61 research outputs found
Pengaruh Wisata Petik Jambu (Agrowisata) terhadap Pemberdayaan dan Perubahan Sosial Masyarakat di Desa Bumiaji Kecamatan Bumiaji Kota Batu
Village district Bumiaji, Batu 2) to know theeffect of Guava\u27s fruit picking tourism(eco-tourism) on the empowerment of people in Bumiaji, Batu 3) to determine the impact of social change in Bumiaji, Batu. This research was conducted in a quantitative study. The sample determination used random sampling. Meanwhile the data collection technique used was questionnaire. The data analysis method was Simple Linear Regression by using SPSS. Based on the results of analysis, it showed that a linear regression equation (agro-tourism) (X) to empowerment (Y1) of 0.604,while (agro-tourism) (X) to social change (Y2) with a value of 0.574. The research proved thatGuava\u27s fruit picking tourism management as much as 63.6% involve the community through agricultural socialization and regarded as good because there was a change in terms of meeting the needs or the revenue from agricultural products . T test results proved that agro-tourism significantly effected community\u27s development in the village of Bumiaji, Batu with t-count (3.465)> t table (1.658) significantly by 0.001. (Agro-torusim) towards social change t-count (2.767)> t table (1.658) Significant 0.004.
Keywords: Agro-tourism, empowerment, social chang
Pengaruh Quality of Worklife Dan Kompetensi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan (Studi Kasus CV Rgr Indrako Swalayan Teluk Kuantan )
The objectives of this study were to analyze and find out the influence of quality of worklife to the employees performance, to analyze and find out the influence of competence to the employees performance and to analyze and find out the influence of Quality of Worklife and competence to the employees performance in CV RGR Indrako Swalayan Teluk Kuantan, located in Ahmad Yani Street, Kuantan Tengah district, Kuantan Singingi Regency Riau Province. The samples of this study were 46 employees of CV RGR Indrako Swalayan Teluk Kuantan and taken by census. The data analysis was done by SPSS ver. 20.0 by using validity and reliability test, determination test, t-test, F-test, simple regression, and multiple linear regression. This study found first, quality of worklife significantly influenced the employees performance in CV RGR Indrako Swalayan Teluk Kuantan. Second, competence significantly influeced the employees performance in CV RGR Indrako Swalayan Teluk Kuantan and third quality of worklife and competence significantly with simultanouesly influenced the employees perfomance in CV RGR Indrako Swalayan Teluk Kuanta
Evaluasi Hasil Aplikasi Hydraulic Fracturing Pada Reservoir Karbonat Sumur Bcn-28 Di Struktur App PT Pertamina Ep Asset 2 Pendopo Field
PT Pertamina EP dalam rangka mengoptimalkan produksi melakukan berbagai inovasi terhadap sumur di struktur APP, termasuk salah satunya di sumur BCN-28. Sumur BCN-28 memiliki permeabilitas rendah yaitu 5 mD, cadangan sisa 201 MSTB dengan tekanan reservoir 1721 sedangkan laju aktualnya hanya 8 bopd, sehingga pada tanggal 25 Agustus 2012 dilakukan hydraulic fracturing. Hydraulic fracturing harus di evaluasi keberhasilannya untuk dapat dijadikan refrensi. Dalam evaluasi keberhasilan hydraulic fracturing dengan menggunakan data produksi, data reservoir dan geometri rekah, akan dilihat model rekahan, indeks produktivitas yang dihasilkan dari geometri rekahan, pengaruh proses hydraulic fracturing terhadap permeabilitas formasi serta kurva IPR setelah dilakukan hydraulic fracturing. Secara umum tahapan pada hydraulic fracturing adalah tubing pressure test, tubing pickling, step rate test, minifrac dan mainfrac. Pada proses hydraulic fracturing data dianalisa dengan anggapan bahwa model rekahan yang dapat terbentuk adalah model 2D, yaitu model PKN (Perkins, Kern & Nordgren). Analisa model PKN tersebut menghasilkan geometri rekahan (xf, hf, dan wf). Selanjutnya digunakan untuk memperkirakan perbandingan indeks produktivitas (J/Jo) dengan metoda CSD (Cinco-Ley, Samaniego dan Dominique) dan persamaan vogel. Analisis yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan laju produksi sebesar 109 BOPD, perkiraan indeks produktivitas pada sumur BCN-28 dengan metoda CSD sebesar 2.28 sedangkan persamaan vogel didapat productivity index sebesar 1.6 dan perkiraan permeabilitas formasi dengan persamaan Howard and Past sebesar 13.178 md
Uji Efek Ekstrak Umbi Bawang Putih (Allium Sativum L.) Terhadap Kadar Glukosa Darah Tikus Wistar (Rattus Norvegicus) Yang Diinduksi Aloksan
