5,130 research outputs found

    Reconnaissance drilling near the Betz-plant at Herentals

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    A Price is a signal: on intrinsic motivation and crowding-out

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    If a previously unpaid activity (donating blood) is paid then we often observe that this activity is reduced. In this paper, it is hypothesised that the price offered is taken as a proxy for the "market value" of the activity. Depending on how the actor valued the activity previously, crowding-out or crowding-in, as well as persistence (or not) of the effect after the abandoning of payment is implied. This "naive" explanation is confronted with Bénabou and Tirole´s (2003) priciple-agent model where the opposite signalling effect is hypothesised: a higher price is taken as an indication for a lower value. --Intrinsic Motivation,Crowding-out,Signaling

    Over- and under-investment according to different benchmarks

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    In a two-stage oligopoly, with investment in the first stage and quantity or price competition in the second stage, there is a kind of Folk Theorem: We find (i) over-investment if the goods are substitutes and competition is in strategic substitutes, (ii) under-investment if we have either complements instead of substitutes or strategic complements instead of strategic substitutes, and (iii) again over-investment if both attributes change. The existing literature, however, lacks a proof of this theorem and, in particular, it lacks a systematic comparison of the different benchmarks for over-and under-investment. A "naive" benchmark is the efficient investment with respect to the subgame perfect (closed loop) equilibrium quantities. Alternative benchmarks (which are more often proposed) are the open loop equilibrium investment or the welfare maximizing investment. The chosen benchmark is critical because the Folk Theorem applies (under certain conventional conditions) only for the naĂŻve benchmark. The other two benchmarks require additional assumptions or the distinction of subcases. --Oligopoly,technology choice,efficiency,under-investment,overinvestment

    NAFTA Labor Side Agreement: Lessons for the Worker Rights and Fast-Track Debate

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    CRS ReportCRSNAFTALaborSideAgreements1001.pdf: 2024 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020
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