3,579 research outputs found

    Assessing the impact of prescribed medicines on health outcomes

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    This paper reviews methods that can be used to assess the impact of medicine use on population health outcomes. In the absence of a gold standard, we argue that a convergence of evidence from different types of studies using multiple methods of independent imperfection provides the best bases for attributing improvements in health outcomes to the use of medicines. The major requirements are: good evidence that a safe and effective medicine is being appropriately prescribed; covariation between medicine use and improved health outcomes; and being able to discount alternative explanations of the covariation (via covariate adjustment, propensity analyses and sensitivity analyses), so that medicine use is the most plausible explanation of the improved health outcomes. The strongest possible evidence would be provided by the coherence of the following types of evidence: (1) individual linked data showing that patients are prescribed the medicine, there are reasonable levels of patient compliance, and there is a relationship between medicine use and health improvements that is not explained by other factors; (2) ecological evidence of improvements in these health outcomes in the population in which the medicine is used. Confidence in these inferences would be increased by: the replication of these results in comparable countries and consistent trends in population vital statistics in countries that have introduced the medicine; and epidemiological modelling indicating that changes observed in population health outcomes are plausible given the epidemiology of the condition being treated

    Multimodality approach of perioperative 18F-FDG PET/CT imaging, intraoperative 18F-FDG handheld gamma probe detection, and intraoperative ultrasound for tumor localization and verification of resection of all sites of hypermetabolic activity in a case of occult recurrent metastatic melanoma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The use of diagnostic <sup>18</sup>F-fluorodeoxyglucose (<sup>18</sup>F-FDG) positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) imaging for the staging, restaging, and treatment monitoring of melanoma patients has become a well-recognized standard of care. It plays a key role in detecting sites of occult disease and is widely utilized in the medical and surgical planning of such patients. In the current report, we describe an innovative multimodality approach of perioperative <sup>18</sup>F-FDG PET/CT imaging, intraoperative <sup>18</sup>F-FDG handheld gamma probe detection, and intraoperative ultrasound for tumor localization and verification of resection of all sites of hypermetabolic tumor foci in a case of occult recurrent metastatic melanoma.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>This report discusses a case of occult recurrent metastatic melanoma, isolated to three separate sites within the subcutaneous tissues of the left thigh region, which was not clinically apparent but was found on diagnostic restaging whole body <sup>18</sup>F-FDG PET/CT scan utilizing an intravenous injection of 14.8 mCi <sup>18</sup>F-FDG. Then, on the day of surgery, the patient received an intravenous injection of 12.8 mCi <sup>18</sup>F-FDG. A multimodality approach of intraoperative handheld gamma probe detection, intraoperative ultrasound tumor localization, specimen PET/CT imaging, and postoperative PET/CT imaging was utilized for accomplishing and verifying the excision of all three sites of occult recurrent metastatic melanoma within the left thigh region.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This innovative multimodality approach of perioperative <sup>18</sup>F-FDG PET/CT imaging, intraoperative <sup>18</sup>F-FDG handheld gamma probe detection, and intraoperative ultrasound is promising combined technology for aiding in tumor localization and verification of excision and may ultimately impact positively upon long-term outcome of selected patients.</p

    Neural development features: Spatio-temporal development of the Caenorhabditis elegans neuronal network

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    The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, with information on neural connectivity, three-dimensional position and cell linage provides a unique system for understanding the development of neural networks. Although C. elegans has been widely studied in the past, we present the first statistical study from a developmental perspective, with findings that raise interesting suggestions on the establishment of long-distance connections and network hubs. Here, we analyze the neuro-development for temporal and spatial features, using birth times of neurons and their three-dimensional positions. Comparisons of growth in C. elegans with random spatial network growth highlight two findings relevant to neural network development. First, most neurons which are linked by long-distance connections are born around the same time and early on, suggesting the possibility of early contact or interaction between connected neurons during development. Second, early-born neurons are more highly connected (tendency to form hubs) than later born neurons. This indicates that the longer time frame available to them might underlie high connectivity. Both outcomes are not observed for random connection formation. The study finds that around one-third of electrically coupled long-range connections are late forming, raising the question of what mechanisms are involved in ensuring their accuracy, particularly in light of the extremely invariant connectivity observed in C. elegans. In conclusion, the sequence of neural network development highlights the possibility of early contact or interaction in securing long-distance and high-degree connectivity

    Implementation of routine outcome measurement in child and adolescent mental health services in the United Kingdom: a critical perspective

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    The aim of this commentary is to provide an overview of clinical outcome measures that are currently recommended for use in UK Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS), focusing on measures that are applicable across a wide range of conditions with established validity and reliability, or innovative in their design. We also provide an overview of the barriers and drivers to the use of Routine Outcome Measurement (ROM) in clinical practice

