44 research outputs found

    An X-ray Outburst from the Rapidly Accreting Young Star That Illuminates McNeil's Nebula

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    Young, low-mass stars are luminous X-ray sources whose powerful X-ray flares may exert a profound influence over the process of planet formation. The origin of such emission is uncertain. Although many or perhaps most recently formed, low-mass stars emit X-rays as a consequence of solar-like coronal activity, it has also been suggested that X-ray emission may be a direct result of mass accretion onto the forming star. Here we report X-ray imaging spectroscopy observations which reveal a factor ~50 increase in the X-ray flux from a young star that is presently undergoing a spectacular optical/IR outburst. The outburst is thought to be due to the sudden onset of a phase of rapid accretion. The coincidence of a surge in X-ray brightness with the optical/IR eruption demonstrates that strongly enhanced high-energy emission from young stars can occur as a consequence of high accretion rates. We suggest that such accretion- enhanced X-ray emission from erupting young stars may be short-lived, because intense star-disk magnetospheric interactions are quenched rapidly by the subsequent accretion flood.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures; published in Natur

    Stage and treatment variation with age in postmenopausal women with breast cancer: compliance with guidelines

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    Breast cancer-specific mortality is static in older women despite having fallen in younger age groups, possibly due to lack of screening and differences in treatment. This study compared stage and treatment between two cohorts of postmenopausal women (55–69 vs 470 years) in a single cancer network over 6 months. A total of 378 patients were studied (470: N ÂŒ 167, 55–69 years: N ÂŒ 210). Older women presented with more advanced disease (470: metastatic/locally advanced 12%, 55–69 years: 3%, Po0.01). Those with operable cancer had a worse prognosis (Nottingham Prognostic Index (NPI) 470: median NPI 4.4, 55–69 years: 4.25, Po0.03). These stage differences were partially explained by higher screening rates in the younger cohort. Primary endocrine therapy was used in 42% of older patients compared with 3% in the younger group (Po0.001). Older women with cancers suitable for breast conservation were more likely to choose mastectomy (470: 57.5% mastectomy rate vs 55–69 years: 20.6%, Po0.01). Nodal surgery was less frequent in older patients (470: 6.7% no nodal surgery, 55–69 years: 0.5%, Po0.01) and was more likely to be inadequate (470: 10.7% o4 nodes excised, 55–69 years: 3.4%, Po0.02). In summary, older women presented with more advanced breast cancer, than younger postmenopausal women and were treated less comprehensively

    The First Decade of Science with Chandra and XMM-Newton

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    NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and ESA's XMM-Newton made their first observations one decade ago. The unprecedented and complementary capabilities of these observatories to detect, image, and measure the energy of cosmic X-rays, achieved less than 50 years after the first detection of an extra-solar X-ray source, represent an increase in sensitivity comparable in going from naked-eye observations to the most powerful optical telescopes over the past 400 years! In this review, we highlight some of the many discoveries made by Chandra and XMM-Newton that have transformed 21st century astronomy and briefly discuss prospects for future research.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures, published in Natur

    Past, Present, and Future X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Missions

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    X- and -ray astronomy began in the early sixties of the last century with balloons flights, sounding rocket experiment and satellites. Long before space satellite detected X- and -rays emitted by cosmic sources, scientists had known that the Universe should be producing these photons. In this chapter we provided an overview of past and present missions that has made the X- and -ray astronomy an integral part of astronomical research, and prospects of future developments

    Improving the management of people with a family history of breast cancer in primary care: before and after study of audit-based education

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