3,551 research outputs found

    The Effect of Melatonin Upon Post-Acute Withdrawal Among Males in a Residential Treatment Program (M-Paws): A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo Controlled Trial

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    The study goal was to assess melatonin as an adjuvant treatment along with current pharmaco- and behavioral therapy for 28 days on weekly self-reported severity of anxiety, depression, stress, and sleep complaints as well as how sleep is affecting daily life in a sample of males in recovery from chemical dependency at a single, residential treatment site, Salvation Army Harbor Light Center in Pittsburgh, PA. This study was a single-center, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel group trial of 28 days. Participants were randomized to melatonin (5 mg) or placebo and instructed to administer the intervention nightly at bedtime. Primary self-reported outcome measures of severity of anxiety, depression, stress, as well as sleep complaints and how sleep is affecting daily life were assessed on a weekly basis with the Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale (GAD-7), Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale (PHQ-8), Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-14), and Pittsburgh Sleep Symptom Questionnaire – Insomnia (PSSQ-1). Secondary outcome measures were to acquire participant histories, determine adherence as well as adverse events. Seventy participants (age 21 – 65, mean 40.4 ± 11 years) were enrolled with 24 completing the study in each group. Demographically, the sample consisted of those who identified as white (70%), single (74.3%), and with an education level of high school/G.E.D. or less (77.1%). Intention-to-treat analysis for all outcome measures revealed statistically significant within-groups differences over time for both groups. The study failed to demonstrate statistically between-group differences for these measures. Also, complete case analysis for each week revealed no between-group differences. Additionally, the change from Baseline and Day 28 as determined by a response of an improvement of 50% or higher in scores for each scale revealed no significant strength of association between the groups when considering worst case for the loss to follow-up. Melatonin appeared to be well tolerated with similar adverse events reported as placebo; however, there was a tendency to report more vivid dreams/nightmares as well as next day tiredness/grogginess/sleepiness. Clinical investigations into the use of melatonin as a treatment for depression, anxiety, stress, and sleep difficulties in those recovering from illicit and non-illicit drug dependency are limited and larger studies are warranted. Possible future directions include a study design that is multicenter, the inclusion of a therapy only arm, assessing various doses and timelines, assessing effects in adolescents or females, or limiting inclusion based on prescribed medications, mental health status, medical conditions, prior melatonin use, and/or a specific chemical dependency. Overall, this is the first and largest randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel group trial assessing the effects of melatonin upon post-acute withdrawal among males in a residential treatment program. However, the various analyses indicated insufficient evidence to suggest that melatonin and placebo were significantly different, and it may be concluded, based upon the study sample, design, and its limitations, the effect of melatonin on the assessed measures was no different than placebo. Due to the heterogeneity of the participants as evidenced by the participant histories, there exists a possibility of a Type II error that must be considered and not overlooked

    Is There a Relationship between the Density of Primordial Black Holes in a Galaxy and the Rate of Cosmological Gamma-Ray Bursts?

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    The rate of accretion of matter from a solar-type star onto a primordial black hole (PBH) that passes through it is calculated. The probability that a PBH is captured into an orbit around a star in a galaxy is found. The mean lifetime of the PBH in such an orbit and the rate of orbital captures of PBHs in the galaxy are calculated. It is shown that this rate does not depend on the mass of the PBH. This mechanism cannot make an appreciable contribution to the rate of observed gamma-ray bursts. The density of PBHs in the galaxy can reach a critical value - the density of the mass of dark matter in the galaxy.Comment: 7 page

    The stellar mass-accretion rate relation in T Tauri stars and brown dwarfs

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    Recent observations show a strong correlation between stellar mass and accretion rate in young stellar and sub-stellar objects, with the scaling M˙accM2\dot{M}_{acc} \propto M_*^2 holding over more than four orders of magnitude in accretion rate. We explore the consequences of this correlation in the context of disk evolution models. We note that such a correlation is not expected to arise from variations in disk angular momentum transport efficiency with stellar mass, and suggest that it may reflect a systematic trend in disk initial conditions. In this case we find that brown dwarf disks initially have rather larger radii than those around more massive objects. By considering disk evolution, and invoking a simple parametrization for a shut-off in accretion at the end of the disk lifetime, we show that such models predict that the scatter in the stellar mass-accretion rate relationship should increase with increasing stellar mass, in rough agreement with current observations.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Inverse Compton X-rays from the radio galaxy 3C 219

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    We report the results from a Chandra observation of the powerful nearby (z=0.1744) radio galaxy 3C 219. We find evidence for non-thermal X-ray emission from the radio lobes which fits fairly well with a combination of inverse Compton scattering of Cosmic Microwave Background radiation and of nuclear photons with the relativistic electrons in the lobes. The comparison between radio synchrotron and IC emission yields a magnetic field strength significantly lower (about a factor 3) than that calculated under minimum energy conditions; the source energetics is then dominated by the relativistic particles.Comment: 5 pages, 2 color figures, Accepted for publication in MNRAS pink page

