20,652 research outputs found

    When the time is ripe.

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    The diverse effects of the plant hormone ethylene on development and growth are shaped by the actions of a master regulator of transcription, EIN3

    On singularity formation in three-dimensional vortex sheet evolution

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    It is shown that if a doubly-infinite vortex sheet has cylindrical shape and strength distributions at some initial time, then this property is retained in its subsequent evolution. It is also shown that in planes normal to the generator of the cylindrical sheet geometry, the nonlinear evolution of the sheet is the same as that of an equivalent strictly two-dimensional sheet motion. These properties are used to show that when an initially flat vortex sheet is subject to a finite-amplitude, three-dimensional normal mode perturbation, weak singularities develop along lines which are oblique to the undisturbed velocity jump vector at a time that can be inferred from an extension of Moore's [Proc. R. Soc. A 365, 105 (1979)] result for two-dimensional motion

    The hydrodynamic force on a rigid particle undergoing arbitrary time-dependent motion at small Reynolds number

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    The hydrodynamic force acting on a rigid spherical particle translating with arbitrary time-dependent motion in a time-dependent flowing fluid is calculated to O(Re) for small but finite values of the Reynolds number, Re, based on the particle's slip velocity relative to the uniform flow. The corresponding expression for an arbitrarily shaped rigid particle is evaluated for the case when the timescale of variation of the particle's slip velocity is much greater than the diffusive scale, a^2/v, where a is the characteristic particle dimension and v is the kinematic viscosity of the fluid. It is found that the expression for the hydrodynamic force is not simply an additive combination of the results from unsteady Stokes flow and steady Oseen flow and that the temporal decay to steady state for small but finite Re is always faster than the t^-½ behaviour of unsteady Stokes flow. For example, when the particle accelerates from rest the temporal approach to steady state scales as t^-2

    The force on a bubble, drop, or particle in arbitrary time-dependent motion at small Reynolds number

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    The hydrodynamic force on a body that undergoes translational acceleration in an unbounded fluid at low Reynolds number is considered. The results extend the prior analysis of Lovalenti and Brady [to appear in J. Fluid Mech. (1993)] for rigid particles to drops and bubbles. Similar behavior is shown in that, with the inclusion of convective inertia, the long-time temporal decay of the force (or the approach to steady state) at finite Reynolds number is faster than the t-1/2 predicted by the unsteady Stokes equations

    Welfare Reform and the Labor Market: Earnings Potential and Welfare Benefits in California, 1972–1994

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    Promotion of work is prominent in the rhetoric of current welfare reform efforts. The success of welfare-to-work policies is in part dependent on earnings available in employment. In this paper we use Current Population Survey data for the years 1972–1994 to develop measures of potential earnings from full-time work for low-skilled men and women in California and to compare the trend in earnings capacity for such people to welfare benefits. We find that while benefits have declined, earnings capacity has fallen faster, and the downward trend is particularly pronounced for men. Both the downward trends in benefits and potential earnings appear to have accelerated in recent years. State attempts to address the problem of low wages by expanding the opportunity for combining welfare with work may conflict with federal efforts to require that assistance be transitory.

    The force on a sphere in a uniform flow with small-amplitude oscillations at finite Reynolds number

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    The unsteady force acting on a sphere that is held fixed in a steady uniform flow with small-amplitude oscillations is evaluated to O(Re) for small Reynolds number Re. Good agreement is shown with the numerical results of Mei, Lawrence & Adrian (1991) up to Re [approximate] 0.5. The analytical result is transformed by Fourier inversion to allow for an arbitrary time-dependent motion which is small relative to the steady uniform flow. This yields a history-dependent force which has an integration kernel that decays exponentially for large time

    Force on a sphere via the generalized reciprocal theorem

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    An approach based on the generalized reciprocal theorem is presented to derive the well-known result for the drag force exerted on a rigid sphere translating in a viscous fluid in an arbitrary manner. The use of generalized reciprocal theorem allows one to bypass the calculation of stress distribution over the particle surface in order to compute the force
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