426 research outputs found

    A ricardian analysis of the impact of climate change on permanent crops in a mediterranean region

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    This is the first study which explores the impact of climate change in Sicily, a small Mediterranean region of Southern Europe. According to research, Mediterranean area has shown large climate shifts in the last century and it has been identified as one of the most prominent “Hot-Spots” in future climate change projections. Since agriculture is an economic activity which strongly depends on climate setting and is particularly responsive to climate changes, it is important to understand how such changes may affect agricultural profitability in the Mediterranean region. The aim of the present study is to assess the expected impact of climate change on permanent crops cultivated in Sicilian region (Southern Italy). By using data from Farm Accountancy Data Network and Ensembles climatic projections for 2021-2050 period, we showed that the impact of climate change is prominent in this region. However, crops respond to climatic variations in a different manner, highlighting that unlike the strong reduction in profitability of grapevine and citrus tree, the predicted average Net Revenue of olive tree is almost the same as in the reference period (1961-1990)

    Effect of corrosion degradation on failure mechanisms of aluminium/steel clinched joints

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    The effect of corrosion phenomena in critical environmental conditions on the mechanical performance of steel/aluminium hybrid joints, obtained by clinching technique, was studied by ageing in salt spray environment. The investigation was carried out on asymmetrical joints with total thickness of 2.5 mm. The joint strength at varying ageing time was determined by means of single lap shear tests.The experimental results have shown that corrosion degradation phenomena significantly affect the performance and failure mechanisms of the joints, causing premature failure of the joint at very low stress level.Moreover, it was observed that the joint geometry characterized by thicker aluminium foil, had good durability properties showing acceptable mechanical properties even at long ageing times. The fracture modes have been analysed in all the above-mentioned conditions and a failure map, at increasing ageing time, for the two joint geometries has been proposed. Keywords: Clinched joints, Durability, Corrosion, Single lap shear test, Failure ma

    Good, Safe and Fair: Quality Perception and Consumer Demand of Locally Produced Beef in Southern Italy

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    The increasing concern amongst consumers regarding the safety and quality of the beef that they buy is the result of food scares that have characterized the beef market in the last two decades. These scares, together with environmental and ethical concerns, caused consumers to reflect upon the quality of the beef they eat. The aim of this paper is to identify which quality characteristics influence the incidence of local beef consumption on the total consumption of beef. It is assumed in this study that such choice is a response to a process of quality evaluation, which occurs combining specific quality attributes and socially constructed food quality criteria strictly linked to a socially fair dimension of local productions. Consumers who habitually purchase local beef at the butcher shops were the focus of our empirical strategy. Data were collected by administering a face-to-face questionnaire to 160 consumers in Sicily (Southern Italy), right after their purchases at the butcher shops. The results of this study suggest some implications in defining locally produced beef quality, making more accurate strategies possible when supporting the spread of production and consumption of beef at the local level.La pr\ue9occupation croissante des consommateurs \ue0 l'\ue9gard de la salubrit\ue9 et de la qualit\ue9 de la viande bovine qu'ils ach\ue8tent est le r\ue9sultat des crises alimentaires qui ont caract\ue9ris\ue9 le march\ue9 de la viande bovine ces deux derni\ue8res d\ue9cennies. Ces craintes, s\u2019ajoutant aux pr\ue9occupations environnementales et \ue9thiques, ont amen\ue9 les consommateurs \ue0 r\ue9fl\ue9chir \ue0 la qualit\ue9 de la viande qu\u2019ils consomment. Le but de cet article est d'identifier les caract\ue9ristiques de qualit\ue9 qui influencent l'incidence de la consommation de viande bovine locale sur la consommation totale de viande bovine. Dans cette \ue9tude, nous avan\ue7ons qu\u2019un tel choix est une r\ue9ponse \ue0 un processus d'\ue9valuation de la qualit\ue9 qui combine attributs de qualit\ue9 sp\ue9cifiques et crit\ue8res de qualit\ue9 alimentaire construits socialement, strictement li\ue9s \ue0 une dimension socialement \ue9quitable des productions locales. Nous avons focalis\ue9 notre strat\ue9gie empirique sur les consommateurs ayant l\u2019habitude d\u2019acheter de la viande locale dans les boucheries. Les donn\ue9es ont \ue9t\ue9 collect\ue9es \ue0 l\u2019aide d\u2019un sondage direct aupr\ue8s de 160 consommateurs en Sicile (Sud de l'Italie), juste apr\ue8s leur achat dans les boucheries. Les r\ue9sultats de cette \ue9tude sugg\ue8rent certaines implications dans la d\ue9finition de la qualit\ue9 de la viande bovine produite localement, permettant d\u2019\ue9tablir des strat\ue9gies plus pr\ue9cises pour soutenir l\u2019expansion de la production et la consommation de viande bovine \ue0 l\u2019\ue9chelle locale

