2,091 research outputs found

    Income composition and propensities to consume

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    So as to better understand households' consumption behaviour, the composition of incomes was not as regarded as wealth structure. Since the 80s in France, the former has dramatically changed though, retirement and unemployment transfers taking a heavier weight. Various reasons can justify that the income composition influences consumption. Aggregation of behaviours of different households with different propensity to consume is a first reason. A second one is that some incomes are more persistent and are consequently more consumed: a positive shock for these incomes is translated into a higher increase of permanent income. An illustration is proposed within the life-cycle model framework for both these justifications. Econometric estimations, with data from the national accounts at 1995 constant prices, show that the propensity to consume dependent wages, social transfers and self-employed incomes is higher that for other incomes. In comparison with other specifications which insist on wealth effects or interest rate effects, we find this result challenging. But, a future research using micro data would be most welcome to confirm it. Above all, the high propensity to consume self-employed incomes should be studied more precisely. And new national accounts will also bring another test of robustness for this result.propensity to consume, income composition, forecasting

    Infinite Volume and Continuum Limits of the Landau-Gauge Gluon Propagator

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    We extend a previous improved action study of the Landau gauge gluon propagator, by using a variety of lattices with spacings from a=0.17a = 0.17 to 0.41 fm, to more fully explore finite volume and discretization effects. We also extend a previously used technique for minimizing lattice artifacts, the appropriate choice of momentum variable or ``kinematic correction'', by considering it more generally as a ``tree-level correction''. We demonstrate that by using tree-level correction, determined by the tree-level behavior of the action being considered, it is possible to obtain scaling behavior over a very wide range of momenta and lattice spacings. This makes it possible to explore the infinite volume and continuum limits of the Landau-gauge gluon propagator.Comment: 24 pages RevTex, 18 figures; Responses to referee comments, minor change

    Hadron Masses From Novel Fat-Link Fermion Actions

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    The hadron mass spectrum is calculated in lattice QCD using a novel fat-link clover fermion action in which only the irrelevant operators in the fermion action are constructed using smeared links. The simulations are performed on a 16^3 x 32 lattice with a lattice spacing of a=0.125 fm. We compare actions with n=4 and 12 smearing sweeps with a smearing fraction of 0.7. The n=4 Fat-Link Irrelevant Clover (FLIC) action provides scaling which is superior to mean-field improvement, and offers advantages over nonperturbative 0(a) improvement, including a reduced exceptional configuration problem.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, new simulation with mean-field improved clover, further discussion of actio

    Hadron Properties with FLIC Fermions

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    The Fat-Link Irrelevant Clover (FLIC) fermion action provides a new form of nonperturbative O(a)-improvement in lattice fermion actions offering near continuum results at finite lattice spacing. It provides computationally inexpensive access to the light quark mass regime of QCD where chiral nonanalytic behaviour associated with Goldstone bosons is revealed. The motivation and formulation of FLIC fermions, its excellent scaling properties and its low-lying hadron mass phenomenology are presented.Comment: 29 pages, 13 figures, 6 tables. Contribution to lecure notes in 2nd Cairns Topical Workshop on Lattice Hadron Physics 2003 (LHP 2003), Cairns, Australia, 22-30 Jul 200

    Ambient temperature and pregnancy influence cortisol levels in female guinea pigs and entail long-term effects on the stress response of their offspring

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    a b s t r a c t Mammals generally respond to the important metabolic requirements imposed by thermoregulation and pregnancy by increasing plasma concentrations of glucocorticoid that promote the mobilization of body reserves and enhance energy use by tissues. This study examined the impact of distinct ambient temperatures and reproductive status on cortisol plasma levels in female guinea pigs (Cavia aperea f. porcellus). We also examined cortisol profiles of their offspring. Forty adult females were placed in individual boxes, 20 were exposed to a neutral thermal regime (mean ambient temperature 22.1 ± 1.5°C) and 20 were maintained under a cool thermal regime (15.1 ± 1.5°C). Within each treatment, 12 females were pregnant and 8 were non-pregnant. Pregnancy generated a marked elevation of baseline cortisol. Ambient temperature also affected cortisol concentrations. Compared to the pregnant females from the neutral thermal regime, pregnant females maintained under cool conditions exhibited lower baseline levels of cortisol, were less active, but they displayed a greater stress response (i.e. rapid increase of plasma cortisol) following handling. Thermal treatment did not influence reproductive output, reproductive effort, or offspring characteristics. This suggests that pregnant female guinea pigs cope with cool (but not extreme) thermal conditions by reducing activity and baseline cortisol levels, possibly to save energy via an adaptive response. Interestingly, the greater amplitude of the stress response of the cool regime females was also observed in their offspring 2 months after parturition, suggesting that hormonal ambience experienced by the individuals in utero shaped their stress response long after birth

    A statistical mechanical description of metastable states and hysteresis in the 3D soft-spin random-field model at T=0

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    We present a formalism for computing the complexity of metastable states and the zero-temperature magnetic hysteresis loop in the soft-spin random-field model in finite dimensions. The complexity is obtained as the Legendre transform of the free-energy associated to a certain action in replica space and the hysteresis loop above the critical disorder is defined as the curve in the field-magnetization plane where the complexity vanishes; the nonequilibrium magnetization is therefore obtained without having to follow the dynamical evolution. We use approximations borrowed from condensed-matter theory and based on assumptions on the structure of the direct correlation functions (or proper vertices), such as a local approximation for the self-energies, to calculate the hysteresis loop in three dimensions, the correlation functions along the loop, and the second moment of the avalanche-size distribution.Comment: 28 pages, 12 figure

    G protein-coupled oestrogen receptor 1, oestrogen receptors and androgen receptor in the sand rat (Psammomys obesus) efferent ducts

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    Background: The efferent ducts are mainly involved in the reabsorption of the seminiferous tubular fluid. Testosterone and oestrogens regulate efferent ducts functions via their receptors.Materials and methods: This paper presents an experimental investigation on the location of the P450 aromatase, the 17-b oestradiol (E2), the androgen receptor (AR), the oestrogen receptor 1 (ESR1), the oestrogen receptor 2 (ESR2) and the G protein-coupled oestrogen receptor 1 (GPER1) in the efferent ducts using Psammomys obesus as an animal model to highlight the effect of the season on the histology and the distribution of these receptors.Results: We observed a proliferation of the connective tissue, decreasing in the height of the epithelium during the resting season compared to the breeding season. Ciliated cells expressed P450 aromatase, AR, E2, ESR1, ESR2 and GPER1 during both seasons. Basal cells showed a positive staining for the ESR1 and the GPER1 during both season, the AR and E2 during the breeding season and ESR2 during the resting season.Conclusions: Our result shows that the expression of androgen receptor and oestrogen receptors in the efferent ducts vary by season witch suggest that they are largely involved in the regulation of the efferent ducts functions

    Theoretical investigations of a highly mismatched interface: the case of SiC/Si(001)

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    Using first principles, classical potentials, and elasticity theory, we investigated the structure of a semiconductor/semiconductor interface with a high lattice mismatch, SiC/Si(001). Among several tested possible configurations, a heterostructure with (i) a misfit dislocation network pinned at the interface and (ii) reconstructed dislocation cores with a carbon substoichiometry is found to be the most stable one. The importance of the slab approximation in first-principles calculations is discussed and estimated by combining classical potential techniques and elasticity theory. For the most stable configuration, an estimate of the interface energy is given. Finally, the electronic structure is investigated and discussed in relation with the dislocation array structure. Interface states, localized in the heterostructure gap and located on dislocation cores, are identified
