102 research outputs found

    Normal transport properties for a classical particle coupled to a non-Ohmic bath

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    We study the Hamiltonian motion of an ensemble of unconfined classical particles driven by an external field F through a translationally-invariant, thermal array of monochromatic Einstein oscillators. The system does not sustain a stationary state, because the oscillators cannot effectively absorb the energy of high speed particles. We nonetheless show that the system has at all positive temperatures a well-defined low-field mobility over macroscopic time scales of order exp(-c/F). The mobility is independent of F at low fields, and related to the zero-field diffusion constant D through the Einstein relation. The system therefore exhibits normal transport even though the bath obviously has a discrete frequency spectrum (it is simply monochromatic) and is therefore highly non-Ohmic. Such features are usually associated with anomalous transport properties

    Spectral statistics for quantized skew translations on the torus

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    We study the spectral statistics for quantized skew translations on the torus, which are ergodic but not mixing for irrational parameters. It is shown explicitly that in this case the level--spacing distribution and other common spectral statistics, like the number variance, do not exist in the semiclassical limit.Comment: 7 pages. One figure, include

    Classical motion in force fields with short range correlations

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    We study the long time motion of fast particles moving through time-dependent random force fields with correlations that decay rapidly in space, but not necessarily in time. The time dependence of the averaged kinetic energy and mean-squared displacement is shown to exhibit a large degree of universality; it depends only on whether the force is, or is not, a gradient vector field. When it is, p^{2}(t) ~ t^{2/5} independently of the details of the potential and of the space dimension. Motion is then superballistic in one dimension, with q^{2}(t) ~ t^{12/5}, and ballistic in higher dimensions, with q^{2}(t) ~ t^{2}. These predictions are supported by numerical results in one and two dimensions. For force fields not obtained from a potential field, the power laws are different: p^{2}(t) ~ t^{2/3} and q^{2}(t) ~ t^{8/3} in all dimensions d\geq 1

    On a semiclassical formula for non-diagonal matrix elements

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    Let H()=2d2/dx2+V(x)H(\hbar)=-\hbar^2d^2/dx^2+V(x) be a Schr\"odinger operator on the real line, W(x)W(x) be a bounded observable depending only on the coordinate and kk be a fixed integer. Suppose that an energy level EE intersects the potential V(x)V(x) in exactly two turning points and lies below V=lim infxV(x)V_\infty=\liminf_{|x|\to\infty} V(x). We consider the semiclassical limit nn\to\infty, =n0\hbar=\hbar_n\to0 and En=EE_n=E where EnE_n is the nnth eigen-energy of H()H(\hbar). An asymptotic formula for , the non-diagonal matrix elements of W(x)W(x) in the eigenbasis of H()H(\hbar), has been known in the theoretical physics for a long time. Here it is proved in a mathematically rigorous manner.Comment: LaTeX2

    Quantum Iterated Function Systems

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    Iterated functions system (IFS) is defined by specifying a set of functions in a classical phase space, which act randomly on an initial point. In an analogous way, we define a quantum iterated functions system (QIFS), where functions act randomly with prescribed probabilities in the Hilbert space. In a more general setting a QIFS consists of completely positive maps acting in the space of density operators. We present exemplary classical IFSs, the invariant measure of which exhibits fractal structure, and study properties of the corresponding QIFSs and their invariant states.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure include

    Crystal properties of eigenstates for quantum cat maps

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    Using the Bargmann-Husimi representation of quantum mechanics on a torus phase space, we study analytically eigenstates of quantized cat maps. The linearity of these maps implies a close relationship between classically invariant sublattices on the one hand, and the patterns (or `constellations') of Husimi zeros of certain quantum eigenstates on the other hand. For these states, the zero patterns are crystals on the torus. As a consequence, we can compute explicit families of eigenstates for which the zero patterns become uniformly distributed on the torus phase space in the limit 0\hbar\to 0. This result constitutes a first rigorous example of semi-classical equidistribution for Husimi zeros of eigenstates in quantized one-dimensional chaotic systems.Comment: 43 pages, LaTeX, including 7 eps figures Some amendments were made in order to clarify the text, mainly in the 4 first sections. Figures are unchanged. To be published in: Nonlinearit

    Coherent state quantization of a particle in de Sitter space

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    We present a coherent state quantization of the dynamics of a relativistic test particle on a one-sheet hyperboloid embedded in a three-dimensional Minkowski space. The group SO_0(1,2) is considered to be the symmetry group of the system. Our procedure relies on the choice of coherent states of the motion on a circle. The coherent state realization of the principal series representation of SO_0(1,2) seems to be a new result.Comment: Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, vol. 37, in pres

    Gupta-Bleuler quantization for minimally coupled scalar fields in de Sitter space

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    We present in this paper a fully covariant quantization of the minimally-coupled massless field on de Sitter space. We thus obtain a formalism free of any infrared (e.g logarithmic) divergence. Our method is based on a rigorous group theoretical approach combined with a suitable adaptation (Krein spaces) of the Wightman-G\"{a}rding axiomatic for massless fields (Gupta-Bleuler scheme). We make explicit the correspondence between unitary irreducible representations of the de Sitter group and the field theory on de Sitter space-time. The minimally-coupled massless field is associated with a representation which is the lowest term of the discrete series of unitary representations of the de Sitter group. In spite of the presence of negative norm modes in the theory, no negative energy can be measured: expressions as \le n_{k_1}n_{k_2}...|T_{00}|n_{k_1}n_{k_2}...\re are always positive.Comment: 20 pages, appear in class. quantum gra

    Weyl's law and quantum ergodicity for maps with divided phase space

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    For a general class of unitary quantum maps, whose underlying classical phase space is divided into several invariant domains of positive measure, we establish analogues of Weyl's law for the distribution of eigenphases. If the map has one ergodic component, and is periodic on the remaining domains, we prove the Schnirelman-Zelditch-Colin de Verdiere Theorem on the equidistribution of eigenfunctions with respect to the ergodic component of the classical map (quantum ergodicity). We apply our main theorems to quantised linked twist maps on the torus. In the Appendix, S. Zelditch connects these studies to some earlier results on `pimpled spheres' in the setting of Riemannian manifolds. The common feature is a divided phase space with a periodic component.Comment: Colour figures. Black & white figures available at http://www2.maths.bris.ac.uk/~majm. Appendix by Steve Zelditc

    Simple model of big-crunch/big-bang transition

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    We present classical and quantum dynamics of a test particle in the compactified Milne space. Background spacetime includes one compact space dimension undergoing contraction to a point followed by expansion. Quantization consists in finding a self-adjoint representation of the algebra of particle observables. Our model offers some insight into the nature of the cosmic singularity.Comment: 17 pages, no figures, RevTeX4, accepted for publication in Class. Quantum Gra