    Assessment of ageing effect on the mechanical behaviour of steel/aluminium self-piercing riveted joint

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    Self-piercing riveting (SPR) is a new performing technology able to joint several kinds of metal and non-metal supports together. The combined effect of joint configuration and environmental conditions could have detrimental effect on the ageing effect on mechanical behaviour of dissimilar metal SPR joints. The joining of dissimilar materials, such as steel and aluminium, realized by self-piercing riveting (SPR) technique was studied to evaluate the ageing effects on its mechanical behaviour in critical environmental conditions. The investigation was carried out on symmetrical or unsymmetrical joints at varying total thicknesses (i.e. 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0 mm). The joint resistance was determined by single-lap shear tests. A design of experiment (DoE) has been performed by using Minitab® followed by the statistical analysis (ANOVA) of the experimental data. Long-term ageing tests in salt spray environment were performed to evaluate the durability of the mechanical joint. The experimental results evidenced that the corrosion degradation phenomena influenced significantly both the performance and failure mechanisms of the joints; also, the joint configuration is a significant factor for the corrosion effect. In the salt spray, the aluminium sheet undergoes a noticeable degradation due to galvanic Al/Fe corrosion. The set characterized by thinner aluminium sheet evidenced a gradual reduction of the mechanical strength with increasing ageing time due to the prevalence of thinning induced by aluminium corrosion. Instead, for S10-A15 samples (characterized by a thicker thickness of aluminium sheet) during the first 7 weeks, stable mechanical performances were observed. The experimental results evidenced that the corrosion degradation phenomena influence significantly both performances and failure mechanisms of SPR joints. Furthermore, the durability of the SPR joint is strongly affected by the joint configuration, and the best results were observed in the unsymmetrical joint with thicker aluminium sheet

    Implementation of green harvesting in the Sicilian wine industry: Effects on the cooperative system

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    This paper contributes to assessing the effectiveness of the GH measure to contribute in reducing the supply of wine grapes, and thus contrasting the fall of wine prices in those years when especially abundant productions are expected. By analysing the application of this measure to the Sicilian wine sector during the three-year period (2010-2012), we assess its effects on the regional wine cooperative system. The results from the analysis of the statistical data show that the GH measure was successful in terms of the number of applications, the supported area and financial expenditures, and contributed with other factors to determining a reduction in wine grape production. The empirical survey shows that GH has been contributing to contrast the fall of wine prices in this region and helping the recovery of the wine market. However, an increase in operating costs as well as difficulties in the planning activities of the cooperatives has been recorded

    Urban landscape evolution as a consequence of an invasive pest: The case of a small sicilian town

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    The Red Palm Weevil (RPW), after its accidental introduction in Italy in 2005, determined a progressive disruption of Canary palms mostly in the central and southern regions. As it is difficult to undertake the management of this pest, the possibility of substituting the killed/symptomatic palms with other ornamental trees has been recently discussed. In this context, understanding the citizens' needs about green areas can improve the management of public parks and urban greening. Involving citizens on the natural resource management using public participation processes is crucial. The case study of a small town of Sicily (Italy) was treated and the spread of this pest was monitored. Moreover, the possibility of substituting the killed palms with other ornamentals was discussed by involving a sample of the population through a direct survey aimed at detecting the preferences in respect to certain tree species (as potential substitutes of the killed palms) listed in a questionnaire administered face-to-face. The citizen's samples showed great interest in the green areas (97%) and indicated a traditional Mediterranean plant as Nerium oleander as the preferred palm substitute candidate

