802 research outputs found

    Midterm evaluation of DARCOF II. Increased production and closer relationships between organic and inherent qualities

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    In October 2002 seven international scientists with expertise on organic farming performed an evaluation of the ongoing Danish research effort in organic food and farming (DARCOF II). The evaluation covers 23 individual projects established in 2000 and the DARCOF II programme as a whole

    DARCOF II. Danish research in Organic Food and Farming systems 2000-2005

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    The aim of this book is to present a comprehensive overview of the 41 research projects undertaken in the period 2000-2005 in the research programme DARCOF II.For each project there is a description of its background and objective in terms of which issues gave rise to the project and what the project aims to achieve. This is followed by a short description of the experiments or investigations that have been undertaken in the project. The general and applicable results derived from the project are finally described. For each project there is a reference to a project home page on www.darcof.dk. Via this page there is direct access to "Organic Eprints", which is the site containing all the project publications – both technical and scientific

    CORE Organic country report. Report on Danish Research in Organic Food and Farming. December 2005

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    The aim of the country report is to present an overview of Danish research in organic food and farming. The overview includes descriptions of History, Organisation , Research programmes, Financing, Research facilities, Initiation of research and stakeholder engagement, Selection criteria and evaluation procedures, Utilisation of research, Scientific education & research school

    Forskning i økologisk jordbrug

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    Nyhedsbrev fra Forskningscenter for Økologisk Jordbrug. Omtale af Aktionsplan II "Økologi i udvikling"

    An Examination of Actual Fraud Cases With a Focus on the Auditor’s Responsibility

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    The purpose of this paper is to contribute to an understanding of the intricate relationship between audit regulation and developments in audit practice in relation to the fraud issue. The extent and exact nature of the responsibilities of the auditor to detect fraud in relation to audit engagements has been widely discussed over the years. In this paper we classify actual cases, where the responsibilities of auditors have been established by the court system and/or by the auditors own professional organizations in Denmark. The dataset includes all publicized cases raised against Danish auditors within the time period 1909-2006. The information provided in the cases provides a basis for identifying the actual responsibilities pertaining to fraud during the audit. The overall finding of the historical analysis is that the responsibilities of the auditor in relation to fraud should be interpreted not as a group of its own, but in line with the development of what constitutes a good audit in general.Fraud; auditor responsibility; intentional misstatements; misappropriation; fraudulent reporting; embezzlement;

    Forskning i økologisk jordbrug

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    Nyhedsbrev fra Forskningscenter for Økologisk Jordbrug. Tema om økologiske sædskifter. Oplæg til ny forskning

    Økologisk planteproduktion. Resultater af forskning i FØJO I

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    I denne rapport er en lang række resultater fra forskningen i økologisk planteproduktion fra forskningsprogrammerne bag FØJO I samlet og gennemgået. I de første afsnit er de mest interessante resultater set fra et praktisk og rådgivningsmæssigt synspunkt udvalgt og gennemgået. En mere detaljeret gennemgang af de enkelte projekter fås i afsnit 9. Gennemgangen viser først og fremmest, at det økologiske dyrkningssystem er en helhed, hvor de enkelte elementer som næringsstofforsyning, ukrudtstryk, jordens liv og mange flere er forbundne. Det ses blandt andet af, at selvom det enkelte projekts fokus har rettet sig mod et bestemt problem, så er der afledte effekter til andre problemer og emner, der også er relevante for den økologiske dyrkningspraksis. Med helhedsopfattelsen i baghovedet er det imidlertid muligt at dykke ned og høste indsigt og forståelse fra de mange både detaljer og sammenhænge, som resultaterne fra FØJO I rummer

    FØJO II. Forskning i økologisk jordbrug og fødevaresystemer 2000-2005

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    Formålet med denne bog er at give en samlet oversigt over de 41 forskningsprojekter, som i perioden 2000–2005 er gennemført i forskningsprogrammet FØJO II. For hvert projekt beskrives baggrund og formål: Hvilke problemstillinger har gjort, at projektet er blevet iværksat, og hvad har målet for projektet været. Dernæst følger en kort beskrivelse af de forsøg eller undersøgelser, som er gennemført i projektet. Afslutningsvis beskrives overordnede og praksisorienterede resultater, som projektet har givet. For hvert projekt er der en henvisning til en projekthjemmeside på www.foejo.dk. Via denne side kan man bl.a. få direkte adgang til "Organic Eprints", som indeholder alle projektets publikationer – både faglige og videnskabelige

    Prevalence of allergic rhinitis among adults in urban and rural areas of China : a population-based cross-sectional survey

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    Purpose: The aim of the present study was to compare the prevalence of self-reported and confirmable allergic rhinitis (AR) with positive skin prick test (SPT) results among adults living in urban and rural areas of China. Methods: Adults from a community in Beijing and a village in Baoding were selected as representative urban and rural dwellers, respectively. All eligible residents were enrolled from the population register and received a face-to-face interview using modified validated questionnaires. Equal sets of randomly selected self-reporting AR-positive and AR-negative participants who responded to the questionnaires were also investigated using skin prick tests. Results: A total of 803 participants in the rural area and a total of 1,499 participants in the urban area completed the questionnaires, with response rates being 75.9% and 81.5% respectively. The prevalence of self-reported AR of the rural area (19.1%) was significantly higher than that of the urban area (13.5%). The elementary school of educational level increased the risk of having AR (adjusted OR=2.198, 95% CI=1.072-2.236). The positive SET rates among subjects with self-reported AR in the rural and urban areas were 32.5% and 53.3%, respectively; the confirmable AR prevalence of 6.2% and 7.2% among the rural and urban adults, respectively. Conclusions: The prevalence of confirmable AR is similar between rural and urban areas in China, although there is a higher prevalence of self-reported AR in the former
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