43 research outputs found

    Survey of the needs of patients with spinal cord injury: impact and priority for improvement in hand function in tetraplegics\ud

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    Objective: To investigate the impact of upper extremity deficit in subjects with tetraplegia.\ud \ud Setting: The United Kingdom and The Netherlands.\ud \ud Study design: Survey among the members of the Dutch and UK Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Associations.\ud \ud Main outcome parameter: Indication of expected improvement in quality of life (QOL) on a 5-point scale in relation to improvement in hand function and seven other SCI-related impairments.\ud \ud Results: In all, 565 subjects with tetraplegia returned the questionnaire (overall response of 42%). Results in the Dutch and the UK group were comparable. A total of 77% of the tetraplegics expected an important or very important improvement in QOL if their hand function improved. This is comparable to their expectations with regard to improvement in bladder and bowel function. All other items were scored lower.\ud \ud Conclusion: This is the first study in which the impact of upper extremity impairment has been assessed in a large sample of tetraplegic subjects and compared to other SCI-related impairments that have a major impact on the life of subjects with SCI. The present study indicates a high impact as well as a high priority for improvement in hand function in tetraplegics.\ud \u

    Locomotor speed control circuits in the caudal brainstem

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    Locomotion is a universal behaviour that provides animals with the ability to move between places. Classical experiments have used electrical microstimulation to identify brain regions that promote locomotion, but the identity of neurons that act as key intermediaries between higher motor planning centres and executive circuits in the spinal cord has remained controversial. Here we show that the mouse caudal brainstem encompasses functionally heterogeneous neuronal subpopulations that have differential effects on locomotion. These subpopulations are distinguishable by location, neurotransmitter identity and connectivity. Notably, glutamatergic neurons within the lateral paragigantocellular nucleus (LPGi), a small subregion in the caudal brainstem, are essential to support high-speed locomotion, and can positively tune locomotor speed through inputs from glutamatergic neurons of the upstream midbrain locomotor region. By contrast, glycinergic inhibitory neurons can induce different forms of behavioural arrest mapping onto distinct caudal brainstem regions. Anatomically, descending pathways of glutamatergic and glycinergic LPGi subpopulations communicate with distinct effector circuits in the spinal cord. Our results reveal that behaviourally opposing locomotor functions in the caudal brainstem were historically masked by the unexposed diversity of intermingled neuronal subpopulations. We demonstrate how specific brainstem neuron populations represent essential substrates to implement key parameters in the execution of motor programs

    The Use of PRV-Bartha to Define Premotor Inputs to Lumbar Motoneurons in the Neonatal Spinal Cord of the Mouse

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    The neonatal mouse has become a model system for studying the locomotor function of the lumbar spinal cord. However, information about the synaptic connectivity within the governing neural network remains scarce. A neurotropic pseudorabies virus (PRV) Bartha has been used to map neuronal connectivity in other parts of the nervous system, due to its ability to travel trans-neuronally. Its use in spinal circuits regulating locomotion has been limited and no study has defined the time course of labelling for neurons known to project monosynaptically to motoneurons.Here we investigated the ability of PRV Bartha, expressing green and/or red fluorescence, to label spinal neurons projecting monosynaptically to motoneurons of two principal hindlimb muscles, the tibialis anterior (TA) and gastrocnemius (GC). As revealed by combined immunocytochemistry and confocal microscopy, 24-32 h after the viral muscle injection the label was restricted to the motoneuron pool while at 32-40 h the fluorescence was seen in interneurons throughout the medial and lateral ventral grey matter. Two classes of ipsilateral interneurons known to project monosynaptically to motoneurons (Renshaw cells and cells of origin of C-terminals) were consistently labeled at 40 h post-injection but also a group in the ventral grey matter contralaterally. Our results suggest that the labeling of last order interneurons occurred 8-12 h after motoneuron labeling and we presume this is the time taken by the virus to cross one synapse, to travel retrogradely and to replicate in the labeled cells.The study establishes the time window for virally-labelling monosynaptic projections to lumbar motoneurons following viral injection into hindlimb muscles. Moreover, it provides a good foundation for intracellular targeting of the labeled neurons in future physiological studies and better understanding the functional organization of the lumbar neural networks

