33 research outputs found

    Large-eddy simulation of cycle-resolved knock in a turbocharged SI engine

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    The paper presents a numerical study of cycle-to-cycle variability in a turbocharged GDI engine. The Large-Eddy Simulation technique is adopted in this study in conjunction with the recent ISSIM-LES model for spark-ignition, allowing a dedicated treatment of both the flame kernel formation and flame development phases. Numerical results are compared with an extended dataset of experimental test-bed acquisitions, where the engine is operated at knock-limited spark advance. The agreement of both ensemble averaged combustion pressure history and of its standard deviation confirm the validity of the adopted numerical framework able to correctly quantify the degree of CCV measured by the experiments. Knock tendency is evaluated by means of an in-house developed knock model, based on a tabulation technique for AI delays of the same RON98 gasoline as the one used in experiments. The results confirm the knock-free condition of the experimental KLSA, for which the cycle-resolved knock signature is extremely weak just for the cycles in the highest band of the CCV-affected combustion. The visualization of the pressure wave allows to identify the exhaust side as the most knock-prone region. Finally, spark-advance is increased by 3 CA with respect to the experimental edge-of knock limit, in order to simulate an experimentally prevented operating condition. Local pressure measurements mimicking flush-mounted transducers confirm the severe knock damage related to this condition. The predictive capability of the combustion CCV and of the adopted knock model confirm the heavy and recurrent cycle-resolved knock damage

    a numerical investigation on the potentials of water injection to increase knock resistance and reduce fuel consumption in highly downsized gdi engines

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    Abstract 3D CFD analyses are used to analyse the effects of port-injection of water in a high performance turbocharged GDI engine. Particularly, water injection is adopted to replace mixture enrichment while preserving, if not improving, indicated mean effective pressure and knock resistance. A full-load / maximum power engine operation of a currently made turbocharged GDI engine is investigated comparing the actual adopted fuel-only rich mixture to stoichiometric-to-lean mixtures, for which water is added in the intake port under constant charge cooling in the combustion chamber. In order to find the optimum fuel/water balance, preliminary analyses are carried out using a chemical reactor to evaluate the effects of charge dilution and mixture modification on both autoignition delays and laminar flame speeds. Thanks to the lower chemical reactivity of the diluted end gases, the water-injected engine allows the spark advance (SA) to be increased; as a consequence, engine power target is met, or even crossed, with a simultaneous relevant reduction of fuel consumption

    Two-Stage Turbocharging for the Downsizing of SI V-Engines

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    AbstractOne of the most critical challenges for the specific power increase of turbocharged SI engines is the low end torque, limited by two aspects. First, the big size of the compressor necessary to deliver the maximum airflow does not allow high boost pressures at low speed, due to the surge line proximity. Second, the flame front velocity may become slower than the end gas auto-ignition rate, thus increasing the risk of knocking.This study is based on a current SI GDI V8 turbocharged engine, modeled by means of CFD tools, both 1d and 3d. The goal of the activity is to lower by 20% the displacement, without reducing brake torque, all over the engine speed range.It was decided to adopt a smaller bore, keeping stroke constant. Obviously, the combustion chamber, the valves and the intake-exhaust ports have been re-designed, as well as the whole intake and exhaust system. Instead of the two turbochargers, one for each bank of cylinders, a triple-turbocharger layout has been considered.The development of the engine has been carried out by means of 1D engine cycle simulations, using predictive knock models, calibrated with the support of both experiments and CFD-3d simulations. A few operating conditions for the final configuration have been also analyzed by means of a 3-d CFD tool.The paper presents the results of this activity, and describes in details the guidelines followed for the development of the engine

    Effects on Knock Intensity and Specific Fuel Consumption of Port Water/Methanol Injection in a Turbocharged GDI Engine: Comparative Analysis

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    Abstract The recent rise in fuel prices, the need both to reduce ground transport-generated emissions (increasingly constrained by legislation) and to improve urban air quality have brought fuel-efficient, low-emissions powertrain technologies at the top of vehicle manufacturers' and policy makers' agenda. To these aims, engine design is now oriented towards the adoption of the so-called downsizing and down-speeding techniques, while preserving the performance target. Therefore, brake mean effective pressure is markedly increasing, leading to increased risks of knock onset and abnormal combustions in last-generation SI engines. To counterbalance the increased risks of pre-ignition, knock or mega-knock, currently made turbocharged SI engines usually operate with high fuel enrichments and delayed (sometimes negative) spark advances. The former is responsible for high fuel consumption levels, while the latter induce an even lower A/F ratio (below 11), to limit the turbine inlet temperature, with huge negative effects on BSFC. Possible solutions to increase knock resistance are investigated in the paper by means of 3D-CFD analyses: water, water/methanol emulsion and methanol are port-fuel injected to replace mixture enrichment while preserving, if not improving, indicated mean effective pressure and knock safety margins. The aim of the work is therefore the replacement of the gasoline-only rich mixture with a global stoichiometric one while avoiding power loss and improving fuel consumption. In order to maintain the same knock tendency, water, methanol or a mixture of the two is then added in the intake port to keep the same charge cooling of the original rich mixture. Different strategies in terms of methanol/water ratios of the port injected mixture are compared in order to find the best trade-off between fuel consumption, performance and knock tendency

