5 research outputs found
Oligonucleotide Fingerprinting in the Investigations of Outbreaks of Viral Disease
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1986
- Field of study
Intratypic differentiation of polioviruses
- Author
- A Fogel
- ADME Osterhaus
- AL Wezel van
- BK Nottay
- C-F Yang
- E Wecker
- EE Silva Da
- F Petitjean
- H Whittle
- I Yoshioka
- J Balanant
- JH Nakano
- JH Nakano
- M Ferguson
- M Vogt
- OM Kew
- PD Minor
- PD Minor
- R Crainic
- R Crainic
- R Rico-Hesse
- R Thomsson
- VY Pervikov
- WD McBride
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization
- YF Lee
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1993
- Field of study
Natural evolution of oral vaccine poliovirus strains
- Author
- />WHO
- A Nomoto
- A Villaverde
- AB Sabin
- AB Sabin
- AC Palmenberg
- ADME Osterhaus
- AJ Macadam
- AL Wezel Van
- B Blondel
- BK Nottay
- BM Nkowane
- C Christodoulou
- CA Quadros De
- CD Ward
- CF Yang
- D Otelea
- DMA Evans
- E Domingo
- EE Silva Da
- F Assaad
- G Hirst
- G Koike
- GY Lipskaia
- H Agut
- H Toyoda
- J Almond
- J Balanant
- JH Nakano
- JJ Holland
- JL Melnick
- JM Hogle
- KM Chumakov
- L Kinnunen
- M Ferguson
- M Kohara
- MD Ryan
- MG Rossamann
- MMC Lai
- N Cammack
- N Kawamura
- N Kitamura
- O Kew
- OM Kew
- OM Kew
- PD Minor
- PD Minor
- PF Wright
- PJ Hughes
- R Crainic
- R Rico-Hesse
- RR Rueckert
- T Hovi
- T Omata
- VR Racaniello
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1993
- Field of study
Current Status and Future of Polio Vaccines and Vaccination
- Author
- A Rowe
- AB Baker
- AB Sabin
- AB Sabin
- AB Sabin
- AB Sabin
- AB Sabin
- AB Sabin
- AB Sabin
- AB Sabin
- AJ Macadam
- AJ Macadam
- AL Wezel van
- AP Ivanov
- B Cernáková
- BK Nottay
- BP Sanders
- C Edens
- C Lopez
- C Porta
- C Runckel
- CA Quadros de
- CA Quadros de
- CC Burns
- CC Burns
- CC Burns
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- D Bodian
- D Soonawala
- E Ehrenfeld
- E Ehrenfeld
- EA Korotkova
- EM Dragunsky
- EM Dragunsky
- EY Dobrikova
- FM Burnet
- G Kaura
- GA Gutman
- H Koprowski
- H Shimizu
- H Toyoda
- I Arita
- J Cadorna-Carlos
- J Cello
- J Heine
- J Jorba
- J MartĂn
- J Westdijk
- J Westdijk
- JF Enders
- JF Enders
- JF Kessel
- JJ Putnam
- JK Andrus
- JK Pfeiffer
- JP Leake
- JR Coleman
- K Chumakov
- K Chumakov
- K Chumakov
- K Landsteiner
- KM O’Reilly
- KS Nelson
- L Hampton
- LE Davis
- LN Alexander
- M Brodie
- M Brodie
- M Furione
- M Gromeier
- M Pilar Martin del
- M Vignuzzi
- M Vignuzzi
- MA Pallansch
- MP Chumakov
- MS Collett
- N Combelas
- N Nasr El-Sayed
- N Nathanson
- N Nathanson
- N Nathanson
- NC Grassly
- NC Grassly
- O Kew
- OM Kew
- OM Kew
- P Minor
- P Minor
- P Verdijk
- P Verdijk
- PA Offit
- PA Patriarca
- PD Cooper
- PF Wright
- RD Feigin
- S Blomqvist
- S Flexner
- S Flexner
- S Guest
- S Hidalgo
- S Mueller
- S Resik
- S Resik
- S Wassilak
- SC Arya
- SD Kramer
- SE Kauder
- SL Baldwin
- SS Blume
- T-W Chang
- TJ John
- TJ John
- V Cornil
- VI Agol
- VI Agol
