8,628 research outputs found

    Long-Term Unemployment and Subsidizing Vacancies in a Growth-Matching Model

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    How can long-term unemployment be reduced by policy measures of the government? In this paper a growth-matching-model is developed, in which the unemployment pool consists of heterogeneous unemployed workers, short-term and long-term unemployed, and with an endogenous skill-depreciation of the long-term unemployed emerging as technical progress accelerates. For innovation countries characterized by rapid technical progress we show that through subsidizing vacancy creation which causes a substitution and an income effect long-term unemployment can be reduced. Since the positive substitution effect implied by subsidizing vacancy creation outweighs the negative income effect induced by taxing the household's income, a positive employment effect results leading to additional job-matches and decreasing unemployment duration. Therefore, the introduction of subsidies will be favorable for achieving a reduction in long-term unemployment. Wie kann die Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit durch geeignete Politikmaßnahmen des Staates reduziert werden? In diesem Artikel wird ein Wachstums-Matching-Modell entwickelt, das durch heterogene Arbeitslose - Kurz- und Langzeitarbeitslose - und bei steigendem technischen Fortschritt durch die endogene Abwertung von Fähigkeiten und Fertigkeiten der Langzeitarbeitlosen charakerisiert ist. Für Innovationsländer, die mit akzelerierendem technischen Fortschritt konfrontiert sind, wird gezeigt, dass die Subventionierung von Vakanzen, bei der sowohl ein Substitutions- wie auch ein Einkommenseffekt entsteht, eine Reduzierung der Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit impliziert. Da der positive aus der Vakanzsubventionierung resultierende Substitutionseffekt den negativen Einkommenseffekt, der durch die Besteuerung der Einkommen verursacht wird, überwiegt, wird ein positiver Beschäftigungseffekt generiert. Dieser positive Beschäftigungseffekt führt zu zusätzlichen Job-Matchings und sinkender Arbeitslosigkeitsdauer. Somit kann der Staat mit Hilfe der Subventionierung von Vakanzen, eine Verringerung der Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit erreichen.long-term unemployment, growth, search, matching, subsidies, Labor and Human Capital, E24, J41, O41,

    Qualification-Mismatch and Long-Term Unemployment in a Growth-Matching Model

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    How does technical progress affect long-term unemployment? The relationship between long-term unemployment and the rate of growth attributable to technical progress is evaluated in a growth-matching-model with heterogeneous jobless workers and with endogenously determined long-term unemployed resulting from skill-depreciation. For innovation economies characterized by high steady-state levels of capital intensities the model shows that, due to a capitalization effect and a qualification-mismatch effect, increasing technological progress has adverse implications for long-term unemployment. Furthermore, for imitation economies with low steady-state capital intensities increasing technological progress can be either favorable or less favorable for long-term unemployment depending on whether the creative destruction effect or the capitalization effect dominates. Wie beeinflusst der technische Fortschritt die Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit? Die Beziehung zwischen Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit und der Wachstumsrate des technischen Fortschritts wird in einem Wachstums-Matching-Modell mit heterogenen Arbeitslosen und mit endogen bestimmter Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit, die auf Qualifikationsverlust zurückzuführen ist, analysiert. Für Innovationsländer, die durch hohe gleichgewichtige Kapitalintensitäten charakterisiert werden können, wird in dem Model gezeigt, dass steigender technischer Fortschritt aufgrund eines Kapitalisierungs- und eines Qualifikations-Mismatch- Effekts negative Implikationen für die Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit hat. Für Imitationsländer mit einer geringen gleichgewichtigen Kapitalintensität kann beschleunigter technischer Fortschritt positiv oder negativ auf die Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit wirken, je nachdem, ob der Effekt der kreativen Zerstörung oder der Kapitalisierungseffekt dominiert.long-term unemployment, mismatch, growth, search, matching, Labor and Human Capital, E24, J41, O41,

    Method to Find the VARs Easily

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    The paper shows an easy method to get the impulse responses of VARs of a stochastic recursive dynamic macro model by defining the transition matrix and the stationary distribution function of a model using the model, i.e. economic theory, itself.

