2 research outputs found

    Évolution Des Prix Du Pétrole : Moteurs Et Conséquences Économiques

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    The purpose of this article is to analyze the current energy crisis. Contrary to the scenarios focusing on renewable energies, will oil still supply most of the energy demand? We will also discuss the causes of the current sharp rise in oil prices? Is this a temporary economic phenomenon or the start of a cycle of sustainable increase in energy prices? Is this, as many fear, the harbinger of a new and big oil shock, which would be caused by the imbalance in the rates of development of supply and demand? These questions and fears are all the more legitimate since the oil market has been in turmoil in recent years. The factors that caused prices to soar to higher levels have not, for the most part, disappeared. These factors concern both the global geopolitical context and the mechanical game of the market. The soaring of classes even accelerated with the Arab Spring.L’objet de cet article est d’analyser la crise Ă©nergĂ©tique actuelle. Contrairement aux scenarii misant sur les Ă©nergies renouvelables, le pĂ©trole fournira-t-il encore l’essentiel de la demande Ă©nergĂ©tique ? Nous discuterons aussi les causes de l’actuelle forte hausse des prix du pĂ©trole ? S’agit-il d’un phĂ©nomène conjoncturel et passager ou du dĂ©but d’un cycle d’accroissement durable des prix de l’énergie ? Est-ce, comme d’aucuns le craignent, le signe avant-coureur d’un nouveau et grand choc pĂ©trolier, qui serait provoquĂ© par le dĂ©sĂ©quilibre dans les rythmes de dĂ©veloppement de l’offre et de la demande ? Ces questions et ces craintes sont d’autant plus lĂ©gitimes que le marchĂ© pĂ©trolier est entrĂ© en Ă©bullition ces dernières annĂ©es. Les facteurs qui ont fait exploser les prix Ă  des niveaux supĂ©rieurs n’ont pas, pour l’essentiel, disparu. Ces facteurs concernent Ă  la fois le contexte gĂ©opolitique mondial et le jeu mĂ©canique du marchĂ©. L’envolĂ©e des cours s’est mĂŞme accĂ©lĂ©rĂ©e avec le printemps arabe

    Examining Causal Relationship between Saudi Stock Market (TASI) and US Stock Markets Indices

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    This study examines whether there is a causal relationship between Saudi stock market and US stock markets indices, Saudi Arabia is America’s leading trading partner in the world, The most commonly used indices US are Dow Jones Industrial Average and S&P 500, the stated indices are taken for study. There are several methods have been used to examine the existence of relationship. However, the Johansen approach to integration is considered a more reliable method than other conventional integration approaches, Johansen approach is more robust and performs well for large sample size, the results show that the null hypothesis of no relationship cannot be accepted. This suggests the existence of a long-run relationship between SAUDI and US Stock markets