- VI Agol
- VR Racaniello
- W Dowdle
- WM Hammon
- World Health Organization
- WR Dowdle
- WR Dowdle
- WR Dowdle
- Y Doi
- Y Hiraishi
- Y Tano
- YC Kim
- Z Chen
- Z Chen
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Enteroviruses: Polio
- Author
- A Bellmunt
- A Hagiwara
- A Huovilainen
- A Nomoto
- A Nomoto
- A Palmenberg
- A Shelokov
- A Wringe
- AA Haller
- AB Sabin
- AB Sabin
- AB Sabin
- AB Sabin
- AB Sabin
- AB Sabin
- AB Sabin
- AB Sabin
- ADME Osterhaus
- AF Peart
- AJ Macadam
- AJ Macadam
- AJ Macadam
- AJ Mohammed
- AL Wezel van
- AL Wezel van
- AMM Payne
- AR Muzychenko
- AS DeVries
- AV Paul
- B Aylward
- B Brown
- B Cernáková
- B Roizman
- B Trevelyan
- B Yang
- BK Nottay
- BM Nkowane
- BP Hull
- BV Mandke
- BW Allmond
- C Armstrong
- C Armstrong
- C Burns
- C Castillo-SolĂłrzano
- C EscarmĂs
- C EstĂvariz
- C Kling
- C MacLennan
- C Runckel
- C Wallis
- C-F Yang
- C-F Yang
- C-F Yang
- C-F Yang
- CA Quadros de
- CA Quadros de
- CC Burns
- CC Dauer
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- CF EstĂvariz
- CH Lavinder
- CI Emerson
- CL Mendelsohn
- Committee on Typing of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis
- CP Li
- CP Li
- CP Li
- CS Caverly
- D Bodian
- D Bodian
- D Bodian
- D Bodian
- D Rousset
- D Yan
- DA Featherstone
- DA Miller
- DJ Filman
- DJ Wood
- DL Heymann
- DM Belnap
- DM Horstmann
- DM Oshinsky
- DR Kilpatrick
- DR Kilpatrick
- DR Kilpatrick
- DR Kilpatrick
- DR Kilpatrick
- DR Prevots
- E Anis
- E Cherkasova
- E Domingo
- E Domingo
- E MartĂnez-Salas
- E Vidor
- E Wimmer
- E Wimmer
- EA Korotkova
- EA Tolskaya
- F Fenner
- F-C Ku
- FC Robbins
- FC Robbins
- FD Adu
- FM Burnet
- FM LaForce
- FO MacCallum
- FO MacCallum
- FP Pinheiro
- FS Rosen
- G Draper
- G Liao
- G Stanway
- G Tambini
- GD Westrop
- GL Bouvier Le
- GM Jenkins
- GS Page
- GV Gavrilin
- GV Rezapkin
- GY Lipskaya
- GY Lipskaya
- H Afif
- H Bijkerk
- H Koprowski
- H Levy
- H Shimizu
- H Shimojo
- H Toyoda
- H Yoshida
- H-M Liu
- H-M Liu
- HA Howe
- HA Howe
- HA Pigman
- HE Gary Jr
- HE Jenkins
- HF Hull
- HG Avoort van der
- HGAM Avoort van der
- HJ Eggers
- HM Gelfand
- I Arita
- I Wickman
- IM Morgan
- J Balanant
- J Enders
- J Harber
- J Heine
- J Hemmes
- J Jorba
- J MartĂn
- J MartĂn
- J MartĂn
- J Ramlow
- J Sever
- J Singh
- J Smith
- J Uhlig
- J Zhang
- JA Kolmer
- JB Risi
- JC Torre de la
- JD Dougherty
- JD Poland
- JD Trask
- JD Trask
- JE Salk
- JF Enders
- JG Breman
- JH Nakano
- JHS Gear
- JJ Arnold
- JJ Holland
- JK Andrus
- JK Andrus
- JK Odoom
- JL Melnick
- JL Melnick
- JL Melnick
- JL Melnick
- JL Melnick
- JL Melnick
- JL Melnick
- JL Melnick
- JL Melnick
- JL Melnick
- JL Melnick
- JL Melnick
- JL Melnick
- JM Bergelson
- JM Deshpande
- JM Deshpande
- JM Hogle
- JM Hogle
- JM Morvan
- JM Rozovics
- JP Alexander
- JP Alexander Jr
- JP Leake
- JP Nolan
- JR Paul
- JR Paul
- JR Paul
- JR Paul
- JW Drake
- K Banerjee
- K Chumakov
- K Esteves
- K Kirkegaard
- K Labadie
- K Landsteiner
- K-A Wang
- KA Hennessey
