79 research outputs found

    An adsorptive approach to enhance the 2-phenylethanol (2-PE) production from L-phenylalanine (L-Phe) biotransformation

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    [Excerpt] Introduction: The consumers demand for flavors produced by natural means has led to a decrease of natural resources and, in this scenario the use of microorganisms as biotechnological platforms for its production is becoming a promising alternative. 2 - PE is an aromatic alcohol with a delicate fragrance of rose petals. In fact, product inhibition during biotransformation limits the final 2 - PE concentrations in conventional biotransformation. In order to improve 2 - PE production a strategy applying in situ product removal by adsorption was investigated. [...]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Monitoring biotechnological processes through quantitative image analysis: application to 2-phenylethanol production by Yarrowia lipolytica

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    Available online 20 March 2023Quantitative image analysis (QIA) is a simple and automated tool for process monitoring that, when combined with chemometric techniques, enables the association of changes in microbiota morphology to various operational parameters. To that effect, principal component analysis, multilinear regression, and ordinary least squares methods were applied to the obtained dataset of the biotransformation conditions for Y. lipolytica through the monitor of yeast morphology, substrates (glycerol, L-phenylalanine - L-Phe) consumption and metabolites (2-phenylethanol 2-PE) production was developed. Glycerol and L-Phe were successfully monitored by the proposed approach, though with a lower monitoring ability for 2-PE, and mostly related to yeast and cluster size and proportion, yeasts contents and cluster morphology. The chemometric approach also allowed to identify significant morphological modifications related with the change in the stirring speed in the experiments at 600rpm, 600/400rpm (600rpm for 24h, and 400rpm until the end of the experiment) and in pH from 5.5 to 7.5. This work demonstrated, for the first time, that QIA combined with chemometric analysis can be considered a valuable tool to monitor biotechnological processes, namely the 2-PE production by Y. lipolytica, by analyzing yeast and cluster morphology.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Comparison of aroma production from castor oil by Yarrowia lipolytica in airlift and STR bioreactors

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    In aerobic cultures using hydrophobic substrates, such as the use of castor oil (CO) for γ-decalactone production by Yarrowia lipolytica, the selection of bioreactor type is particularly important. Although stirred tanks (STR) are the most common industrial bioreactors used for aerobic fermentations, agitation conditions tend to cause some shearing stress to the cells. This can be prevented using aeration as driving force to promote agitation that is the principle of airlift reactors. This work analyses the influence of agitation (mechanical or pneumatic) and oxygen mass transfer coefficient (kLa) on γ-decalactone production by Y. lipolytica in a biphasic culture medium with CO as substrate. Y. lipolytica has the ability of performing the biotransformation of ricinoleic acid (the major fatty acid of CO), into γ-decalactone through peroxisomal β-oxidation. For both bioreactors γ-decalactone productivity increased with kLa, in spite of the lower γ-decalactone maximum concentration. On the other hand, higher oxygen transfer rate favoured the accumulation of other lactone, such as 3-hydroxy-γ- decalactone. Higher values of γ-decalactone concentration were obtained in the airlift (up to 3 g/L) compared to STR (up to 1.5 g/L). Also, the impact of agitation type in cell morphology was investigated using image analysis. Significant differences were observed between cellular populations of both bioreactors; in STR an increase in loose cells and quite irregular structures was observed, indicating that pneumatic agitation has less impact in cells morphology than mechanical agitation

    Occurrence of postural deviations in children of a school of Jaguariúna, São Paulo, Brazil

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    OBJECTIVE: Evaluate the posture of students from a public school in Brazil and to identify the differences between normal deviation during growth and compensatory alterations. METHODS: Students from first to fourth grade of a public school in the city of Jaguariúna, São Paulo, Brazil, were evaluated. The students were positioned at sagital anterior and posterior coronal planes for postural assessment. Kendall points were used as the normal reference. RESULTS: 247 students were evaluated, 131 boys and 116 girls, and the main postural deviations found were: shoulder unbalance (50.2%), protracted shoulder (39.7%), abducted scapula (40.5%), knock-knee (29.6%), pelvic unbalance (21.5%), pelvic anteversion (19%), knee hyperextension (19%), medial rotation of hip (12.9%), protracted cervical (11.7%), head tilt (15.4%), thoracic hyperkyphosis (9.7%) and lumbar hyperlordosis (26.3%). CONCLUSIONS: A high incidence of postural alterations was detected in school children. Some of the postural alterations, such as abducted scapula, unbalance and protraction of the shoulders, knock-knee and lumbar hiperlordosis, normally occur and they are naturally corrected during growth. However, some postural problems, such as protraction and inclination of the cervical spine, were also prevalent and they require early intervention.OBJETIVO: Avaliar a postura de escolares do ensino público fundamental e diferenciar as alterações que fazem parte do crescimento normal das compensatórias. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo analítico, descritivo, de corte transversal, no qual se realizou avaliação postural em escolares de primeira a quarta série de uma escola pública da cidade de Jaguariúna, situada no interior do Estado de São Paulo. Cada aluno foi avaliado nos planos coronal-anterior, coronal-posterior e sagital, utilizando-se o método de Kendall como referência de alinhamento postural normal. RESULTADOS: A avaliação postural de 247 escolares (131 masculinos e 116 femininos) identificou a seguinte incidência de alterações: desnível (50,2%) e protrusão de ombro (39,7%), escápula alada (40,5%), aumento do ângulo valgo de joelho (29,6%), inclinação (21,5%) e anteroversão pélvica (19%), hiperextensão de joelho (19%), rotação de fêmur (12,9%), protrusão (11,7%) e inclinação cervical (15,4%), cifose torácica (9,7%) e hiperlordose lombar (26,3%). CONCLUSÕES: Houve elevada incidência de escápula alada, desnível e protrusão de ombro, aumento do ângulo valgo de joelho e hiperlordose lombar, consideradas normais durante o desenvolvimento da criança. As inclinações e a protrusão cervical, alterações que necessitam de intervenção precoce, também foram identificadas.748

    Generation of flavors and fragrances through biotransformation and de novo synthesis

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    Flavors and fragrances are the result of the presence of volatile and non-volatile compounds, appreciated mostly by the sense of smell once they usually have pleasant odors. They are used in perfumes and perfumed products, as well as for the flavoring of foods and beverages. In fact the ability of the microorganisms to produce flavors and fragrances has been described for a long time, but the relationship between the flavor formation and the microbial growth was only recently established. After that, efforts have been put in the analysis and optimization of food fermentations that led to the investigation of microorganisms and their capacity to produce flavors and fragrances, either by de novo synthesis or biotransformation. In this review, we aim to resume the recent achievements in the production of the most relevant flavors by bioconversion/biotransformation or de novo synthesis, its market value, prominent strains used, and their production rates/maximum concentrations.We would like to thank the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UID/BIO/04469 unit, COMPETE 2020 (POCI-01-0145FEDER-006684), and BiotecNorte operation (NORTE-01-0145FEDER-000004) funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020—Programa Operacional Regional do Norte.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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