3,334 research outputs found

    Extended Perturbation Theory for the Local Density Distribution Function

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    Perturbation theory makes it possible to calculate the probability distribution function (PDF) of the large scale density field in the small variance limit. For top hat smoothing and scale-free Gaussian initial fluctuations, the result depends only on the linear variance, sigma_linear, and its logarithmic derivative with respect to the filtering scale -(n_linear+3)=dlog sigma_linear^2/dlog L (Bernardeau 1994). In this paper, we measure the PDF and its low-order moments in scale-free simulations evolved well into the nonlinear regime and compare the results with the above predictions, assuming that the spectral index and the variance are adjustable parameters, n_eff and sigma_eff=sigma, where sigma is the true, nonlinear variance. With these additional degrees of freedom, results from perturbation theory provide a good fit of the PDFs, even in the highly nonlinear regime. The value of n_eff is of course equal to n_linear when sigma << 1, and it decreases with increasing sigma. A nearly flat plateau is reached when sigma >> 1. In this regime, the difference between n_eff and n_linear increases when n_linear decreases. For initial power-spectra with n_linear=-2,-1,0,+1, we find n_eff ~ -9,-3,-1,-0.5 when sigma^2 ~ 100.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, Latex (MN format), submitted to MNRA

    Sharp ellipticity conditions for ballistic behavior of random walks in random environment

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    We sharpen ellipticity criteria for random walks in i.i.d. random environments introduced by Campos and Ram\'{\i}rez which ensure ballistic behavior. Furthermore, we construct new examples of random environments for which the walk satisfies the polynomial ballisticity criteria of Berger, Drewitz and Ram\'{\i}rez. As a corollary, we can exhibit a new range of values for the parameters of Dirichlet random environments in dimension d=2d=2 under which the corresponding random walk is ballistic.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.3150/14-BEJ683 in the Bernoulli (http://isi.cbs.nl/bernoulli/) by the International Statistical Institute/Bernoulli Society (http://isi.cbs.nl/BS/bshome.htm

    Three-Point Statistics from a New Perspective

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    Multipole expansion of spatial three-point statistics is introduced as a tool for investigating and displaying configuration dependence. The novel parametrization renders the relation between bi-spectrum and three-point correlation function especially transparent as a set of two-dimensional Hankel transforms. It is expected on theoretical grounds, that three-point statistics can be described accurately with only a few multipoles. In particular, we show that in the weakly non-linear regime, the multipoles of the reduced bispectrum, QlQ_l, are significant only up to quadrupole. Moreover, the non-linear bias in the weakly non-linear regime only affects the monopole order of these statistics. As a consequence, a simple, novel set of estimators can be constructed to constrain galaxy bias. In addition, the quadrupole to dipole ratio is independent of the bias, thus it becomes a novel diagnostic of the underlying theoretical assumptions: weakly non-linear gravity and perturbative local bias. To illustrate the use of our approach, we present predictions based on both power law, and CDM models. We show that the presently favoured SDSS-WMAP concordance model displays strong ``baryon bumps'' in the QlQ_l's. Finally, we sketch out three practical techniques estimate these novel quantities: they amount to new, and for the first time edge corrected, estimators for the bispectrum.Comment: 5 pages 6 figures, ApL accepte

    Self-similarity and scaling behavior of scale-free gravitational clustering

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    We measure the scaling properties of the probability distribution of the smoothed density field in NN-body simulations of expanding universes with scale-free initial power-spectra, with particular attention to the predictions of the stable clustering hypothesis. We concentrate our analysis on the ratios SQ()ξˉQ/ξˉ2Q1S_Q(\ell)\equiv {\bar \xi}_Q/{\bar \xi}_2^{Q-1}, Q5Q \leq 5, where ξˉQ{\bar \xi}_Q is the averaged QQ-body correlation function over a cell of radius \ell. The behavior of the higher order correlations is studied through that of the void probability distribution function. As functions of ξˉ2{\bar \xi}_2, the quantities SQS_Q, 3Q53 \leq Q \leq 5, exhibit two plateaus separated by a smooth transition around ξˉ21{\bar \xi}_2 \sim 1. In the weakly nonlinear regime, {\bar \xi}_2 \la 1, the results are in reasonable agreement with the predictions of perturbation theory. In the nonlinear regime, ξˉ2>1{\bar \xi}_2 > 1, the function SQ(ξˉ2)S_Q({\bar \xi}_2) is larger than in the weakly nonlinear regime, and increasingly so with n-n. It is well-fitted by the expression $S_Q= ({\bar \xi}_2/100)^{0.045(Q-2)}\ {\widetilde S}_Qforall for all n. This weak dependence on scale proves {\em a small, but significant departure from the stable clustering predictions} at least for n=0and and n=+1.Theanalysisof. The analysis of P_0confirmsthattheexpectedscaleinvarianceofthefunctions confirms that the expected scale-invariance of the functions S_Qisnotexactlyattainedinthepartofthenonlinearregimeweprobe,exceptpossiblyfor is not exactly attained in the part of the nonlinear regime we probe, except possibly for n=-2andmarginallyfor and marginally for n=-1$. In these two cases, our measurements are not accurate enough to be discriminant.Comment: 31 pages, postscript file, figure 1 missing. Postscript file including figure 1 available at ftp://ftp-astro-theory.fnal.gov:/pub/Publications/Pub-95-256-

    Omega from the skewness of the cosmic velocity divergence

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    We propose a method for measuring the cosmological density parameter Ω\Omega from the statistics of the divergence field, θH1÷v\theta \equiv H^{-1} \div v, the divergence of peculiar velocity, expressed in units of the Hubble constant, H100hkm/s/MpcH \equiv 100 h km/s/Mpc. The velocity field is spatially smoothed over 10h1Mpc\sim 10 h^{-1} Mpc to remove strongly nonlinear effects. Assuming weakly-nonlinear gravitational evolution from Gaussian initial fluctuations, and using second-order perturbative analysis, we show that \propto -\Omega^{-0.6} ^2. The constant of proportionality depends on the smoothing window. For a top-hat of radius R and volume-weighted smoothing, this constant is 26/7γ26/7-\gamma, where γ=dlog/dlogR\gamma=-d\log / d\log R. If the power spectrum is a power law, P(k)knP(k)\propto k^n, then γ=3+n\gamma=3+n. A Gaussian window yields similar results. The resulting method for measuring Ω\Omega is independent of any assumed biasing relation between galaxies and mass. The method has been successfully tested with numerical simulations. A preliminary application to real data, provided by the POTENT recovery procedure from observed velocities favors Ω1\Omega \sim 1. However, because of an uncertain sampling error, this result should be treated as an assessment of the feasibility of our method rather than a definitive measurement of Ω\Omega.Comment: 16 pages + 2 figures, uuencoded postscript file, also available by anonymous ftp from ftp.cita.utoronto.ca in directory /cita/francis/div_skewness, CITA 94-1

    Galactic dust polarized emission at high latitudes and CMB polarization

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    We estimate the dust polarized emission in our galaxy at high galactic latitudes, which is the dominant foreground for measuring CMB polarization using the high frequency instrument (HFI) aboard Planck surveyor. We compare it with the level of CMB polarization and conclude that, for angular scales 1\le 1^{\circ}, the scalar-induced CMB polarization and temperature-polarization cross-correlation are much larger than the foreground level at ν100GHz\nu \simeq 100 GHz. The tensor-induced signals seem to be at best comparable to the foreground level.}Comment: Latex document, 4 pages, 2 figures, to appear in "Fundamental parameters in Cosmology", Rencontres de Moriond, 199