    Cell culture-based analysis of postsynaptic membrane assembly in muscle cells

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    We report a method for studying postsynaptic membrane assembly utilizing the replating of aneural cultures of differentiated skeletal muscle cells onto laminin-coated surfaces. A significant limitation to the current cell culturebased approaches has been their inability to recapitulate the multistage surface acetylcholine receptor (AChR) redistribution events that produce complex AChR clusters found at the intact neuromuscular junction (NMJ). By taking advantage of the ability of substrate laminin to induce advanced maturation of AChR aggregates on the surface of myotubes, we have developed a secondary-plating method that allows more precise analysis of the signaling events connecting substrate laminin stimulation to complex AChR cluster formation. We validate the utility of this method for biochemical and microscopy studies by demonstrating the roles of RhoGTPases in substrate laminin-induced complex cluster assembly

    Sr-Nd isotope geochemistry of the early Precambrian sub-alkaline mafic igneous rocks from the southern Bastar craton, Central India

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    Sr–Nd isotope data are reported for the early Precambrian sub-alkaline mafic igneous rocks of the southern Bastar craton, central India. These mafic rocks are mostly dykes but there are a few volcanic exposures. Field relationships together with the petrological and geochemical characteristics of these mafic dykes divide them into two groups; Meso-Neoarchaean sub-alkaline mafic dykes (BD1) and Paleoproterozoic (1.88 Ga) sub-alkaline mafic dykes (BD2). The mafic volcanics are Neoarchaean in age and have very close geochemical relationships with the BD1 type. The two groups have distinctly different concentrations of high-field strength (HFSE) and rare earth elements (REE). The BD2 dykes have higher concentrations of HFSE and REE than the BD1 dykes and associated volcanics and both groups have very distinctive petrogenetic histories. These rocks display a limited range of initial 143Nd/144Nd but a wide range of apparent initial 87Sr/86Sr. Initial 143Nd/144Nd values in the BD1 dykes and associated volcanics vary between 0.509149 and 0.509466 and in the BD2 dykes the variation is between 0.510303 and 0.510511. All samples have positive &#949;Nd values the BD1 dykes and associated volcanics have &#949;Nd values between +0.3 and +6.5 and the BD2 dykes between +1.9 to +6.0. Trace element and Nd isotope data do not suggest severe crustal contamination during the emplacement of the studied rocks. The positive &#949;Nd values suggest their derivation from a depleted mantle source. Overlapping positive &#949;Nd values suggest that a similar mantle source tapped by variable melt fractions at different times was responsible for the genesis of BD1 (and associated volcanics) and BD2 mafic dykes. The Rb–Sr system is susceptible to alteration and resetting during post-magmatic alteration and metamorphism. Many of the samples studied have anomalous apparent initial 87Sr/86Sr suggesting post-magmatic changes of the Rb–Sr system which severely restricts the use of Rb–Sr for petrogenetic interpretation

    2, 4-Diamino-6- hydroxy pyrimidine inhibits NSAIDs induced nitrosyl-complex EPR signals and ulcer in rat jejunum

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    BACKGROUND: It has been suggested that one aspect of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs induced intestinal damage is due to either uncoupling of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation or inhibition of electron transport. We investigated the latter possibility using electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. RESULTS: Electron paramagnetic studies of NSAIDS on sub-mitochondrial particles revealed that indomethacin, but not with nabumetone, bound to a site near to Complex I and ubiquinone to generate a radical species. Normal rats exhibited prominent [3Fe-4S]ox signals (g ~ 2.01) at 20 K. One hour after indomethacin there was a prominent, intense and broad absorption pattern at (g ~2.07) suggesting, appearance of radical species overlapping [3Fe-4S]ox and was unaffected by pretreatment with 2,4 diamino -6-hydroxy pyrimidine. At 24 hrs, when macroscopic ulcers were seen, there was a new signal due to a nitric oxide radical (NO•). In contrast, nabumetone and 2,4 diamino-6-hydroxy pyrimidine pre-treated animals receiving indomethacin exhibited electron paramagnetic resonance spectra identical to those of controls at 24 hrs and neither was associated with small intestinal ulcers. Indomethacin and 2,4 diamino hydroxy pyrimidine pre-treated rats, but not nabumetone, had increased intestinal permeability. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that the in vivo effects of indomethacin modulate the mitochondrial respiratory chain directly at 1 h and 24 h through formation of nitric oxide. NO• appears to play an important role in the late pathogenic stages of NSAID enteropathy and may be the site for targeted treatment to reduce their toxicity
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