    Commercial Applications Multispectral Sensor System

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    NASA's Office of Commercial Programs is funding a multispectral sensor system to be used in the development of remote sensing applications. The Airborne Terrestrial Applications Sensor (ATLAS) is designed to provide versatility in acquiring spectral and spatial information. The ATLAS system will be a test bed for the development of specifications for airborne and spaceborne remote sensing instrumentation for dedicated applications. This objective requires spectral coverage from the visible through thermal infrared wavelengths, variable spatial resolution from 2-25 meters; high geometric and geo-location accuracy; on-board radiometric calibration; digital recording; and optimized performance for minimized cost, size, and weight. ATLAS is scheduled to be available in 3rd quarter 1992 for acquisition of data for applications such as environmental monitoring, facilities management, geographic information systems data base development, and mineral exploration

    Combining explicit and implicit measures to study the effects of persuasive games

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    Understanding how games influence players is an integral part of persuasive game design. However, evaluating player attitudes to determine the success of a persuasive game can be difficult, e.g., if games deal with sensitive topics that invite socially desirable answers to explicit measures such as questionnaires. In this paper, we discuss the application of an implicit measure – the Implicit Association Test – to support explicit data, and to help game designers and games user researchers better understand the effects of persuasive games on player attitudes

    Role of Reconnection in AGN Jets

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    We discuss the possible role of reconnection in electro-magnetically dominated cores of relativistic AGN jets. We suggest that reconnection may proceed in a two-fold fashion: initial explosive collapse on the Alfven time-scale of a current-carrying jet (which is of the order of the light crossing time) and subsequent slow quasi-steady reconnection. Sites of explosive collapse are associated with bright knots, while steady-state reconnection re-energizes particles in the ``bridges'' between the knots. Ohmic dissipation in reconnection layers leads to particle acceleration either by inductive electric fields or by stochastic particle acceleration in the ensuing electro-magnetic turbulence.Comment: 4 pages, Proceedings of the conference "The Physics of Relativistic Jets in the CHANDRA and XMM Era", 23-27 September 2002, Bologn

    Coordination Chemistry of Perhalogenated Cyclopentadienes and Alkynes. 17. Reaction of Dichloroethyne With Platinum(0) Phosphine Complexes: Formation of a .pi.-Complex, Isomerization to .beta.-Chloroethynyl Complexes, and Syntheses of Diplatinioethyne Derivatives. Molecular Structures of (Ph3P)2Pt(.eta.2-ClC.tplbond.CCl) and Cl(Ph3P)2PtC.tplbond.CPt(PPh3)2Cl

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    Dichloroethyne ClCECCl reacts with Pt(PPh3)2(C2H4) or Pt(PPh& to give the a-complex Pt(PPh3)2(+21C=CC1) (l),w hich can be isomerized by prolonged refluxing in toluene to trans- (Ph3P)zC1Pt-C==CC1 (2). 2 easily undergoes exchange reactions with alkylphosphines and with halide anions to yield trans-(R3P)2ClPt-C=CCl (R = Et (3)) Bu (4)) and trans-(Ph3P)z- (X)Pt-C=CCl (X = F (5a), Br (5b), I (5c)), respectively. The alkylphosphine complexes 3 and 4 can also be obtained by reaction of Pt(PR3)4 (R = Et, “Bu) with ClCECCl or from 1 and the corresponding phosphine. When Pt(PPh&(CzH4) is added to a solution of 3, a dinuclear complex 6 is formed, in which the C=C-Cl group acts as a a,a-bridging ligand. Upon standing, oxidative addition of the remaining C-C1 bond occurs and the p-ethynediyl complex trans- C1(R3P)2Pt-C=C-Pt(PPh3)2C1-Cis (R = Et (7a)) can be obtained. The corresponding p-ethynediyl complex 7b (R = Ph) is formed directly from 2 and Pt(PPh&(CzH4). 7b isomerizes upon heating in toluene to the symmetrical all-trans isomer 8. The molecular structures of 1 and 8 were determined by X-ray diffraction (1: C ~ ~ H ~ ~ C ~ Z P ~ Pa ~=C 10H.3Z11C(3~) AZ,, b = 10.392(4) A, c = 33.675(16) A, P = 90.17(3)’, monoclinic, P21/n, 2 = 4. 8: C74H&1zP4Ptz9 a = 12.938(2) A, b = 19.964(3) A, c = 24.844(3) A, P = 96.14(1)’, monoclinic, C2/c, 2 = 4)
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