5,158 research outputs found

    Analytical solution for the electric field in a half space conductor due to alternating current injected at the surface

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    An analytical expression for the electric field in a half space conductor, due to alternating current injected at the surface, is derived. Assuming that the injected current flows in wires perpendicular to the surface of the test piece, the problem can be formulated in terms of a single, transverse magnetic, potential. Considering at first one wire, the cylindrical symmetry permits simplification of the calculation by use of the Hankel transform. The final result for a system with two current-carrying wires is obtained by superposition

    Influence of crystal structure on charge carrier effective masses in BiFeO3_3

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    Ferroelectric-based photovoltaics have shown great promise as a source of renewable energy, thanks to their in-built charge separation capability, yet their efficiency is often limited by low charge carrier mobilities. In this work, we compare the photovoltaic prospects of various phases of the multiferroic material BiFeO3_3 by evaluating their charge carrier effective masses using first-principles simulations. We identify a tetragonal phase with the promising combination of a large spontaneous polarisation and relatively light charge carriers. From a systematic study of the octahedral distortions present in BiFeO3_3, we explain the relationship between structure and effective masses in terms of the changes to the orbital character and overlap at the band edges that result from changes in the geometry. The findings in this study provide some design principles to engineer desired effective masses in BiFeO3_3 and similar materials through manipulation of their crystal structures in experimentally accessible ways.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Unveiling the nature of bright z ~ 7 galaxies with the Hubble Space Telescope

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    We present new Hubble Space Telescope/Wide Field Camera 3 imaging of 25 extremely luminous (-23.2 < M_ UV < -21.2) Lyman-break galaxies (LBGs) at z ~ 7. The sample was initially selected from 1.65 deg^2 of ground-based imaging in the UltraVISTA/COSMOS and UDS/SXDS fields, and includes the extreme Lyman-alpha emitters, `Himiko' and `CR7'. A deconfusion analysis of the deep Spitzer photometry available suggests that these galaxies exhibit strong rest-frame optical nebular emission lines (EW_0(H_beta + [OIII]) > 600A). We find that irregular, multiple-component morphologies suggestive of clumpy or merging systems are common (f_multi > 0.4) in bright z ~ 7 galaxies, and ubiquitous at the very bright end (M_UV < -22.5). The galaxies have half-light radii in the range r_1/2 ~ 0.5-3 kpc. The size measurements provide the first determination of the size-luminosity relation at z ~ 7 that extends to M_UV ~ -23. We find the relation to be steep with r_1/2 ~ L^1/2. Excluding clumpy, multi-component galaxies however, we find a shallower relation that implies an increased star-formation rate surface density in bright LBGs. Using the new, independent, HST/WFC3 data we confirm that the rest-frame UV luminosity function at z ~ 7 favours a power-law decline at the bright-end, compared to an exponential Schechter function drop-off. Finally, these results have important implications for the Euclid mission, which we predict will detect > 1000 similarly bright galaxies at z ~ 7. Our new HST imaging suggests that the vast majority of these galaxies will be spatially resolved by Euclid, mitigating concerns over dwarf star contamination.Comment: 26 pages, 11 figures and 5 tables. Updated to match MNRAS accepted versio
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