    Numerical investigation on the effects of bore reduction in a high performance turbocharged GDI engine. 3D investigation of knock tendency

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    Abstract Downsizing is a must for current high performance turbocharged SI engines. This is often achieved through the reduction of cylinder number, while keeping constant unit displacement and increasing boost pressure. However, the ensuing higher loads strongly increases the risk of abnormal combustion and thermo-mechanical failures. An alternative path to downsizing is the reduction of cylinder bore: this approach is more expensive, requiring a brand new design of the combustion system, but it also provides some advantages. The goal of the present paper is to explore the potential of bore reduction for achieving a challenging downsizing target, while preserving the engine knock safety margins. A current V8 GDI turbocharged sporting engine is taken as a reference, and a preliminary CFD-3D analysis is carried out in order to define the most suitable bore-to-stroke ratio. On this basis, bore is reduced by 11% at constant stroke, thus obtaining a reduction of about 20% on the engine displacement. In order to achieve the same peak power target, both engine boost and spark advance are adjusted until the knock safety margin of the original engine is met. 3D CFD tools, accurately calibrated on the reference engine, are used to address engine design and the calibration of the operating parameters

    Extracting vector magnitudes of dominant structures in a cyclic engine flow with dimensionality reduction

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    In fluid mechanics research, data gathered from measurements and simulations may be challenging to interpret due to complexities such as transience, non-linearity, and high dimensionality. Velocity data from the airflow through an internal combustion engine often exhibit such properties; nevertheless, accurate characterisations of these airflows are required in order to correctly predict and control the subsequent combustion and emissions processes in pursuit of net zero targets. The temporal mean is a common way of representing an ensemble of realisations of velocity fields, but the averaging process can artificially diminish the magnitudes of the resultant vectors. Accurate representation of these vector magnitudes is of particular importance, as the velocity magnitudes in the intake airflow are thought to be primary drivers of the subsequent variation in an engine flow, which influences emissions formation and overall efficiency. As an alternative to the ensemble mean, this work proposes the application of a dimensionality reduction method known as the sparsity-promoting dynamic mode decomposition (SPDMD), which can extract core structures from an ensemble of velocity fields while retaining more realistic vector magnitudes. This is demonstrated for the first time with largeeddy simulation (LES) velocity data and compared to a corresponding set of experimental particle image velocimetry (PIV) data. The SPDMD 0 Hz modes are shown to be more representative of the velocity magnitudes present in both datasets. This facilitates more accurate quantification of the differences in vector magnitudes between simulations and experiments, and more reliable identification of which LES snapshots are closer to the PIV ensemble

    Acute Delta Hepatitis in Italy spanning three decades (1991–2019): Evidence for the effectiveness of the hepatitis B vaccination campaign

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    Updated incidence data of acute Delta virus hepatitis (HDV) are lacking worldwide. Our aim was to evaluate incidence of and risk factors for acute HDV in Italy after the introduction of the compulsory vaccination against hepatitis B virus (HBV) in 1991. Data were obtained from the National Surveillance System of acute viral hepatitis (SEIEVA). Independent predictors of HDV were assessed by logistic-regression analysis. The incidence of acute HDV per 1-million population declined from 3.2 cases in 1987 to 0.04 in 2019, parallel to that of acute HBV per 100,000 from 10.0 to 0.39 cases during the same period. The median age of cases increased from 27 years in the decade 1991-1999 to 44 years in the decade 2010-2019 (p < .001). Over the same period, the male/female ratio decreased from 3.8 to 2.1, the proportion of coinfections increased from 55% to 75% (p = .003) and that of HBsAg positive acute hepatitis tested for by IgM anti-HDV linearly decreased from 50.1% to 34.1% (p < .001). People born abroad accounted for 24.6% of cases in 2004-2010 and 32.1% in 2011-2019. In the period 2010-2019, risky sexual behaviour (O.R. 4.2; 95%CI: 1.4-12.8) was the sole independent predictor of acute HDV; conversely intravenous drug use was no longer associated (O.R. 1.25; 95%CI: 0.15-10.22) with this. In conclusion, HBV vaccination was an effective measure to control acute HDV. Intravenous drug use is no longer an efficient mode of HDV spread. Testing for IgM-anti HDV is a grey area requiring alert. Acute HDV in foreigners should be monitored in the years to come

    A RANS-Based CFD Model to Predict the Statistical Occurrence of Knock in Spark-Ignition Engines