: Garlic (A. sativumL.) is one of many herbal medicine that have been used worldwide to prevent and treat a lot of disease, for example to treat diabetes mellitus. This research aimed to evaluate the effect of garlic bulbs extract administration on elevated blood glucose levels on Wistar rats (R. norvegicus) induced by alloxan. The subjects inthis research were male Wistar rats with total of 18 samples divided into six groups as follows negative control group and five hyperglycemic groups induced by 130 mg/kgBW of alloxan. Garlic bulbs extract was administered with dose of 3 mg/200 gBW of rat, 6 mg/200 gBW of rats, and 12 mg/200 gBW on each groups of hyperglycemic rats, insulin analogue was administered on positive control groups of hyperglycemic rats, and only alloxan was given to the last group. Blood glucose levels was measured on day zero, day one and day two every six hours on 0, 6, 12, 18, and 24. Data from the measurement showed that 6 mg/200 gBW and 12 mg/200 gBW of garlic bulbs extract can reduce elevated blood glucose levels on Wistar rats. Garlic bulbs extract has shown effect on reducing elevated blood glucose levels on Wistar rats induced by alloxan
Alcohol, tobacco and illicit drug use amongst same-sex attracted women: results from the Western Australian Lesbian and Bisexual Women's Health and Well-Being Survey
Background: The prevalence of alcohol, tobacco and illicit drug use has been reported to be higheramongst lesbian and bisexual women (LBW) than their heterosexual counterparts. However, few studieshave been conducted with this population in Australia and rates that have been reported vary considerably.Methods: A self-completed questionnaire exploring a range of health issues was administered to 917women aged 15-65 years (median 34 years) living in Western Australia, who identified as lesbian orbisexual, or reported having sex with another woman. Participants were recruited from a range of settings,including Perth Pride Festival events (67.0%, n = 615), online (13.2%, n = 121), at gay bars and nightclubs(12.9%, n = 118), and through community groups (6.9%, n = 63). Results were compared against availablestate and national surveillance data.Results: LBW reported consuming alcohol more frequently and in greater quantities than women in thegeneral population. A quarter of LBW (25.7%, n = 236) exceeded national alcohol guidelines by consumingmore than four standard drinks on a single occasion, once a week or more. However, only 6.8% (n = 62)described themselves as a heavy drinker, suggesting that exceeding national alcohol guidelines may be anormalised behaviour amongst LBW. Of the 876 women who provided data on tobacco use, 28.1% (n =246) were smokers, nearly double the rate in the female population as a whole. One third of the sample(33.6%, n = 308) reported use of an illicit drug in the previous six months. The illicit drugs most commonlyreported were cannabis (26.4%, n = 242), meth/amphetamine (18.6%, n = 171), and ecstasy (17.9%, n =164). Injecting drug use was reported by 3.5% (n = 32) of participants.Conclusion: LBW appear to use alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs at higher rates than women generally,indicating that mainstream health promotion messages are not reaching this group or are not perceivedas relevant. There is an urgent need for public health practitioners working in the area of substance useto recognise that drug consumption and use patterns of LBW are likely to be different to the widerpopulation and that special considerations and strategies are required to address the unique and complexneeds of this population
Efektivitas Kerja Berdasarkan Budaya dan Komitmen Pegawai Kantor Camat Kotarih, Serdang Bedagai
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh budaya kerja dan komitmen terhadap efektivitas kerja pegawai kantor camat Kotarih, Serdang Bedagai, Sumatera Utara. Jenis penelitian adalah pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 30 orang (sampling jenuh). Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini yaitu wawancara, kuesioner, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Metode analisis data menggunakan regresi linier berganda yang bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh antara variabel independen terhadap variabel dependen. Hasil penelitian melalui uji regresi linier berganda menunjukkan persamaan struktural dengan Y = 7,759 + 0.292 (X1) + 0.505 (X2) + e. Berdasarkan pengujian hipotesis dengan uji t, budaya kerja memiliki pengaruh yang positif dan tidak signifikan terhadap efektivitas kerja pegawai, sedangkan komitmen memiliki pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan terhadap efektivitas kerja pegawai kantor camat kotarih, Serdang Bedagai, Sumatera Utara. Uji secara simultan dengan uji F membuktikan bahwa budaya kerja dan komitmen memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap efektivitas kerja pegawai kantor camat Kotarih, Serdang Bedagai, Sumatera Utara. Pengujian koefisien determinasi dengan menggunakan R2 diperoleh hasil bahwa kontribusi budaya kerja dan komitmen dalam mempengaruhi efektivitas kerja sebesar 45,2%
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