasil: safras 2019/20 e 2020/21.

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    As informações técnicas descritas nesta publicação, objetivam subsidiar o cultivo de milho e de sorgo no Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina e sul do Paraná nas safras 2019/2020 e 2020/2021.bitstream/item/217655/1/INFORMACOES-TECNICAS-PARA-O-CULTIVO-DO-MILHO-E-SORGO-NA-REGIAO-SUBTROPICAL-DO-BRASIL-SAFRAS-2019-20-E-2020-21.pdf1ª MISOSUL "Reunião Técnica Sul-Brasileira de Pesquisa de Milho e Sorgo" foi realizada no período de 12 a 14 de agosto de 2019, em Chapecó, SC

    Model for indication of nitrogen fertilization in wheat using vegetation sensor.

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    This study aimed to develop a model for the indication of topdressing nitrogen fertilization as a function of nutritional N demand using NDVI. Data from field experiments conducted in four regions of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, during the 2015, 2017, 2018, and 2019 agricultural years using cultivars with significant sowing areas in the state, were used to construct the model

    A Political Winner’s Curse: Why Preventive Policies Pass Parliament so Narrowly

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    Preventive policy measures such as bailouts often pass parliament very narrowly. We present a model of asymmetric information between politicians and voters which rationalizes this narrow parliamentary outcome. A successful preventive policy impedes the verification of its own necessity. When policy intervention is necessary but voters disagree ex-ante, individual politicians have an incentive to loose the vote in parliament in order to be rewarded by voters ex-post. Comfortable vote margins induce incentives to move to the loosing fraction to avoid this winner's curse. In equilibrium, parliamentary elections over preventive policies are thus likely to end at very narrow margins.Politikmaßnahmen zur Prävention einer drohenden Krise wie Bankenrettungen oder Finanzhilfen an notleidende Staaten erhalten häufig nur eine knappe Mehrheit im Parlament. Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird ein polit-ökonomisches Modell asymmetrischer Informationen zwischen Politikern und Wählern vorgestellt, aus dem sich diese knappen Parlamentsabstimmungen erklären lassen. Annahmegemäß haben die Politiker im Vorfeld der Parlamentsabstimmung (ex-ante) einen Informationsvorsprung gegenüber den Wählern was die Notwendigkeit der präventiven Politikmaßnahme betrifft. Selbst nach der Entscheidung über die Durchsetzung der Maßnahme (ex-post) erfahren die Wähler nur dann, ob die Maßnahme notwendig war, wenn sie nicht durchgesetzt wurde und die Folgen der ausbleibenden Krisenprävention sichtbar werden. Sofern die präventive Politik tatsächlich notwendig ist, um Schaden abzuwenden, die Wähler dies ex-ante aber nicht glauben, ergibt sich eine interessante Konstellation: Folgen die Politiker dem ex-ante-Willen der Wähler und wird dementsprechend die Politik nicht umgesetzt, tritt der volkswirtschaftliche Schaden auf. Dies wird ex-post offenkundig und die Wähler strafen die Politiker für ihre fehlerhafte Politik bei der nachfolgendenden Wahl ab. Entscheiden sich die Politiker hingegen dafür, die Politik zur Krisenprävention durchzusetzen, kann der Schaden abgewendet werden. Allerdings bleiben die Wähler ex-post im Unklaren darüber, ob die Politikmaßnahme tatsächlich notwendig war und somit bei ihrer ex-ante-Einstellung. Auch dann werden die Politiker für ihre als fehlerhaft erachtete Politik abgestraft. Hieraus ergibt sich für einen einzelnen Politiker im Parlament eine Situation, die im Aufsatz als Winner's Curse bezeichnet wird: Er erhält nur dann die Zustimmung der Wähler, wenn die Politik im Parlament durchgesetzt wird, er aber dagegen gestimmt hat, oder die Politik keine Mehrheit im Parlament erhält, er aber dafür gestimmt hat. Im Falle eines eindeutigen Mehrheitsverhältnisses entstehen somit individuelle Anreize, zur Minderheit abzuweichen. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit eines knappen Wahlausgangs steigt durch diese Anreize zur Abweichung