    Neural Correlates of Motor Vigour and Motor Urgency During Exercise

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    Locomotor-activated neurons of the cat. II. Noradrenergic innervation and colocalization with NEα1a or NEα2b receptors in the thoraco-lumbar spinal cord

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    Norepinephrine (NE) is a strong modulator and/or activator of spinal locomotor networks. Thus noradrenergic fibers likely contact neurons involved in generating locomotion. The aim of the present study was to investigate the noradrenergic innervation of functionally related, locomotor-activated neurons within the thoraco-lumbar spinal cord. This was accomplished by immunohistochemical colocalization of noradrenergic fibers using dopamine-β-hydroxylase or NEα1A and NEα2B receptors with cells expressing the c-fos gene activity-dependent marker Fos. Experiments were performed on paralyzed, precollicular-postmamillary decerebrate cats, in which locomotion was induced by electrical stimulation of the mesencephalic locomotor region. The majority of Fos labeled neurons, especially abundant in laminae VII and VIII throughout the thoraco-lumbar (T13-L7) region of locomotor animals, showed close contacts with multiple noradrenergic boutons. A small percentage (10–40%) of Fos neurons in the T7-L7 segments showed colocalization with NEα1A receptors. In contrast, NEα2B receptor immunoreactivity was observed in 70–90% of Fos cells, with no obvious rostrocaudal gradient. In comparison with results obtained from our previous study on the same animals, a significantly smaller proportion of Fos labeled neurons were innervated by noradrenergic than serotonergic fibers, with significant differences observed for laminae VII and VIII in some segments. In lamina VII of the lumbar segments, the degree of monoaminergic receptor subtype/Fos colocalization examined statistically generally fell into the following order: NEα2B = 5-HT2A ≥ 5-HT7 = 5-HT1A > NEα1A. These results suggest that noradrenergic modulation of locomotion involves NEα1A/NEα2B receptors on noradrenergic-innervated locomotor-activated neurons within laminae VII and VIII of thoraco-lumbar segments. Further study of the functional role of these receptors in locomotion is warranted

    Locomotion produced in mesencephalic cats by injections of putative transmitter substances and antagonists into the medial reticular formation and the pontomedullary locomotor strip

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the distribution of cells in the medial reticular formation (MRF) and the pontomedullary locomotor strip (PLS), which can induce locomotion when activated. Controlled microinjections of neuroactive substances (Goodchild et al., 1982) into the MRF or PLS were made in order to activate cell bodies in those areas. The ability of trigeminal receptive field stimulation to induce locomotion before and after drug infusion into the PLS was also assessed since the PLS and the spinal nucleus of the trigeminal nerve are similar in their anatomical distribution. Experiments were performed on precollicular-postmamillary decerebrate cats walking on a treadmill. Injections of glutamic acid (GA; 500 nmol) into the MRF produced locomotion that was antagonized by infusion of glutamic acid diethyl ester into the same spot. Decreases in the current threshold for locomotion produced by electrical stimulation of the MRF were observed when the MRF was infused with either GA (40–80 nmol), DL- homocysteic acid (DL-HCA; 200 nmol), or picrotoxin (PIC; 15 nmol). Injections of GA (100 nmol), DL-HCA (700 nmol), PIC (10–50 nmol), and substance P (2 nmol) into the PLS also produced locomotion. Locomotion produced by injections of PIC into the PLS was blocked by infusion of equal amounts of muscimol or GABA. Effective PLS injection sites were all confined to the trigeminal spinal nucleus or immediately ventral and medial to this in the adjacent lateral reticular formation. Trigeminal nerve peripheral field stimulation evoked locomotion after microinjection of PIC into the PLS, although this same facial stimulus was not effective prior to drug injection. We conclude that the MRF and PLS regions of the cat brain stem contain cells that produce locomotion when chemically stimulated, and we suggest that the PLS is closely related to or synonymous with the spinal nucleus of the trigeminal nerve. Furthermore, we suggest that stimulation of trigeminal afferents is analogous to stimulation of segmental afferent pathways in the production of locomotion (Sherrington, 1910; Jankowska et al., 1967; Afelt, 1970; Budakova, 1972; Grillner and Zangger, 1979)

