81 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the Occurrence of False Aneurysms During Halal Slaughtering and Consequences on the Animal’s State of Consciousness

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    This study evaluated the occurrence of false aneurysms and reflexes in bovines, associated with the point along the neck where the cut was performed. The survey was carried out on a total of 1200 male beef cattle, belonging mainly to the Charolais and Limousin breeds, aged between twelve and twenty-four months. In the slaughterhouse, three operators, identified by convention as Operator C4, Operator C2, and Operator C1, performed the Halal slaughtering. Each operator carried out the slaughter of 400 animals and, on the basis of his own professional training, performed the cutting of the vessels at different points along the neck: Operator C4 between the third and fourth cervical vertebrae; Operator C2 at the level of the second cervical vertebra; and Operator C1 at the first cervical vertebra. The occurrence of false aneurysms was assessed on the basis of the different cutting site used by the three operators. Then, the evaluation of consciousness indicators, that is, rhythmic breathing and eye response, closely related to a slow bleeding process and to a delayed loss of brain function, was carried out 90 s post-bleeding. The group of cattle slaughtered by Operator C4 had a prevalence of false aneurysms of 10.25%. Conversely, the other two groups of cattle slaughtered by Operators C2 and C1 showed false aneurysm formation in 7.25% of each case. Further, 37.5% of the animals (18 for Operator C4, 17 for Operator C2, and 16 for Operator C1) with signs of consciousness 90 s after sticking were consequent to the onset of false aneurysms and, more precisely, they were owing to a late second cut of the vessel carried out by the operator, when false aneurysms occurred. The results of the research showed that the cutting point chosen by the operator is a key element in determining the onset of false aneurysms

    Occurrence of mislabelling in prepared fishery products in Southern Italy

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    Fish authentication is a major concern not only for the prevention of commercial fraud, but also for the assessment of safety risks deriving from the undeclared introduction of potentially dangerous toxic or allergenic substances or environmentally damaging fish where endangered species are involved. Moreover, food authentication might affect the diet of certain groups of consumers, such as followers of religious practices. Considering the authentication of fish products is one of the key issues in food safety, quality and sustainability, the aim of this work was to investigate the prevalence of mislabelling in sole (Solea solea), plaice (Pleuronectes platessa), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), and hake (Merluccius merluccius) fillets from markets and supermarkets located in Apulia (Southern Italy) using DNA barcoding. The results of the molecular investigations reveal that 42/98 (42.8%) fillet samples were not correctly labelled. In particular, 12/27 (44.4%) fillets of sole (Solea solea) were identified as belonging to Solea senegalensis. In addition, 13/28 (46.4%) plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) samples were identified as Pangasius hypophtalmus. All Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) samples were correctly labelled. Post-sequencing data analysis revealed that 17/30 (56.6%) hake fillets (Merluccius merluccius) were not correctly labelled, of which 8/30 samples identified as Merluccius hubbsi, 5/30 samples as Merluccius products and 4/30 as Merluccius capensis. The study reveals a high occurrence of species mislabelling in the prepared fish fillet products, further evidence of the need for increased traceability and assessment of the authenticity of food products


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    The aim of this study was to compare the performance of the conventional methods for detection of Listeria monocytogenes in food using media Oxford and ALOA (Agar Listeria acc. to Ottaviani & Agosti) in according to the ISO 11290-1 to a new chromogenic medium "CHROMagar Listeria" standardized in 2005 AFNOR ( CHR – 21/1-12/01). A total of 40 pre-packed ready-to-eat food samples were examined. Using two methods six samples were found positive for Listeria monocytogenes but the medium "CHROMagar Listeria" was more selective in comparison with the others. In conclusion this study has demonstrated that isolation medium able to target specifically the detection of L. monocytogenes such as "CHROMagar Listeria" is highly recommendable because of that detection time is significantly reduced and the analysis cost is less expensive

    Arcobacter spp. in bovine milk: An emerging pathogen with potential zoonotic risk

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    The aim of the present study was to assess the prevalence and genetic characteristics of Arcobacter spp. in bovine bulk tank milk produced in Apulia Region (Italy). Samples collected from 396 dairy farms, after enrichment in a selective broth, were subjected to an Arcobacter genus - specific Real Time PCR. Positive broths, previously filtered, were seeded on Karmali, MCCD and Columbia Blood Agar plates; presumptive Arcobacter spp. colonies were identified using an amplification and sequencing method and then characterized by Multi-Locus Sequence Typing (MLST). Prevalence of Arcobacter spp. in bovine milk samples was 5% (20/396); A. butzleri was the only isolated species, in agreement with previous studies that reported A. butzleri as the most commonly recovered species in milk and dairy products. MLST analysis of the 20 A. butzleri strains identified 81 alleles and 16 STs. Consistent with previous studies, MLST revealed a high level of heterogeneity between the A. butzleri isolates and confirmed the high discriminatory power of this method and its suitability for epidemiological investigations. This study confirmed the importance of raw milk as a possible source of Arcobacter spp. for humans

    Quantitative risk assessment of human salmonellosis and listeriosis related to the consumption of raw milk in Italy.

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    Two quantitative risk assessment (RA) models were developed to describe the risk of salmonellosis and listeriosis linked to consumption of raw milk sold in vending machines in Italy. Exposure assessment considered the official microbiological records monitoring raw milk samples from vending machines performed by the regional veterinary authorities from 2008 to 2011, microbial growth during storage, destruction experiments, consumption frequency of raw milk, serving size, and consumption preference. Two separate RA models were developed: one for the consumption of boiled milk and the other for the consumption of raw milk. The RA models predicted no human listeriosis cases per year either in the best or worst storage conditions and with or without boiling raw milk, whereas the annual estimated cases of salmonellosis depend on the dose-response relationships used in the model, the milk storage conditions, and consumer behavior in relation to boiling raw milk or not. For example, the estimated salmonellosis cases ranged from no expected cases, assuming that the entire population boiled milk before consumption, to a maximum of 980,128 cases, assuming that the entire population drank raw milk without boiling, in the worst milk storage conditions, and with the lowest dose-response model. The findings of this study clearly show how consumer behavior could affect the probability and number of salmonellosis cases and in general, the risk of illness. Hence, the proposed RA models emphasize yet again that boiling milk before drinking is a simple yet effective tool to protect consumers against the risk of illness inherent in the consumption of raw milk. The models may also offer risk managers a useful tool to identify or implement appropriate measures to control the risk of acquiring foodborne pathogens. Quantification of the risks associated with raw milk consumption is necessary from a public health perspective
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