    Explorative study of multifunctional agriculture in a Sicilian inland area

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    The study investigates the agricultural multifunctional activities carried out in a Sicilian typical rural area, the motivations for entrepreneurial choices and the overall level of satisfaction. An exploratory survey was therefore carried out on a selected group of 13 farms localized in 3 Sicilian provinces, with the goal to identify strengths and weaknesses of their multifunctional activities. From the farm survey, several positive results came to light, among which a wide variety of services and activities, an increase in farm workforce and a high level in communication and Internet services. On the other hand, some criticalities emerged in the transition process, such as heavy delays in the administrative authorizations or in plant construction, as well as long Pay-Back periods, due to both an increased local competition in the supply of multifunctional activities and a generalized financial crisis

    Injury-experienced satellite cells retain long-term enhanced regenerative capacity

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    Background: Inflammatory memory or trained immunity is a recently described process in immune and non-immune tissue resident cells, whereby previous exposure to inflammation mediators leads to a faster and stronger responses upon secondary challenge. Whether previous muscle injury is associated with altered responses to subsequent injury by satellite cells (SCs), the muscle stem cells, is not known. Methods: We used a mouse model of repeated muscle injury, in which intramuscular cardiotoxin (CTX) injections were administered 50 days apart in order to allow for full recovery of the injured muscle before the second injury. The effect of prior injury on the phenotype, proliferation and regenerative potential of satellite cells following a second injury was examined in vitro and in vivo by immunohistochemistry, RT-qPCR and histological analysis. Results: We show that SCs isolated from muscle at 50 days post-injury (injury-experienced SCs (ieSCs)) enter the cell cycle faster and form bigger myotubes when cultured in vitro, compared to control SCs isolated from uninjured contralateral muscle. Injury-experienced SCs were characterized by the activation of the mTORC 1 signaling pathway, suggesting they are poised to activate sooner following a second injury. Consequently, upon second injury, SCs accumulate in greater numbers in muscle at 3 and 10 days after injury. These changes in SC phenotype and behavior were associated with accelerated muscle regeneration, as evidenced by an earlier appearance of bigger fibers and increased number of myonuclei per fiber at day 10 after the second injury. Conclusions: Overall, we show that skeletal muscle injury has a lasting effect on SC function priming them to respond faster to a subsequent injury. The ieSCs have long-term enhanced regenerative properties that contribute to accelerated regeneration following a secondary challenge

    EBV-specific CD8 T lymphocytes and B cells during glatiramer acetate therapy in patients with MS

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    OBJECTIVE: Infection with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) has been associated with clinical activity and risk of developing MS. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of glatiramer acetate (GA) therapy on EBV-specific immune responses and disease course. METHODS: We characterized EBV-specific CD8 T lymphocytes and B cells during disease-modifying treatments in 2 groups of patients with MS. We designed a 2-pronged approach consisting of a cross-sectional study (39 untreated patients, 38 patients who had undergone 12 months of GA treatment, and 48 healthy donors compatible for age and sex with the patients with MS) and a 12-month longitudinal study (35 patients treated with GA). CD8 EBV-specific T cells and B lymphocytes were studied using pentamers and multiparametric flow cytometry. RESULTS: We find that treatment with GA enhances viral recognition by inducing an increased number of circulating virus-specific CD8 T cells (p = 0.0043) and by relieving their features of exhaustion (p = 0.0053) and senescence (p < 0.0001, p = 0.0001). B cells, phenotypically and numerically tracked along the 1-year follow-up study, show a steady decrease in memory B-cell frequencies (p = 0.025), paralleled by an increase of the naive B subset. CONCLUSION: GA therapy acts as a disease-modifying therapy restoring homeostasis in the immune system, including anti-EBV responses
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