    The effect of selective brainstem or spinal cord lesions on treadmill locomotion evoked by stimulation of the mesencephalic or pontomedullary locomotor regions

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    The descending pathways from the brainstem locomotor areas were investigated by utilizing reversible cooling (to block synaptic or fiber transmission) and irreversible subtotal lesions of the brainstem or spinal cord (C2-C3 level). Experiments were conducted on decerebrate cats induced to walk on a treadmill by electrical stimulation of the brainstem. Locomotion produced by stimulation of the mesencephalic locomotor region (MLR) was not abolished by caudal brainstem lesions that isolated the lateral tegmentum or by extended rostral/caudal dorsal hemisections of the spinal cord. These results demonstrate that the MLR does not require a pathway projecting through the lateral tegmentum of the brainstem or the dorsal half of the spinal cord, as previously suggested (Mori et al., 1977, 1978b; Shik and Yagodnitsyn, 1978; Shik, 1983). Rather, the results indicate that the descending pathway originating from the MLR projects through the medial reticular formation (MedRF) and the ventral half of the spinal cord. Locomotion produced by stimulation of the pontomedullary locomotor region (PLR) was blocked by reversible cooling of either the MedRF or the ventrolateral funiculus of the spinal cord. In some cases, locomotion could be produced by stimulation of the PLR following extended dorsal hemisections of the spinal cord. These results demonstrate that the PLR can also produce locomotion by activation of cells in the MedRF that project caudally through the ventral half of the spinal cord. Stimulation of the PLR could also elicit locomotion following its surgical isolation from the MedRF of the brainstem. Furthermore, lesions of the dorsal spinal cord resulted in the loss of PLR-evoked locomotion in some, but not all, cases. Thus, an alternative projection of the PLR through the dorsal half of the spinal cord (Kazennikov et al., 1980, 1983a,b; Shik, 1983) cannot be ruled out. Overall, these results demonstrate that the PLR is not an essential component of the motor pathway originating from the MLR. The organizational scheme of “brainstem locomotor regions” is discussed in the context of recent information demonstrating a link between the sensory component of the trigeminal system and locomotor pathways (Noga et al., 1988)

    The effects of intrathecal administration of excitatory amino acid agonists and antagonists on the initiation of locomotion in the adult cat

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    Development of pharmacological strategies for the control of locomotion in patients with spinal cord injury or disease requires an understanding of the neuroactive substances involved in the activation of the spinal cord neural systems for the control of locomotion. Studies using the in vitro preparations of the lamprey, frog embryo, and newborn rat indicate that excitatory amino acids (EAAs) are involved in the initiation of locomotion. The present study determines whether spinal EAA receptors play a role in locomotion in an in vivo, adult mammalian preparation. Experiments were performed on precollicular, postmammillary decerebrate cats, some of which were spinalized at the 13th thoracic segment. Cannulas for drug infusions were positioned intrathecally in the lumbar region of the spinal cord. A ligature around the spinal cord at the level of the 13th thoracic segment prevented rostral diffusion of the drugs. Locomotion was monitored with electromyograms in treadmill locomotion experiments and electroneurograms in fictive locomotion experiments. Intrathecal infusion of either the NMDA receptor antagonist 2-amino-5- phosphonovaleric acid or the non-NMDA receptor antagonist 6-cyano-7- nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione blocked hindlimb treadmill and fictive locomotion induced by electrical stimulation of the mesencephalic locomotor region (MLR) of the midbrain. Intrathecal administration of NMDA elicited hindlimb fictive locomotion in resting animals similar to that evoked by electrical stimulation of the MLR. At lower concentrations, NMDA evoked either independent bursting activity in the various nerves or loosely organized rhythmicity showing little reciprocity between antagonists. In contrast, administration of the EAA uptake blocker dihydrokainic acid (DHK) evoked intermittent periods of bursting activity characterized by a variable duration and a high degree of reciprocity between flexors and extensors. Given together at low concentrations, NMDA and DHK produced a well-coordinated locomotor pattern. Kainate and quisqualate were ineffective in producing fictive locomotion. These results are consistent with the suggestion that EAAs play a role in the initiation of mammalian locomotion. Furthermore, the results are consistent with those obtained from the neonatal rat in vitro preparations