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    Engine knock is emerging as the main limiting factor for modern spark-ignition (SI) engines, facing increasing thermal loads and seeking demanding efficiency targets. To fulfill these requirements, the engine operating point must be moved as close as possible to the onset of abnormal combustion events. The turbulent regime characterizing in-cylinder flows and SI combustion leads to serious fluctuations between consecutive engine cycles. This forces the engine designer to further distance the target condition from its theoretical optimum, in order to prevent abnormal combustion to severely damage the engine components just because of few individual heavy-knocking cycles. A RANS-based model is presented in this study, which is able to predict not only the ensemble average knock occurrence but also a knock probability. This improves the knock tendency characterization, since the mean knock onset alone is a poorly meaningful indication in a stochastic event such as engine knock. The model is based on a look-up table approach from detailed chemistry, coupled with the transport of the variance of both mixture fraction and enthalpy. These perturbations around the ensemble average value are originated by the turbulent time scale. A multivariate cell-based Gaussian-PDF model is proposed for the unburnt mixture, resulting in a statistical distribution for the in-cell reaction rate. An average knock precursor and its variance are independently calculated and transported, and the earliest knock probability is always preceding the ensemble average knock onset, as confirmed by the experimental evidence. This allows to identify not only the regions where the average knock first occurs, but also where the first knock probability is more likely to be encountered. The application of the model to a RANS simulation of a modern turbocharged direct injection (DI) SI engine is presented and a small percentage of knocking cycles is predicted by the model although the average behavior is knock-free, in agreement with the experiments. The estimate of the knocking probability improves the consolidated “average knock” RANS analysis and gives an indication of the statistical knock tendency of the engin

    LES Modelling of Spark-Ignition Cycle-to-Cycle Variability on a Highly Downsized DISI Engine

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    The paper reports an activity aiming at characterizing cycle-to-cycle variability (CCV) of the spark-ignition (SI) process in a high performance engine. The numerical simulation of spark-ignition and of early flame kernel evolution are major challenges, mainly due to the time scales of the spark discharge process and to the reduced spatial scales of flame kernel. Typical mesh resolutions are insufficient to resolve the process and a dedicated treatment has to be provided at a subgrid level if the ignition process is to be properly modelled. The focus of this work is on the recent ISSIM-LES (Imposed Stretch Spark-Ignition Model) ignition model, which is based on an extension of the flame surface density (FSD) transport equation for a dedicated flame kernel treatment at subgrid scales. The FSD equation is solved immediately after spark discharge. The interaction of the flame kernel with the flow field is fully accounted for since spark formation and a transition is provided from ignition to propagation phase. The comparison is carried out with the AKTIM-Euler ignition model in terms of flame interaction with the flow field (e.g. arc convection, flame blow-off, flame holder effect). A multiple cycle LES activity provided a set of cycle-resolved conditions for spark-ignition comparisons, and the flame kernel development is carefully analyzed for the two ignition models on a wide range of thermo-physical conditions. Spark-ignition cyclic variability and combustion traces are compared with experiments. Results confirm that the simulated cycle-to-cycle variability increases through the adoption of the ISSIM-LES ignition model

    Understanding the origin of cycle-to-cycle variation using large-eddy simulation: Similarities and differences between a homogeneous low-revving speed research engine and a production DI turbocharged engine

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    A numerical study using large-eddy simulations (LES) to reproduce and understand sources of cycle-to-cycle variation (CCV) in spark-initiated internal combustion engines (ICEs) is presented. Two relevantly different spark-ignition (SI) units, that is, a homogeneous-charge slow-speed singlecylinder research unit (the transparent combustion chamber (TCC)-III, Engine 1) and a stratifiedcharge high-revving speed gasoline direct injection (GDI) (Engine 2) one, are analyzed in fired operations. Multiple-cycle simulations are carried out for both engines and LES results well reproduce the experimentally measured combustion CCV. A correlation study is carried out, emphasizing the decisive influence of the early flame period variability (1% of mass fraction burnt (MFB1)) on the entire combustion event in both ICEs. The focus is moved onto the early flame characteristics, and the crucial task to determine the dominant causes of its variability (if any) is undertaken. A two-level analysis is carried out: the influence of global parameters is assessed at first; second, local details in the ignition region are analyzed. A comparison of conditions at combustion onset is carried out and case-specific leading factors for combustion CCV are identified and ranked. Finally, comparative simulations are presented using a simpler flame deposition ignition model: the simulation flaws are evident due to modeling assumptions in the flame/flow interaction at ignition. The relevance of this study is the knowledge extension of turbulence-driven phenomena in ICEs allowed by advanced CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) simulations. The application to different engine types proves the soundness of the used models and it confirms that CCV is based on enginespecific factors. Simulations show how CCV originates from the interplay of small- and large-scale factors in Engine 1, due to the lack of coherent flows, whereas in Engine 2 the dominant CCV promoters are local air-to-fuel ratio (AFR) and flow velocity at ignition. This confirms the absence of a generally valid ranking, and it demonstrates the use of LES as a development and designorienting tool for next-generation engines