- KA Kohler
- KM Chumakov
- KM O’Reilly
- KM Thompson
- KN Lentz
- L Bassioni El
- L De
- L De
- L Shulman
- L Terry
- LB Schonberger
- LB Schonberger
- LB Schonberger
- LM Shulman
- LM Shulman
- LN Alexander
- M Angez
- M Arita
- M Arita
- M Brodie
- M Böttiger
- M Ferguson
- M Ferguson
- M Gromeier
- M Gromeier
- M Gromeier
- M Habib
- M Ida-Hosonuma
- M Ida-Hosonuma
- M Kojouharova
- M Rakoto-Andrianarivelo
- M Roca-Garcia
- M Roivainen
- M Tardy-Panit
- M Theiler
- M Theiler
- M Underwood
- M Vignuzzi
- M-J Freyche
- MA Pallansch
- MA Pallansch
- MB Gregg
- MC Dalakas
- ME Birmingham
- ME Morbeck
- MF Paccaud
- MJ Bouchard
- MK Maier
- MK Patel
- ML Yakovenko
- MM Georgescu
- MN Mulders
- MN Mulders
- MN Mulders
- MO Onadeko
- MP Chumakov
- MR Smallman-Raynor
- MS Oberste
- N Cammack
- N Combelas
- N El-Sayed
- N El-Sayed
- N Gumede
- N Jesus De
- N Kawamura
- N Khetsuriani
- N Kitamura
- N Nathanson
- N Nathanson
- N Nathanson
- N Nathanson
- N Nathanson
- N Nathanson
- N Oker-Blom
- N Parvaneh
- NC Grassly
- NJ Knowles
- NS Cuervo
- O Kew
- OM Kew
- OM Kew
- OM Kew
- OM Kew
- OM Kew
- OM Kew
- P Drinker
- P Minor
- P Más Lago
- P Más Lago
- P Más Lago
- P Tharmaphornpilas
- P Verdijk
- PA Offit
- PA Patriarca
- PA Patriarca
- Pan American Health Organization
- PD Cooper
- PD Minor
- PD Minor
- PD Minor
- PD Minor
- PD Minor
- PD Minor
- PD Minor
- PD Minor
- PD Minor
- PEM Fine
- PFK Yong
- PL Ogra
- PL Ogra
- PL Ogra
- PL Ogra
- PM Oostvogel
- PM Strebel
- PV Varughese
- QS Huang
- R Basu
- R Crainic
- R Joce
- R Kim-Farley
- R Ren
- R Ren
- R Rico-Hesse
- R Silva de
- RB Aylward
- RE Serfling
- RH Bernier
- RH Henderson
- RH Tangermann
- RJ Duintjer Tebbens
- RJ Kim-Farley
- RJ Kim-Farley
- RM McAllister
- RN Basu
- RR Cruz
- RR Rueckert
- RR Rueckert
- RS Paffenbarger Jr
- RW Sutter
- RW Sutter
- RW Sutter
- RW Sutter
- RW Sutter
- S Blomqvist
- S Crotty
- S Crotty
- S Flexner
- S Guest
- S Guillot
- S Hidalgo
- S Jegouic
- S Khan
- S Koike
- S Koike
- S Mueller
- S Mueller
- S Mueller
- S Ofosu-Amaah
- S Ohka
- S Resik
- S Resik
- S Shahmahmoodi
- S Shahmahmoodi
- S Wassilak
- SA Misbah
- SE Reef
- SH Moses
- SJ Doshi
- SL Cochi
- SL Plotkin
- SS Nadkarni
- T Francis Jr
- T Hovi
- T Hovi
- T Omata
- T Pöyry
- T Pöyry
- T Yoneyama
- TJ John
- TJ John
- United States Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service
- United States Public Health Service
- VI Agol
- VI Agol
- VJ Cabasso
- VR Racaniello
- VR Racaniello
- VR Racaniello
- VR Racaniello
- VR Racaniello
- VR Wells
- W Melchers
- WC Cockburn
- WHO Collaborative Study Group on Oral and Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccines
- WHO Consultative Group
- WL Aycock
- WM Hammon
- World Health Assembly
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization
- WR Dowdle
- WR Dowdle
- WR Dowdle
- WR Dowdle
- X Liang
- Y Chiba
- Y He
- Y Manor
- Y Manor
- Y Svitkin
- Y Tano
- Y-N He
- ZC Chen
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study