8 research outputs found

    Prosocial Consequences of Interpersonal Synchrony

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    Abstract. The capacity to establish interpersonal synchrony is fundamental to human beings because it constitutes the basis for social connection and understanding. Interpersonal synchrony refers to instances when the movements or sensations of two or more people overlap in time and form. Recently, the causal influence of interpersonal synchrony on prosociality has been established through experiments. The current meta-analysis is the first to synthesize these isolated and sometimes contradictory experiments. We meta-analyzed 60 published and unpublished experiments that compared an interpersonal synchrony condition with at least one control condition. The results reveal a medium effect of interpersonal synchrony on prosociality with regard to both attitudes and behaviors. Furthermore, experimenter effects and intentionality moderate these effects. We discuss the strengths and limitations of our analysis, as well as its practical implications, and we suggest avenues for future research

    O ensino de história da enfermagem nos cursos de graduação de Santa Catarina Nursing history education on graduation courses in Santa Catarina

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    Partindo da idéia de que o ensino da história da enfermagem é fundamental para a formação dos alunos do curso de graduação e de que a forma como se ministra o seu conteúdo proporciona ou não a aderência a este conhecimento, esta pesquisa pretende estabelecer uma rede de contatos com todas as escolas de enfermagem de Santa Catarina para traçar um diagnóstico do ensino de história da enfermagem. Este poderá subsidiar a criação de uma política para nortear a reformulação curricular da disciplina, face às necessidades do Estado. A metodologia é qualitativa e a coleta de dados inicial identificou, a partir de 15 escolas de enfermagem do Estado, o modus operandi do desenvolvimento da disciplina ao longo do curso. Uma análise inicial indica que as estratégias educacionais e curriculares são variadas, havendo interfaces entre elas. Percebe-se um avanço relativo à carga horária e às estratégias de ensino-aprendizagem, porém a inserção do conteúdo em questão ainda carece de reflexão coletiva sobre a sua importância no currículo dos cursos.<br>Concerning to the idea that the nursing history education is fundamental to the development of students of graduation course and that the way this instruction is given determines if its content provides or not the adherence to this information, this research aims to establish a network with all Nursing Schools of Santa Catarina to determine a education diagnosis of nursing history education. This may be a subsidy for a policy creation to guide the curricular reformulation of this subject, in view of the State needs. The methodology is qualitative and the initial data collection identified, from 15 nursing schools of the State, the modus operandi of the subject development along the course. An initial analysis indicates that the educational and curricular strategies are varied, and there are interfaces between them. We note an advance related to the grade hours and to learning-education strategies, however the insertion of said content still needs a collective reflection about its importance on the courses curriculum