    Hydromagnetic and gravitomagnetic crust-core coupling in a precessing neutron star

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    We consider two types of mechanical coupling between the crust and the core of a precessing neutron star. First, we find that a hydromagnetic (MHD) coupling between the crust and the core strongly modifies the star's precessional modes when ta(Ts×Tp)1/2t_a\le\sim (T_s\times T_p)^{1/2}; here tat_a is the Alfven crossing timescale, and TsT_s and TpT_p are the star's spin and precession periods, respectively. We argue that in a precessing pulsar PSR B1828-11 the restoring MHD stress prevents a free wobble of the crust relative to the non-precessing core. Instead, the crust and the proton-electron plasma in the core must precess in unison, and their combined ellipticity determines the period of precession. Link has recently shown that the neutron superfluid vortices in the core of PSR B1828-11 cannot be pinned to the plasma; he has also argued that this lack of pinning is expected if the proton Fermi liquid in the core is type-I superconductor. In this case, the neutron superfluid is dynamically decoupled from the precessing motion. The pulsar's precession decays due to the mutual friction between the neutron superfluid and the plasma in the core. The decay is expected to occur over tens to hundreds of precession periods and may be measurable over a human lifetime. Such a measurement would provide information about the strong n-p interaction in the neutron-star core. Second, we consider the effect of gravitomagnetic coupling between the neutron superfluid in the core and the rest of the star and show that this coupling changes the rate of precession by about 10%. The general formalism developed in this paper may be useful for other applications.Comment: 6 page

    Wiggles in the cosmic microwave background radiation: echoes from non-singular cyclic-inflation

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    In this paper we consider a unique model of inflation where the universe undergoes rapid asymmetric oscillations, each cycle lasting millions of Planck time. Over many-many cycles the space-time expands to mimic the standard inflationary scenario. Moreover, these rapid oscillations leave a distinctive periodic signature in ln(k) in the primordial power spectrum, where k denotes the comoving scale. The best fit parameters of the cyclic-inflation model provides a very good fit to the 7-year WMAP data.Comment: Computational details and a figure adde

    Extended radio emission in BL Lac objects - I: the images

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    We have observed 28 sources selected from the 1Jy sample of BL Lac objects (Stickel et al. 1991) with the Very Large Array (VLA) in A, B and D configurations at 1.36, 1.66 and 4.85 GHz, and/or with the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT) at 1.40 GHz. In this paper we present high sensitivity images at arcsecond resolution of the 18 objects showing extended structure in our images, and of another source from the FIRST (Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty-cm) survey (Becker et al. 1995). In general our high sensitivity images reveal an amount of extended emission larger than previously reported. In some objects the luminosity of the extended structure is comparable with that of FR~II radio sources. A future paper will be devoted to the interpretation of these results.Comment: 12 pages, 35 figures, to appear on A&A Supp. Ser., postscript file with figures included available at http://www.ira.noto.cnr.it/staff/carlo/ds1030.ps.g

    Magnetically Accreting Isolated Old Neutron Stars

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    Previous work on the emission from isolated old neutron stars (IONS) accreting the inter-stellar medium (ISM) focussed on gravitational capture - Bondi accretion. We propose a new class of sources which accrete via magnetic interaction with the ISM. While for the Bondi mechanism, the accretion rate decreases with increasing NS velocity, in magnetic accretors (MAGACs="magics") the accretion rate increases with increasing NS velocity. MAGACs will be produced among high velocity (~> 100 km s-1) high magnetic field (B> 1e14 G) radio pulsars - the ``magnetars'' - after they have evolved first through magnetic dipole spin-down, followed by a ``propeller'' phase (when the object sheds angular momentum on a timescale ~< 1e10 yr). The properties of MAGACS may be summarized thus: dipole magnetic fields of B~>1e14 G; minimum velocities relative to the ISM of >25-100 km s-1, depending on B, well below the median in the observed radio-pulsar population; spin-periods of >days to years; accretion luminosities of 1e28- 1e31 ergs s-1 ; and effective temperatures kT=0.3 - 2.5 keV if they accrete onto the magnetic polar cap. We find no examples of MAGACs among previously observed source classes (anomalous X-ray pulsars, soft-gamma-ray repeaters or known IONS). However, MAGACs may be more prevelant in flux-limited X-ray catalogs than their gravitationally accreting counterparts.Comment: ApJ, accepte

    The Gravitational and Electrostatic Fields Far from an Isolated Einstein-Maxwell Source

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    The exterior solution for an arbitrary charged, massive source, is studied as a static deviation from the Reissner-Nordstr\o m metric. This is reduced to two coupled ordinary differential equations for the gravitational and electrostatic potential functions. The homogeneous equations are explicitly solved in the particular case q2=m2q^2=m^2, obtaining a multipole expansion with radial hypergeometric dependence for both potentials. In the limiting case of a neutral source, the equations are shown to coincide with recent results by Bondi and Rindler.Comment: 11 pages, revTe